1939-64- Ireland Flashcards
Ww2 ireland
Eire adopted a position of neurtality
Damaged its relations with british and ulster
De velera been in contact iwth nazi ger
Britain exposed on west to a potential ger attack
Ww2 deal with ireland
Britain tried to strike a deal with eire to get their suppport
Proposition to scrap the partition ad reunite ireland
Littel democratic discussion with ulster
James craig (ni [m) outrage but kept head down and fede back infor de velara deply invoved with hitsler
Would be pointelss tyherefore to allow ireland rreunite
Roumers ww2 ireland
Spread ira involved nazi plot to attack birtain vai ni- designed to unsettle de velar
Ger unlikely to intefrere with ireakdn as would not want to alienate america with irish links
1940-41- reland
Hitler doing well in europe and britain seemed to be losing
De velera did not wanet to join losing side- fr surrendered
1941 churcill treid agian offer de velera unity in opp to histlrr
Results of negotiations with ireland 1940-41
Britian not use irish ports for navy- resulted in loss 368 ships and 5070 lives
Britain left with a poor view eire at end of war- ulster given lab, worker=d hard in harland and wolff shipyard- repair sunken ships
1947- de velera propose unite, britainr efused
1949 ireland act
Ireland act
Ni remains part of uk
Reward loyalty of ulsternman
Why was ai relations worse 1945 than 1930s
Britan tried to impose scrapping partition and reunite ireland- despite little dmeocrtic discourse- britain tried to sieze deal with eire - outrage james craig
James craig exaggerate de velera negotiations with hitler- iraw involved plot with hitler- but de velera did send condolences to histler death
1950s fear extxtremists ni
Extrenist problem
Ulster protestant league increased threat to ulster- split vote
Lab pose threat too
Operation harvest
Ira campaign
Guerilla units in republic with military bases target
Hoped norder ungovernkable so britain withdrsw ansd create united ireland
Rux and army took action blow up border corssing- impassable
16 died- 6 ruc, 10 ira
Increased tensions both sides- catholics cannot be trsuted so more join b-specials
Dispute leading to 1964 sep riots
A detatchment of ruc detailed to by home affairs ministry to remove irish tricolour from divis street- hq of republican party in belfast
Incident took place during uk general- republican mcmillan contesting a west belfast seat
Order issued to appease rev ian paisrly to rmeove flag with his free presbyytarian supporters
If didnt rmeove threat to burn down hq
Flags and emblems act
Act forbade display of flags on private or public buidlinigs and likely cause brach of peace
R felt act understeimate them and suppress nat identuty
Claimed fying flag would provoke and insult loyalty of belfast
What happened with 1964 sep rioyts
Word went out ruc remove flag
2000 r supproters came out blocking road- young lads flying tricolours
Armed police called out- over tohe top
Ruc stormed into republican hq and removed flag
Republican reaction to 1964 riots
Replaced flag with anothr one following day- ruc came with crowbards
Violence broke out- took to streets with stones petrol bombs
30 peopele seriouysly injured- 18 ruc members
blame for 1964 riots
Ian paisley- stirred uyp entrie event by persisnetce
Paisley blaned o neill gov for wesk leadershop
Culture in ni
Welfare state
Nhs reduce detahrate
Some catgolics in ni realised beneifits of welfare state and focus on rights instead nicra- rmeove discrimination
100,000 new houses built
500,000 nat insurance agianst yunemp by 1952
Embracing wwelfare state
Scholarship for bright schildren
Free school meals 1947
Culture in eire
90% catholic
Education and welfare often at hands of churhc
Duvroce and contraception illegal
Law children tought gealic
Health minister browne forced to abandon scheme to give free medical care to mothers and chidren undee r16
Econ ni
Diff eocn of n and s meant econ integration unviable
1950s econ booming
Gov fund industrial devlopment in protestant areas- 4700 new jobs 1946, 111 new facories opend by erly 1960
Eire econ
Limited industry and increasing unemployment
Farmers feeling increasing foriegn comp
Lemass pm 1957
Embaraced fdi and increasing statte spending,tourism expand, set up progress econ developpment
No welfare state
Education discrim
Segregation in most schoools between catholics and portestants- extended to sportsm scoit troops, youth groups
Catholic schools often underfunded
Emp discrim
90% harland and woolf protestant, 94% senior civil serants, 90% ruc
B-specials (provincial volunteer police force) contain venerable fewer catholics than ruc- many jobs allocated on basis of ecommondentaion of employers
Orange oder keen role in recuritment
Catholics xx3 pop unemp
Voting and elections discrim
Gerrymandering- enniskiellin- 20 unionist and 6 nat councillers
Loopholes- closed rest uk- business and graduate plural votig
Police- discrim
Ruc and b speacials- aggresisve in dealibg with catholic comm- growing resentment against nationalist
Investment- discrim
Countries with significant catholic populations such as londonderry, tyrone less idnsurty and ivestment
16/111 factories built in catholic areas
Housing discriimination
Utilised to keep voting no down
Some in rat infested disused army barraks and prefabs
Others in buidlisings should be demolished
Dunganonn- 55% popo nat- 300 cnat council houses given
Derry 2/100 houses went to catholics
Orange order- discrimination
Marches often delibertaley arund catholic areas
Flags and emblems dispute sact 1954 deliberately provocative
Pm 1921-43
Tried calming anti catholic feeling- not in lt
Not promoting changre in gov and gerrymandering
Regain catholics but never gained confoidence= sui[scious limyed
Ira and nazi rumous pusshed
Basil brooke
From trad protestant ai landowning familuy
Openly anti catholic- not same level of commtemnt as ni
Ignored advice from more liberal minded uncompromising = perpetiate ni
Unbending in beliefs
Aristocratic, not as deep hatred but out of touch
Wanted to culturavte better relations with ulster ctaohlics, felt build closer relations with south bouldnt help
Lemass also failed links with ni
Plans abolish business vote- thout at root of catholics dissatisfaction- but didnt go through
Increasingly rev feeling
Upset both disses
Ian paisley
Church minister
Extreme protestant in ulster unionst party
Clale doff loyalist march
Played to crownd and bible readings- preach anti cathoilci from pulpit
Set tone for torubles
Sinn fein- stain with our blood
Literal believing of bible
Pope antichrist and heckled
Encouraged membership uvf
Believed nicra front ira