Disraeli Vs Gladstone- Reforms And Policies Flashcards
Corrupt and illegal practises act
-limit amount of moneyt hat a candidat could spend on election campaigns
-all candidates had to justify every expense
-limit bribery and ‘treating’
-restrict transporting voters
Pros Corrupt and illegal practises act
Allegations of illegalisty did drop
Cons Corrupt and illegal practises act
Bribery still exist
Secret ballotavt
-hustings replaced w/ voters in poling booths
-complete privacy
Pros secret ballot act
-most prominant in areas with lots of voters
-vote more political than sociaal
Cons of secret ballot act
Seen as cowardly and unenglish to be secretive
3rd reform act-franchise
-uniform franchise for both county and borough
0all of uk
3rd reform act franchise pros
2/3 men had vite
-2 x electorate
2.5 to 5 mill
3rd reform act franchise- cons
-women cant vote
Mp not paid
Only 18% pop could vote
Plural votig permitted- in certain circumstances, vote more than once- eg own multiple properties
3rd reform act-redistricbution
-one member constituencies
-new constituencies in suburbs- villatoryism
-redistribute 142 seats
-more equal approx 50,000/constituencu
Pros 3rd reform act redistribution
More representative
Less domnated in south
More equal size
Cons redistribution 3rd reform act
No working class party
No laboyr
Why did sailsbury accept 3rd reform act
Only 1884 if redistributed
So villatoryis
Why gladstone accept 3rd reform act
-extend franchise-more votes from workers
Gladstone’s first ministry dates
Disestablishment of church of ireland
-irish welcomed act
Passed easily as liberals majority in gov
problems and failures of disestablishemnt of church of ireland
CoI caused great disatisfaction
90% catholic
But still had to pay 10% tithe even if not attending
-too little too late
-opposition from anglican tories
Irish land act
-tenants reciv compensation to made to their land if evicted
-tenant coulnt be evicted if up to date with repayments
Irish land act- cons and failures
-unfiar on english landowners
-landowners could just raise rent money so coudnt afford
-seen as anti-property and anti-landowners
-fell short of 3Fs- propoed by irsish tenants league
Fixed tenancy, fair rent, free sale
irish uni bill
-aim to provide catholic uni
-in order to avoid controversy
Religion, philosophy, modern history not taught
Irish uni bill failures and cons
Only 12/105 irish mps for
Liberals disliked ‘’gagging’ clauses by limiting subjjects
Catholics object to ‘miseducation’
Undermine anglican supremacy
Forster’s education act
-elementary schoools set up
Had to pay but if poor free
-board schools set up
Where churches fought over to be on
-start of state education
Forster’’s education act cons
-parents prefer children in worl
-national education league- non conformist
Didnt meet demand
National- not united, diff boards
Compulsory- not, many prefer to worl
Non-sectarian- whilst not anglican boards competed for conrol
Free-still had to pay so remain parent’s responsibility
Reasons for forsters education act
-1867 reform act- increed need for education of working lass
-gladstone’;s belief of ‘’equality and options’
-economy booms, gov had more money to spend
-pressures from campaigners eg. Joe chamberlian
-rapid pop growh- voluntary system coudlnt cope
-britain behind russia and northern states usa
Who had better education- great economic and military sucess
Cowper-temple clause
Board schools not enforced anglican
Cowper temple clause failur
Middle class didnt want to pay for schools if teaching anglican beliefs- but still had to pay through tax
Abolition of purchase of commissions
-cant buy position in army
0-high positinos in army eg commander in chief gieven to roys
May lack in military skill and intellect
Withdrawal of troops from self governing colonies
From NZ, australia and canada
Instead replaved with local brisish trained troops
Reduce cost for gov in supplyiing troops
Allow self determination
Cons withdrawal of troops from self governing colonies
Public critical for being anti-imperialist
Alienating much of electorate
Fear would lead up to break of rest of empire
Civil seervice reform
-competitve entrance exam introduced
Good intelliigence and increased effienciency
-won approval of middle class liberals who were well educated and belieed in hard work
-‘opening up of society’’
Trade union act
-gave legal protection and right to strike
Political voice- could campaign for better working conditions
Cons trade union act
May harm economy
Upset middle class factory owners-threatened productivity
Criminal law ammendment act
Outlawed picketing
Giving tection to workers who werent striking
Gladstone didnt like violenceq
Criminal law ammednment act cons
Outlawed picketing making striking and trade unions innefective
lisencing act
-limit opnng hours- many pubs shut at 11
-stop watering dwon of beer- regulation
-atempt to improve morals of working class
Appease temperance
Lisencing act cons
-failed to appease temperance act
‘. Didnt outlaw drinking altogether
-perpetuate inequality
