Key Essay Plans Flashcards
Lg prisoner of tories
Con policies
Con dependency
Divided lib
Lg prisoner tories- coon policies yes
Followed principeles opp to liberals- geddes axe- lost addison his own- didnt create land fit for heeros
Gov sent in troops tackle industrial unrest glasgoow 1921- 70 workers came out on strike shorter working week
Failure followw sankey comm on miners
Lg prisoner of tories - con policies n
Prevented general strikes in 1921- isolate miners fed to prevent joint action railwaymen transport workers
Unlucky with arrival econ downturn
Lg prisoner tories- con security
Con didnt need lg, dominated nat gov/coalition
Coalition lib dependednt on support con colleges- owed men constituency victories in 1918 elected via coupon- gae letter those endorsed
Organsisational weakenss- lacked local agreements- mp jc davidson stage army collection high prfoile figures like lg and churchl inspired by party machine
Lg prisoner of tores con security n
Ai treaty arguably maintained securiyt- work of lg- con set on whole union
Divided lib
Compete ‘lib magazine’ and ‘lg lib magazine’
Pm without a party- llibfailed to reunite - didnst have support when diff probelms depression and reconstructuon
Divided lib no lg prisoner tories
Lg set out in 1918 plan land fit for heros
Addison act housing la
Extent nat insuranc eprotect workers against unemp- 12 mill covered workers, icnreased by 8 mill
Unemp act 1920
Cover those earning less than 250/yr
Claim 15 weeks 15 shillings men 12 women
Not for agri lab domestic servcnats slef emp
Covers dependents
Unemp insurance act 1921
Dole 16 weeks
1924 ui act
Removed 16 week cap
Lives of women imporved after 1914
Econ political social
Lives of women improevd after 1914 eon pro
Sex disqual removal act 191
No individ disqual by sex or marriage from exercise of public function or judicial office
14000 female magistrates mayors councillors 1923
Fisher education act school leaving age increased to 14- increased prosperity of women
Lives of women improved after 1914 econ note
Marriage bar- teaching give up once married look after man and house
Gender pay gap-lack available jobs- increased dependence upon men to proide money, meaning opp for imporvement in lives of women were limited
1931 women had wages pre war half of men rate in most industry
Professional careers- still limited largely to middle class women only- could afford secondary education required
Teaching and nursing could be seen as an extension of a womens role
Lives of women improves politica lno
Number of females mps peaked 15 1931-45
Rep of peoples act- 30+, counteratc disqual 12 monyh
Women war work facade
Not vote equal grounds until 1928
In work plcae- not in ty could not bargain for improvemenst in life
1927 unemp insurance act
Ended disticntion covented and uncovented benefits
Benefits had to be paid for thsoe genuinely seeking work
Nat gov why proposed cust unemp
Snowden proposed 10% restore benefits level paid pre 1924, cost of lib decreased min impact
Balanced budget if not banking in ny and paris unwilling lend money to britain if needed
Keynes suggest leave gold standard
Housing actd 1930s saw
More than 1 million council hosues built, 3 million prrivate sector
Many had electricity and open fires
1/3poorest families had prospect of first owned home
Macdonald betrayed his party key argumenst
Y - party working class vanity promises
N- patriotism, king, cross party support,no plan
Macdonald betrayed his party y
Made coalition gov with con- lucifer of left
Not followed socialist econ policy but allowed influence orthodoc capitalistthinking- too much influene to anti socialist finances
Con most gained from coalition
Atlee the greatest political betrayal in history of this country
Expelled party sep 1931 henderson leader
Macdonald betrayed no king
Requested to stay when trued to resign
Gov - bagdonor- was not merely the facilitator but was the insigator of nat gov
Neville chamberlain with king urged baldwin to support nat gov- coalition split lab
Lg hospital, king coalition advisable iwth departure
Why how fascism emerged
1932 buf formed
Backed lord beaverbrook
