Reform And Challenge 1851-1886- Ireland Flashcards
Home rule league
Led by protestant lawyer isaac butt
Lang league
Founded by davitt
Impact of famine
Blight on potatoes
1.5 mill irish emigrated mostly to usa and canada by 1851
Many starved to death or succumbed to disease as a result of famine
Extortionate rents name
Rack rents
Quote for failures of landlords
‘Without ever giving anything back’
‘Some cases without ever setting foot on Irish soil’
Pearce and stewart- british political history 1867-2001,2002
Gladstone opinion on land league
‘Criminal conspiracy’
‘Willing to accept that the non-payment of rents was due in part to genuine ‘distress’’
Parnell in parliaent
Fillibuster- one time 41 hours against coercian act
Phoenix park murders
6 may 1882
Sir cavendish- necretary for ireland- nephew murdered in phoenix park in dublin
By ‘invincibles’ formed within fenians
1885- murderers arrested and hanged
Religious reason why gladstone supported irish grievances- hr mobeement
‘Christian morality in public life must be accompanied by full toleratiuon for all other religious denominations’ - j. Lee
Why were first land acts undermined
‘Courts deined ‘exorbiant’ rents in favour of the landlords’
Impact of the Great Famine
Irish potato famine
Led to aorund 1 mill deaths
Further million emigrated to usa
Decrreased pop by 20%
How succesful was gladstones response to irish question 1868-85
How succesful was gladstones response to irish question 1868-85- religion
Religion- fairly sucesful
Disestablishmennt of irish church 1869- dont have to pay tithe if dont attend
How succesful was gladstones response to irish question 1868-85- land
1870- land act
2nd land act
Land war continue
Kilmainham treaty
How succesful was gladstones response to irish question 1868-85- politics
18850 gladstone convert to hr
After pheonix park murder
But not in parliament sentiment yet
Why did gladstone convert to home rule- traditional view
J. Hammond
Gladstone and irish nation
-genuine u=interest in what he saw as legitimate irish grievences
-hr ‘only concievable long-term solution to the irish questoin’.
‘Conversion through conviction’
-‘forced’ to convert through ‘acts of parnell’
Why did gladstone convert to hr- modern
E steel 74
Cooke and vinncennt 74
D homer 78
Why did gladstone convert to hr- e. Steel
Support national self-determination
Eg. Support italian unification
1867-73 publish. Pamphlet on ‘question of the east’ advocationg for the growth of independance of baltic peoples from ottoman empire
Why did gladstone convert to hr- cooke and vincent
The governing passion
-cynical- political tactic
-never suspected to become law
Hol majority conservative
-intended to ‘dish the whigs’ and chamberlain (Radical_
Assume effective control of the liberal party
-‘conversion through convenience’
‘Not passing hr, but carrying out a reorganisation of party structure’
Why did gladstone convert to hr- d. Hamer
G unite liberal party
After successfuly uniting on anti-beaconsfield )anti- imperialism)
Hoped same with hr
Pheonix park murders
Chief secretary of ireland- cavendish and undersecretary murdered in pheonix park by extremist group called invincibles (hr radicals)
Causing an increase in coercive conrol
G shovked at the violence- aim was to pacify ireland trhough hr
Kilmainham treaty
Parnell released from prison - stop land wars
-arrears rent abolished
Kilmainham treaty- impact
Forster reigned as irish chief secretary as not told
Invincibles made responsible for pp
New coercive act passed
Where did land wars start from
After series of poor harvests 1877-79- famine caused
Irish aggriculture also threatened by cheap us imports of wheat
Both meant income for farmers fell resulting in evictions 0 estimated 6000 lost homes
Irish national league
Set up by davitt 1879
Socialist radical redistribution of land
Parnell president
Provided practical help for evicted tenants
Campaign of violence against selected landlords
Supported by wealthy us donors
Encouraged tenants to refuse to work for landlords who charged excessive rents
Home rule movement
1870 isaac butt foudned home rule association
73 home rule league became political party
Supported by catholic church, fenians
1874 ge- 60 irish mps claimed to support movenement
-butt unable to convince disraeli that hr a priority- more moderate
18760 fenians withdrew support- new leader needed- parnell
More confrontational