Rich people still drink in clubs- causing anger from working class
Gladstone policies upset landowning classes
Irish land act- undermine landowners
Tenants more rights
Pay more compensation
How glastone upset anglican church
-forster education act-bpard schools could be run by non confromist
-disestablishement of CoI- remove anglican church- limiting spread
How gdstone upset empire
Withdrawal of self governing colonies
Seen ani-imperialists
Fear of breaking up
Also at time- 1870s recession- empire form of income
Working classes how angered by gladstone
Licensing act
Limit druking- ‘drink to forget’ and social
Rich can still drink in clubs
Crimnal law ammendment act
Trade unions pointless
Non conformits how annoyed by gladstone
-many part of temperance movement- wanted full ban from licensing act
How privilege position of elite changed from glastoen
Abolition of pruchase of commissins
Civil service reforms
Factory act
-reduce working day 10.5 to 10 h
-age employment 8 to 10
Full employment 13 to 14
-gov inspectorates introduced
Failures of factory act
-9h movement- still more to go
-only apply to textile factories esp in lancashire as where 9h movement orgionated fromm
-limited no. Gov inspectorates in country -only 4
Artisans dwelling act
-local authorty could impose compulsory purchase of unhealthy slums
Oversee replacement w/ planned housing’
-financed by low interest gov loans to local govb
-houses built by pvate neteiprise
Example successful artisans dwelling act
1881 joseoh chamberlian- radical- used in birmigham
Failure artisans dwelling acts
-act permissive
-too expenive to implement as local gov pay back thorugh tax
-only 10/87 english towns used
Public health act
-clear guidance of local authorities responsibilities
Eg. Adequate wateer supply and sewage system
Infectious diseases must be reported to medical office
Responsiblility for streeet lights, burials and removal of waste
-made compulsory
Failure of public health act
-nothing new introduced just consolodation of previous legislation and making compulsory
Sale. Of food and drugs act
-regulation fo the adulteration of food
Failure sale of food and drugs act
-failed o compel local authoirties to appoint food analysts
So coudnt be enforced
Rivers’ pollution act
-deal w/ pollition in rivers
Failure river polution act
No definition of pollution
Employwers and workmen act
Contract for both employer and employee who could breach
Boosting position of worker
Failures of employwers and workmen act
Copying liberals
Merchant shipping act
-prevent overloading of ships which made for dangerouse conditions for sailiors
-‘plimsoll’ line drawn
Show max load
Failures of merchant shipping act
-disraeli didnt care- prssure from samuel plimsoll who shook with rage
Sandon’s education act
-encourage school attendance and parents responsiblility in enusring
-gov sustain finances of cofe schools
Gov pay thorugh taxes not chirch
-school leaving certificates needed for jobs
Failure sadons education act
Not compulsory
Conspiracy and protection of property act
-allow picketing
Reverse criminal law ammendment act
Failure conspiracy and protection of propeerty act
Liberals had palnned to ammed it 1871
Why were disraeli’s socail reforms so limitted
-stopped in 1876
Wanted to be voted again, do minimum, had promised to ‘elevate the condition of the poeople’
-cutting taxes
So less money on reform
Wanted to appease middle class
Cut from 3d to 2d
Working with context of laissez-faire
Claimed permissive legislation ue to ‘characterisation fo a free people’
-not interested
Left with richard cross- home secretary
Sime laws already thought up by liberal party
Employers and workemnt act
-foreign policy priority
Focus on eastern q
Good acts for workers by gladstone
-abolitno of purchase of comissions
-civil service act
-trade union act in long term
-forsters education act
-mundellas education act
-secret ballot
-3rd reform act
Bad acts for workers by gladstone
Criminal law ammendment act
Licencing act
Good acts disraeli
Employers and workemn act
Conspiracy and portection of property act
Factory act- but not enough
Bad acts disraeli
Artisans dwellings act- permissive, liit impact
Merchant shipping act- permissive
Overall who did more for workers
Gladstone- despit ewrse CLAA
-long term- abolitno of purchase of comissions,
-on principle-trade inion
Disraeli- permissive
-didnt care-rciards cross
-but did do best- employers and workmen
Mundella’s education act
-made education compulsory for 5-10 (primary
-no. Children- recieving an education doubled
1.5 to 3 mill 1870-1880
Failures mundellas education act
Not free 3d/week
-inequality- nbettter private schools
-girls education less priority
Irish land act 1881
Gave 3y
Free sale, fixed tenure, fair rent
Brought land war to end
Failures of irish land act 1881
Seen as 10 y too late
Irish now demanding nationalisation
Disreali’s second ministry- reshaping of conservative party- main points
-one nation conservatism
-expand basis of support
-primrose league
-disraeli’s key beliefs and principles
One nation conservatism
For all
Maintain class structurE