Membership peaked 50k
Attracted mainly working class men in london and n
Mosely aristocratic, inheritised sir, goood orator spke about decreasing unemploymentp
Disillusionment with hthrad political parties
Collapse lab 1931, failure nat gov to save the depression disililusionment with main parties
Fascism growing in ger and ialy
Mosely antisemitism attracted some people used as scapegorat ussr and econ problems
Why fascism failed to gain support
Mosely figure of fun not taken seriously
Repulsed by racism and antisemitism
1925 buf membership fell 5000
Lord rothermore withdrew backing in 1934 after violence struck out at buf ralley
Anti nazi feeling growing n britain
No mps
Battle cable st- antisemitism and violence
Comm how emerged
Created with fear of fascism in 1920 and after ussr
Spread influence through the press- the daily worker- campbell case
Membership peaked 18000
Had 2 mps
Comm helped iwth jarrow and hunger marches
Deliberately disrupt meeting buf
Young ideologues appealed to
Comm why failed
Peacked at 18,000 members
Deliberately disrupt meeting sof buf
Opp from more moderate union leaders- ernest benin
Lab party refused to allow cpgb to affiliate or work with them- zinoviev letter and campbell case
Police cracked down on comm led demonstrations and secret service kept close eye on them
Incitement to disaffected act 1934- enabled prosecution of political extremists- hitler increasing in power- night of the long knives
Min threat of extremism
British culture dont like rev0 marr
Not hit as hard by econ as europe- spain civil war, germany hyperinflation and tub
1937 butlins opened skegness-working class indicate getting better
Attitudes changing interwar period
Mass unemployment affected attitudes and beliefs
State had to get more involved to allieviate powers and management of econ- eg 1934- free milk in schoools
Some political apathy and rise of extremism- fascism and communism
Divorce rates increase- women could divorce on basis of adultery
Brith rates fell
Bbc and radio impact soc
Bbc formed 1922- managed by rieth
1939- 9 mill licences held- people got news same source- national consciousness
1926- gov used to get across message about how general strike should be resolved
1931- harold macmillan used radicals to attack gov over means test
Only men could speak on radio
Lit and magazines interwar
More socialist messages- orwell and jb presitly- beacme critical of pre war induttsyr
Still conservative- lady chatterly lover banned until 1960s
Large increase women magazines- fashion, clothes pattersne xt- big focus on home with happy husband
1939- 3 mill of ‘women’ were sold
Stanley baldwin a sucess
Loa y
Personality and politics
Electoral and partyc
Crisis abdication and general strike
Baldwin y personality and politics
Local gov act- remove poor law and workhouses- on side of working class
Expand raf and whit epaper 1935 to rearrm
Divroced women allowed to have custody of children- now can divorce on grounds adultery
1928 equal franchise act- women vote same as men at 21
Baldwin no personality and politcis
Ajp taylor- ‘under baldwin there was to be no protection, no class warfare possible there was to be nothing at all’
Depicted by several historians as lazy man of mediocre ability with no major legilsatyure achievemen
Little interest in foreign policu= most 6w on walks in fr
Slow on rearming
Baldwin sucess electora and party
Showed imagination appt of churchill as chancellor in 1924, kept his party united for interwar period
1935-majority of over 250 under nat gov0 con won 388/432 nat gov seats
Used radio to speak to electorate
‘He had his feet on our fenders
Up to half electorate heard broadcasts in 1935
Claimed to be on side of working class better than labour -many believed
Maintained unity combining key protectionists-amery, pro-free trade churchill
1924- majority 200
Lucky to survive as con leader after results of two gen elections which produced lab gov
Baldiwn no electoral and party
Safety first’ electoral strategy 1929- uninspiring and complacent, esp criticised by press barons- beaverbrook and rothermore- implies moral panic
