Challenges To The Status Quo 1886-1914- Condition Of Ireland And A-i Relation Flashcards
Aims sailsbury and ireland
Kill hr with kindness
Use coercian is necessary
Appointed his nephew balfour as irish chief secretary known as ‘bloody balfour’
Ashbourne land act
Loan gieen to peasants to buy up their land repayed over 40y
By the 1890s- over 30mill given for this
Congested districts board
Aimed to increase infrastructure such as roads and bridges
Increase in industry in some of poorerst parts of ireland
Donegal and mao
1890s ireland
Fear of famine- blight
Balfour organsed effective relief ad assisted potential famine
Problems of sailsbury pociy in ireland
Plan of campaign set up by jogn dillan to encourage tenants to bargain for further rents and refuse paying for
Had to bring in catholic priest- monsignot perisco000 if go on plan of campaign- go to hell
Crimes act 1887- couuld detain suspects of agrarian crime- bloody balfour
Famous irish poet- blunt- prison- nationalis tpoems
Demand hr never went away
3 demonstrateors at michelston 1887- police shot and fired at
Conservative policy ireland until 19005
Land purchase acts
Wyndham land act 1903- landowners given 12mill to encourage to sell land
Early 20th0- increased nationslidm
Revival of irish culture
Gaelic athletic asociation
Gaelic lague
W.b yeats
Sinn fein
Gaelic atheltic association
Founded 1884
Revival irish footbal and hurling (violent hockey))
Many fennians joined
Gaelic league
Start 1893
Stir up nationalist language
Encourage read gaelic writing
Wroye in english
Priduce plays and poems apeal to nationalsim
Sinn fein
We ourselves
Arthur griffith- wanted more than hr- complete indepndance
Founded no clubs00 join together 19007
3rd hr bill 1912
Bill passed in commons but defeated in lrods by 2y
Asquith considered leaving ulster out of- opt out for 66y
Redmond hostile to idea- ‘stamp of execution’ for ylster- no parliaement
Curragh mutiny
Nov 1914
58 ulster born cavalry officer mutinied
Rather be sacked thn fight for unionist soldiers- army would not enforce hr- political
Introduced due to appease irish nationalsist-b balance of power and irish pepople support 19009 burgdeet then liberals should allway home rule
Civil war - ireland 1912-14
1912- 4500k ulster men signed solemn league and covenant- 00’pledges use all means which may be found necessary to stop hr’
1913- uvf- imported german rifles into larne in apr 1914
Had 75 to 100k men
Nov 1913- irish volunteers set up- tried to import german arms, british gov intercept
Buckingham palace conference
May-july 1914
Generally agreed that 4 most ortestant counties in ulster woudld be cxcluded from hr
No agreement with other countries of tyrone and fermanagh
How 3rd hr called problems - irish naationalis
Meant hr has to be passed- balance of power
1913- irish volunteer formed armed force across country- may 1914, 129,000 of them- smuggle rifles but less than uvf
But did help liberals pass budget in house- irish nationalists helped
How 3rd hr billl caused problems- ulsterman
Didnt want 3rd hr bill- inc ulster- rome rule with catholic majoriity
Solemn league- pledge to use ‘all means which may be found necessary’ to stop hr- 4500,000 signed
Military build up with uvf
Busienessmen in ulster feared if hr- irish parliament greater influenced by farmers- not taking ito account or undertsnading northern industry
Liberal party- how 3rd hr bil caused porblems
Didnt have majoirty so needed irish nationalist support
Other groups- how 3rd hr bill caused problems
Sinn fein increase pressure- want complete independance
Poets and nationalistic identity
Gaelic athletic association
Gaelic league
Hwo sucessful were liberals with problem of ireland 1910-14
Totally unsucessful
Damage to ideology
War, tensions
Damage to party
How sucessful were liberals with problem of ireland 1910-1914 yes- damage to ideology
Liebral thing to do
Allow a country its freedom to rule itself
Sucess liberals in ireland 19100-14 - damage to ideology-no
Unfair treatment- intercept weapons for irish volunteers but not for uvf- over 35,000 rifles and 5 mill rounds ammunition
Allow a situation to reach a potential civil war
War against liberal ideology- many pacifists
Eg. Boer war- took anti imperialist stance
Forced upon- many in ulster completely opposed to idea of hr
War, tensions, not sucessful in ireland 1910-14
Lawyer- sir edward carson set up uvf to resist any hr measure-
Nationalists responded to uvf- fenians recruit again and irish volunteers formed- build up armed force throughout the country