People are united via nation not class
‘Patriotic party’’
Conservatives exoand basis of support
Local ssocations grew each constituency- pool and cheep beer
Appeal working classes eg. Working class
Romise to ‘elevation of the condition of the poeple’ 1872 crystal palace speech
Primrose lague
Connect classes together, some working class members enjoyed’ ‘’rubbing shoulers’ with high society
Conservaties gradually transform tto one of more appeal
Disraeli’s key beliefs and princples
Preservation of the establishment
Anglican church, aristocracy, monarchy
Create an alliance between aristocracy and working classes hwilst maintaiing class structure
Defend and even expand empire
Compete w/ usa and russia and germany
Gladstone had ‘attempt’ pf libelism to effect the disintergration of the empire’
Dates gladstone’s second ministry
Dates disraeli gov
Things to improve on- to what extent were disreali’s social reforms more successful than gladstone’s in the period 1868-1886
-motivation behind gladstone and disreali’s reforms
-ensure consider the reforms in the civil service, abolition of the purchase of commissions
-permissive disreali acts
To what extent were dosreali’s social reforms more successful than gladstone’s in the period 1868-86
-education system
-permissive nature disreali
-changes to society- gladstone abolition of the purchase of commissions
Gladstone on laissez faire
‘It is the duty of the gov to make it diff for people to do wrong, easy to do right’
Disraeli ideology
The two nations- divide
Sybil (same book)
Disraeli personal talent
When chancellor budget 1952- used humour and scorn to relentlessly criticise the previous chancellors
Gladstone adv over disrali
Seen as the moralist
Demonstration of high mortality rate
All four of gladstones children from first marriage died before age of 20
Even for those at the top
Failure of gladstones first ministry
Licensing act
‘We have been bourne down’ on a ‘torrent of beer and gin
Merchant shipping act weknesses corrccted
1890 when board to inspect these lines, before permissive
Disraeli on protectioonism
Not only dead but damned
Gladstone did more for the workers taht disraeli
Yes although employers and workmens act 1875
Working conditions
Gladstone disraeli workers - education- for
Gladstone layed foundations of state education
1870 forsetr education act- setting up elemnetary schools and board schools- in areas where there was no church schols already-
Mundellas education act 1880- second miniistry- made schol compulsory 5-13 year olds helping to ensure all children could gain a greater equality of opportunity = meritocracy, greater job prospects perhaps not read and right
Schools fee payiing- atv low rate, exempt for poorr families- gladstone enhanced education provsion to large extent
Gladsone disraeli workers- no- education
Gladstones acts weaknesses- board schools upset non conformists- a group predominantly made of working and lower some middle class committed to idea better life fater death, as advertised by non conformist- anglican board
Compuslroy education limited household inocme- as children no loger work
Yet. Disrali did contribute- 1876 sandons edcucation act- creating schoool levaing certificates which may have been needed get a job- increase incentive to work- marginal
Gladstone more disraeli- workers
1871- gladstone legalised tu- enabling workers to group collectiely in order to bargain improved working conditions
Gladstone sought create a meritcoracy, increased fairness civil service test
Aboliyion of purchase of ocmisison- posotions on military based on meirt and ablity rathe rthan titles- opp for all in position of superiority
Disraeli more than galdstone workers- rights and opp for workers
Abolition of purchase of commissions act ineffective- duke of cambridge remain leader of army
Gladstone legalised tu- next day claa maint tu pointless unable to picket
Disraeli overturned claa through conspiracy and protection of property act thus present disraeli as man of people- but coppied from gladstone and aiming to reform to conserve
Passing range ohther acts- merchant shippingh act 1876- plimsoll line tyo avoid dangerous oerpacking of ships- permissie
But disrali did do employers and workements act 1875 contratc and commpensation- proetct workers rights- so diraelis did do well
Gladstone more than disralei- health for workers
Licencing act 1872- stopped adulteration of beer and steting opening and closing times for pubs
Limit extent excessive drinking could take place, hamper health and worker productivity
Disraeli more than gladstone- workers health
Licencing act controvesial- temperance movement non confromist not far enough, many workers felt unfair as private clubs open
Disraeli public health act- consolidated exiting laws ensure met with inspectorate
Artisans dwelling act 1875- enabled la clear slums and build new homes- joseph camberslian in brimingham- only used 10/87
Disraeli not behind ideology richard cross— disrali home sec, disreali more interested im foriegn policy
Rivers pollution act littel affect- not committed