Absesnce of skilled politicians win own o=party- personalities eg lord curzon and austin chamberlain too controversial- default so not skilled himself
Baldwin sucess crisis
Abdication crisis
-forced king choose between monarchy and marriage- avoiding constitutional crisis
-wallis simposin controversial
-stood up to king and threatened resignition of gov if marriage went ahead
1937- times- in handling a great national problem, he has no comparible rival
Gs overcame- subsidy 9 months, oms managed, only lasted 6 days
Baldwin fail crisis
General strike- used militany, not on side working class
Solved by edward agree to step down rathr than baldwin
Lied about comonwealth lack of suport- nz pro but did help to convince
Gold standard avoid budget deficit
Which would destory confidence of foriegn investors
Gov limit on spending- old age pension and spending cut
1929- wall st crash and depression, unemployment increased benefits
Also had to sustain high ir to keep investors
General strike dates
4-12 may
Gen strike gov sucess
Seemed to win- tuc called of the strike without achieving their objectives
Baldwin prepared for 9 months- subsidy
Oms- organisation for management of supplies- trained middle class volunteer strike breakers eg uni boys police, set up stores of food and fuel, women cooking
1927- trade disputes act, baned sympathy strike actions- so no repeat
Gen strike gov failure
Return to gold standard 1925 major cause- depressed econ, made exports nmore expoensibe, increased unemp of 1920s worse
Tension increase samuel comm- siding with mine owners
State ignited when gov alled off talks with tuc 4 may
Gov striking armed repsonse unpop
Glasgow- fights w police
Lab victory in 1929
Gen strike strikers won
Capable of organising
4 may 1.75 mill out on strike, transport on knees, cars flooded roads to make up for it, chaoes for 9 days
Labourers across british industry in tuc called to arms
King george v- sympathise dwith strikers- ‘try living on their wages before you judge them’
Coal sector boomed- as return to work, increaed later 30s reamamrment- production increased to 3000tonnes/month/man by 1939- cost high- unemp fell by third
Employwers reluctant to cut wages
Unions spring up new industries such as automative and electricity in late 1920s
Strikes discourage employment from cutting wages in future
Gen strike strikers failed
Didnt achieve aim
Baldwin pm- ‘general strike is a challenge for parliament and a road to anarhcy and ruin’
Roman catholic church = striking a sin- 9 may
12 may- tuc stike deal with mine owners and strike called off- admission had been beaten by gov, superior organisation and financial resources
Miners continued to strike for 6 months, eventually hunger drove back to work- accept longer hours, lower pay, decreased power of miners
Membership tuc fel 5.5mill 1920- 3.75mill 1925
Av no days lost to strikes fell- 1919-21- 2.1 mill, 1926-2.75mill, 1927-39- 300,000
Staple industries depression
Us overtok on steel, ger on coal (saarlands), india cotton
Britain still using outdated labour intensive techniques- hand cut coal
Mid 1920s- us over half price uk coal per tonne
Steel making to an end in ebbw vale 1929- steelworks in dawlais closed 1930- resulting in 3000 unemployed
How gov dealt w depression
Decrease interest rates
Means test 1931
Unemp at 1934
Left gold standard 1931
Import duties 1932
Special areas act 1935
Decrease ir dteails
Attempt and encourage to spend and invest
Decrease rates from 6.25 to 2% 1929-31
Import duties details
Aim protect heavy industry
Non-british goods more expensive
20% tarrifs but 33% for cars
Special areas act
Aimed to provide help to the worst hit areas
Growth of 2mill£ to encourage companies to invest more in special areas
But By 1938 over £8mill spent- only 14900 jobs created
Many industrial areas did not qalify
Did britain suffer decades of depression y regionL
Beveridge- found long term unemployment was found in areas of traditional industry- motor vehicle industry 20% 1932 whilst shipbuilding over x3
Jb priestly- 3 englands with depressed heavy industry- midlands and north- not being added to and has no new life paired into it