How important was parnell to hr- was
Formed inl
Kilmainham treaty
‘Crowned king’ of ireland- pubic support
Listened to in parliament0 protestant and aristocrat- filibuster
Catholic church- increase support and education
Distanced himself from davitt- too extremist and violent
How important parnell was to hr - other factors
Political reform- 3rd reform act and secret ballot act- allowed
Potato famine- fenians
Agricultural demise- increase in evictions
Land act failure 1870-1881
Inl balance of power 1888- pressure liberals to support hr
Irish grievance- religion
Coi- portestant state church
Since 1800- act of union
10% tithe payed- would also pay 10% for catholic
90% population catholic- implied catholic religion inferior from gb
Irish grievance- land
Protstant british landowners- absent
Didnt try to make improvements which would increase yeild- machinery
Lots of evictions
3fs0 land league- 1870s- fair rent, fixety of tenure and free sale
Agricultural depression 73- more evictions
1840s famine- fenians in usa
1878- fear another famine
By 1880s wanted nationalisation
Irish grievance politics
Ruled by westminter- protestant
Not helped by 1840 potato famine
Fenians moved ‘leave or die’ but return in 1860s- extremists wanted full nationalisation
Tenant farmers more cobcerned with ‘kniife and fork issue’
Failure of land acts increased support for home rule
Parnell- inl- moved onto home rule- 1885 held balance of power with 86 seats
Only way to solve= hr
Escalated land wars and lead to his imprisonmemt
-aristocrat- demand hr
Negotiated kilmainham treaty
Parnell decision after pp murder
Distance from davitt
Set up inl- so support conservative and liberals needed
Able to be sucessful
3rd reform act- increase electorate 224thousand to 736 thousand
Less pressurre from landowners- secret ballot act
Disestablishment of the coi
Had angered many catholic- tithe
Ended state church
More religious freedom
9 mill from g=church given to poor laws
But many felt too little too late, ulster went against protestant
First land act
Compensation for any improvements made in land
Only if in arrears of debt
Rent control in place
Free sale permitted
Tenants coi=uld purchase land by borrowing 2/3 purchase price from state
First land act- failures
Fell short of 3fs- eviction still take place- only if in arrears of debt
No definition of what acceptable rent to be payed
Argued to the irish how litle gladstone knew about them- out of touch
Led to land wars 1879
Second land act- sucess
Grant 3fs
Set up land courts- fair rents
Over next 4y- rents decrease by 25%
Second land act- failure
Now want nationalisation- 10y too late
Didnt end land wars- made worse
Parnell stopped it working by telling tenant farmers not to pay rent
Home rule billl
Defeated 342v313
Coercian acts with each land act- success
Created order in ireland0 decrease crime
Coercian acts- failure
More anger and hatred of british
Increase hr movement
Increase grievances
Land purchase acts
Best by sailsbury
Gave loans to peasants to buy up land
5 mill (then)
Land purchase act failure
‘Kill home rule wiuth kindness’
Example how ultster better
Ulster’s Six Counties used an informal agreement known
as the Ulster Custom. Tenants in Ulster could not be evicted if they paid their rent and they could sell
their rights to a smallholding to another tenant. This led to a greater security and confidence for the
farmers of Ulster where, unlike in the South, the innovations of the High Farming period (1850-73) took
effect. A
Sucess tenant right league
48 returned to westminster pledge to campaign for tenant rights
Evictions made
1880 10,000 (5x as in 1877
Famine later
Bad weather and poor harvests at home combined cheap americsan corn
Only remedy change in farming methods- ireland meant evicting small tenants and lett8ing the land in large units to men who could put capital into their farming and make it pay
Unintended consequences of irish land act
Increase power of irish nationalist party, swept the board in catholic ireland
Weaken whig eleent in lib party, whigs had got in. Unusually by paring with more pop radcial canddiates in two member brooughs many now abolished
Parnell loking goods for 8185 election
Could sway on irish constituencies and large i irish vote in cities likel iverpool and glasgow
Plan of camapign
Lnd league
Tenants deicded what was a fair rent and if their landlord not accept pay into camapign fund instead