Over half mill ulsterman signed solemn league and swore to ‘use all means necessary to defeat the present conspiracy to set up a hr parliament in ireland
Damage to liebral party- sucess in ireland 1910-14
Conference at buckigham palace may 1914- fail to find a solution- fermanagh and tyrone in or out of ulster
Asquith worte ‘rarely felt more helpfless in any particular’ event- fear mutiny]
Not fit to govern if cant come to a solution
Curragh mutiny- gov cant rely on own army to enforce its laws
Asquith asked officers at curragh- main military barracks in ireland- to enforece hr agianst ulsterman- 58 said not be prepared to be dismissed than obey the orders to act and had to be abandoned- couldnt rely on anyone to enforce
Con leader- andrew bonar law stoked considerable controversy when announed ‘i can imagine no length of resistance to which ulster can go in which i should not be prepared to support them
Asquith ‘wait and see’ policy- more proactive needed
Liberals divided betwen unionists and hr wehen debated hr bill 1912- passed in commons 10912- due to become law in 1914 but didnt due to ww1
What was the main cause of unrest in ireland 1851-1914
Intro- a country under constant unrest proving persistant challenge for british
British- most- due to repeated failures and slow responses to irish grievances
Main cause unrest - britain
Repeated failures
1851- memory 1840s fmaine still fresh in irish consciouness- british failed to give humanitarian aid and instead cont to export irish grain- setting out lack of trust towards british
Extremsis anti brisih fenians- irish individ fled ireland during famine
1851- act of union set out long struggle cuade of unrest-culture and idnetity diff- growing demand for greater autonomy, discussions hr
Hr fialed to pass 1886- bill fail in commons, 1893 lords, delayed lords 1912
Lack of willingness by birtish to be prgamatic and adopt hr
Exaccerbtae tensions increase chances of civil war
Main cause unrest not british
Gladstone lib sought to pacify ireland
Especially after k=lord cavendish killed by extremists irish nationals in pheonix park 1882- highlight to gladstone strong desire by irish for greater autonomy and necessity of hr- rpoposed bull 1886
Sailsbury prevent unrest as offered famine relief in 1890s aim to prevent autrocities in 1840s
Land- cause irish unrest
Affect daily life as most irish pop tenant famrers
1860s and 1870s grievances highlighted with irish tenantts demanding fixety of tenure, free sale and fair rent- 3fs- suggest unfairness how treated by landlords
Following 1870 land act- tenants oculd be only evicted if dint keep up w rent- failued as landlords could simply increase rents in order to evict their tenants which partly led to land wars 1879-82-damage to landlord propefrty and refusal pay rent (until 1881)
Land not cause unrest
Land was largely owened british
1881 3fs granted tooo late as hr demanded instead and natinalisation demanded instead
Land wars also due to agricultural depression after 1873 and 1870 land act sparked land wars preventable
Sailsbury did pass some measures to help ashborune land act 1885- gave loans irish tenants to buy up land renting by 1890 over 33 mill givenn out to pruchase land
If given 3fs may have solved
Religious divisions caused unrest
Ireland saw clear distinctions in identity and region between ulster and south ireland
Early 20th century- irish natioanlism rose with organisations such as gaelic league seeking to revisve lang culture and psort- pose threat to deeply protsatnt idienntity many ulsterman
Division highlighted after hr bill 1912 passed in commons and delaye din lords- both sides repsonding in pprep for civil war
Hr angered many ulsterman home rule rome rule- threaten wauy of lide
Solemn covenant league 1913, pledge commitemnet to fight against hr- formation of ulster volunteeer force and gain weapons from ger- eqaully irish volunteers did from ger- necessary to fight for divsions
Religious divisions did not cause unrest
British failyres lack of undersatnding which led to unrest
Gladstone 1869 disestablishment irish church act - source tension 10% tithe paid to a church didnt atend
Took long time so impact against unrst minimal
Pacify buckingham paclace foncference 1914 failed- carson and redomnd refuse come to a concluion
Asquith little bring togethrr with wait and see aproach
Britaine xaccerbate stop irish not uvf weapons- britain side