Merthyr tydfil removes 62% male pop unemployment in 1934
440,000 left wales 1921-38
Galiger 1903 cont epidemic of scarlet fever
Special areas act 1934- s wales, tyneside, scotland as areas of special employment requirmenet- sir stewart commisar- ‘generously speaking we have failed’
O’callaghan- two britains- one depressed old industry
O’morgan- in wales dpression, trad view, whole society crucified to mass unemployment
Briatin decade depression unemp y
Labour historian laybawm looks at human traditions of larger scale unemployment and waste of resources that lt seen- didnt need to be as bad as it was
Trad historians- ‘devils decade’, tune social deprication and mass unemployment
Wall st crash increased unemp 1-3mill 1929-32
Diff to determine extent of unemp in period as lots workers self employed, domestic servants outside of national insurance scheme until 1936- so not counted- may be worese
Contantine- lt unemployment rose- 1929 less than 5% out of work for more than a year, by 1933 risen to 16.4% before 1939 halved
Means test- lack of generosity and intrusiveness
Britain suffer decade of depression y jaorrow march
200 unemp men walked jarrow to hoc
Closure of palemers hsipyward left 72% unemp (compared to high wycome 3% in buckinghamshire)
10,000 unemp
Failed but raised national consciousness- led 1945 lab landslide
Gained weight on march as being fed- showed how deprived
Britain not decade depression 1930s regional
Se eng new light industries- chemicals, electrical, automobiles had been developed- home counties hampshire eg, 80% new factories set up here and 65% new jobs
S vibrant suburban and consumer culture
Miles of detached bungalos’ little garages (car ownership), periodicles about film stars, tennis raquets
New industry could recover faster eg motor vehicle unemp 20 to 4.8% 1932-1937, whilst shipbuidling 62.2-23.8
Orwell exaggerated in road to wigan pear of level of deprivation in nw england - pearce compared diaries to works and found stories didnt match
Glasgow went to pictures at least 1 per week- 80% unemp, or 40% in liverpool
Ajp taylor- new industry- ‘was the outstanding course of recovery in the thirties’
Neville chamberlian- recovered to 80% of prosperity
Britain not suffer decade of depression leisure activiy
Classless open air activities such as cyling, hiking and rambling in 1930s, relatively prosperous for manyu- gov invested national parks
Holiday with pay act 1938 entitled workers to take an annual laid holiday common plae to do so- butlins in 1937 skegness for working class
1938 44% wages on food from 76% in 1914- som more spend on consumer durables
1 bill cinema tickets sold in 1938
20 mill people enjjoy seaside holiday
Gambling popular
Prestatin for middle class holiday camp
1930s golden age of cinema
Houses nicer so spend more time inside with familyu
Britain not suffer dperession lifestyles
Family size fell, more money- married women 1880s 4.8 now 2.14 in 1920s
Knwolegde contraception, children no longer financial assets, 3 bed houses, teddy bears, less children dying
Hire purchase scheme- boost car ownership
Prices down in depression- meant more money for workers- vaccum cleaners conmmonpace, 1200% increase homes with electricity
Stevenson and cook increased living standards shown as limited extremism polictially
Middle class prosperity with increase bbc licenced 36,000 to 8.97 mill 1922-1939- national consciousness
Mass production of cars made more affordable
National diet imporved- free school milk in 1934, high propertion of army volunteers judged fit to fight in 1939 than in 1914
Twe did econ policy of british gov change years 1914-39
Nat/gov intervention in war
Land fit for heros
1946 nat insurance act
Covered all widows orpahs, everyone sicckness and unemp beenfist
Inc operation nhs
Griffins ni is the best and cheapest insurance policy offered to the british peoplek or any people anywhere
Pensions younger owmen 60 men 65
Squalor sitch
700,000 housing shortage
1/3 houses needed repair or renovation
Britain never had it so good
Living consitions
Society v social tensions
Britain never had it so good yes living standards
1954 income tax cut increasing disposable income
1951-64 real wages grew by almost 30%
Macmillan national housing crusade suprassing goal of 300,000 houses in 1953- abolished labour tax no land devlopment mainly chepaer
Living conditions no britain never had it so good
Unemp start to rise 1960 early
Macmillian and douglas home both refused to devalue the pound and instead borrowed £714mill from imf
Stop-go econ policu led to investors leaving as could not determine value of popund
Japab and usa boomed
Poor quality housing
Hospitals and technical schools not built in sufficient numbers considering age of afflunece
Society y britain never had it so god
Class divisions eroded- jeans and t shirt
Young working class men increased vacancies for professional admin- white collar- narrowed boundries for middle class
Butler education act grammar shcools
Domestic servants fell
More affordable luxuries tv- 0.25 to 65% pop owning
Growth supermarkets 50 to 572 1950-61- spagetti pizza, aubergine new
1955- itv started with advertss
Social tensions- britain never had it so good
Increased consumer spending and increased demand for foriegn goods led to upset balance of payments
1948 commonwealth no isa- young men notingham and nottinghill (1958 6 day riot)
Immigrants full civil rights- nhs benefus
Lots discrimination, lack assimilation myth of return
Increased unemp blamed on imigrants
Anti establihsment with cnd
Mods and rockers in magrate and brighten
Youth antiestbalihment with teddy boys, okrea, vietnam
Working class plays an media- look back in anger, a tadte of honey, the entertained
Women imporved never had it so good
Women working outside homei increased to 42%
Atlee appealed to women to work during econ crisis of 1947- 8 mill women by end of youear
Clearical sector increased- more possible jobs
Cconsumer products labour saving devisces ie washingg machiens
1963 contraceptive pill
Mid 1950s brith rate much lower than in previous decades, 4y rather than 15y in preganancy and early infancy (before return to work)
Women lives n never had it so good
Working mother frowned upon
Only equal pay in teaching and civil service so dependebt on men
Taught domestic science at school
1950 survey foudn 50% women bored of life- thus housewies register so could meet
Few women with degrees
Sucess 1940 - 50 british econ
Exports increased 80% 46-50
Level unemp
1.6%- comp 3%
Stop go policies
Gov hoped to avoid extremes of inflation and deflation by a series of adjustments - utilising reactionary fiscal and monetary polic
Butler chancellor raised interest rates 2-5% 1951-52
1955 boom- income tax cut 6d
1955-56 macmillan and butler increase hire purchase rates
1960 selwyn lloyd- 10% added purchase tax, increased import duties
Pay pauss introduced- no increase wages gov emp for 12 months
National incomes comm set up 1961-62 by gov- banks and tu to discuss prodiction targets, wages and cnetral planneing but unions eventually boycottted
Stop go policies sucess
Avoided extremes of inflation and delfation
And avoided extremes of bop inbalance
Kept unemployment low- under 3% full emp- avoid depress as 1930
People improve living standards
Luxuries from imports when import controls removed
Stop go polcies failure
Utilised for political gain- manufature boom before elction 1955- cut income tax 6d
Deficit at end 48 mill more 64-51
Inflation still high wages demands
Reactionary and unplanned- chancellor thornycroft bumbble from one disastoer to another
Political crisis- thronycroft proposed cuts 163mill, macmills felt too deep resigned
1957 crisis
1957 crisis
Wages running far ahead of production
Run on the pound fear pound devaliue against ollar
Thonrneycroft monatrosm- other cabinet ministers esp macloed opposed as would lead to unemployment and cutback in houseing
Macnillian overruled and opted expanisonary econ policu in 1958
Little social change
Loa y
Working class
Social change little working class
Butler education act not lead increased social mobility as middle class tutors rather expensive private school= working class resiatnt to difflife
Underfudned seocnfary modern and technical schools- students emerge without adequate qualifications to imporve job prospects
Already 1930s hire pruchase schemes- washing amchines and fitted kitchens- evolutionary not revoliutionary
Nterwar housing reform- greenwood 1930 and wheattley 1924= lg homes for heros= built without garage and high rise- assume no car
Social change working class
Growing affluence
Increase consumer goods - 85% pop own tv in 1964 domp 0.25% in 1945
Butlins in birghton and blackpool- more disposabel inocme
Increased whitye ocllar jobs clerical for wokring class- higher paid and blurred lines
Greater opp- butler education act 1944- tripartite system- social mobility on skill not bakcground
Fashion tshirt and bkue jeans clasless
Little social change youth
Sandbrook- most not rebellious
Sensationalised moral panic by media
19mill potter around garden, 2 mill in persuit of fish boys ion saturay
Golden age of icnema arguably 1930s- 1938 1 bn ticket sbought, 80% unemp glasgow once per week
Generatioal gap smaller- cardigans and dresses
Sexual promiscuity- av amrriag feel to 23
Youth social change
Development teen culture due to increasing affluence as easry to find job
1mill per week kbuy latest records
Drainpipe ytorusers and minskirt- generational gap promiscousi
Rebellious mods and rockerts margate and brighton
Teddy boys subversive hairtyles- moral panick
American ifnluences- james dean aspirational ro vain and unrealistic
Women signif change
Greater sexual freeodm with conrtaceptive pill 1961-
Time woman preganant or infancy 15 *late 19th century) to 4y in 1954- but before epill
Greater employment in new industry - chenical car consumer goods
Marriage bar removed teaching, boe, civil service
Equal pay movement of 1950s led tu and womens organisation
Women no signif change
No equal pay until 1972 euqal pay act
Marriage bar not all industry 1973 foriegn office
Previaling attitutes cont barrier- working mothers
Domestic science at school
Contraceptive pill- side effects and other methods contraception already exist
Immigration signif change
Increase rapidly, windrush generation from commonwealth- civil rights
30,000 each year in 1950s, increaed to 60,000 1960s
New foods from immigrants
Tension and hostility race riots- notting hhill
Young men seenas threates
Myth of return not happen as families moved over
immigration little change
Always existed towards irish- no dogsn no irish no balcks on boarding houses
Churchill keel england white- plan deport immigrants
Increase owenership consumer goods
Washing machine 54%
Fridge 58%
Household items imporve womens lives
Hotpoint machine washing machien called liberator to appeal exhausted housewife
Productivity pros
Superpits ni mining- modern safer tech
Nationalisation 20% industry 10% workforce- imporvements in gas and electriicty
Chemicals and car industry rose
Managerial techniques copied usa
1950 proress electronics, tevs and computers
Nuclear power develop electicity- calder hall first for commercial use
Productivity cons
Nationalism costly in coal railways- with little imporvements
Con gov reversed nat of iron steel road transport- but cal maintained as too controversiql
Supposedly dyiing idnustries
International position 1945-64
Still growing gdp increase 2.7%, exports rise 4.1%
Yet compmared to west ger which has double growth or jpn 3x growth, 4x exports
New tech pros
Britain can make it- -vandalism a
Crippps main sponsor- exhibition as quesion of ational pride
Flounted best consumer goods- home and garden,hjewellry fashion
Advances in tech and science
Over 1.4mill visited inc 7000 traders from 67 countries- exports over 225mill
New tech cons
Lt decline old industry
India tecxtiles,
Far east shipping 1956 14% world totla
Little investment due to cost of nuclear programme
Jpn outperform britisan in camera and electrical tech and motorcrylce production
Transport pros
Motorways constructed by 1964- 40 0 miles built
Road haulage denat- 29,000 lorries operating
Air tranpostr improved with jet engine -for commercial purposes late 194r0s
Motocracre imporvemnt design need for road imporvements
Transport cons
Accelerated declien in railway- beechings axe large amounts of trade diverted form train to lorries
Ge 1950+ 51 why did con imporve
Party organisation
Ge 1951 party organisation
New party chiraman lord woolton- helped revitalise con grass roots by setting local party task of raising 1 million
1945 election v disastrous so by 1950 nearlyt 300 party constituency agents applied qualiflied
Early 1950s membership 3 mill- largest
Woolten said no candiate should contribute more than £25 per yr to local constuency prevent wealthy candidate chose
Yc started in 1946 and grew rapidly
Party attracted large donations from usinesses- esp fear nat
Party propaganda more sophistciated
Ge 51 lab weakeness other
Working class identified drop 78 to 72% 1931-51
Rep peoples across- abolish two menver constuency, boundry changes, postal voting 10-1 to ocn, abolish plural voting and seperate uni votes
Atlee could have reformed more but did not- morality morality morality
Ge 1951 con strnegth leadership
Churchill still pop and could be star performer
Contain men of political heavyweight- eden forieign policy and macmillan, butler
But churchill 76 and just had stroke in 1950
Ge 1951 lab wekaness leadership
Av age cabinet 1949 60
Stress took toll many left, bevin died 1951
Leadership struggle with party less united than in 1945
Ge 1951- con strnegth policy
Promised to build 300,000 homes a year
Accepted the majority of labour reofms welfare state and mixed econ
Adopted industrial charter claims we are not a party of unbridled brutal capitalism and never have been
Churchill captured public modd by promising more read mmeat-
Churchill gained popularity un korean war
Manifesto 1950 this is the road accepted lab reform and promised to introduce a dose of competition intothe econ
Ge 1951 lab wekaness policy
Udealism and policy disagrenets
Morrison called for consolidation but bevan wanted more reform esp more nat
Nat of abdan oil refinery in iran humiliating
Under lab age of austerity- middle class workers and women v furstrated with rationin
Taxation caused disatisfcation- standard rate 45% top rate 90^
Houseing shortage with 50,000 still squatting in 1951
Post 1951 con dominance
Political consensus
Standards of living good under con
Labour divisions
post 1951 con dominance standards of living good
Most signiif reason
Macmillan 1956- most of our people have never had it so good
Despite hardships for some, wages rose ahead of prices throughoyt period real wages rose 29% 1955-60, 4% 1960-64
Greater availability of credit, borrow more, uy more manufactured goods
Consumer boom 1950-64 car ownership 4x
1951-54 macmillan achieved target 300,000 homes built but poor quality, by 64 1.7mil built
Rent act abolished rent controls making 6 mill more housues available on market
Macmilliian property owing demcracy as bank and building societies encouraged by gov to lend out more mortagegs
Increased scoial mobility
Credit blurred class diviison
Madd produced consumer goods- tvs increased in millions by 1953 for watching queen coronation
Con lost 1964 ge
Ethos/image of party
Con lost 1964 econ
Gov humiliated 1963 with application join eec refused, on international stage
Chancellor selwyn lloyd imposed series of unpop deflationary policies- after affluence of 1950s
But not
Wilson whit eheat of tech acept future
Biggest problems for country 1945
41% hosuing 5% international security
Small circle in con
Specttaor magic circle for home
Macmillan 1958 gov 35/85 ministers related to macmillan by marriage
Means test introudced
Ai war
Ira murdered two police officers triggerinng it
Ira announce ireland and britain at war
Iraw campaign against royal irish constabulatory (irish police force)- 176 murder of policement in 1920 alone
Lg outlaw sin fein and ira- recruit black and tans former sldiers
Violence escalates and martial law reintroduced
Iraw target civilians acused of sheltering polciemen
21 nov bloody sunday- 11 gb civilians shot
British soldier shot into grounds
British surrendered first
Irish nat largely sucessful 1014-39
No limited
Choose from - easter rising
Ai war
De valera