The elbow and forearm: muscle and movement Flashcards
Origin and insertions for brachialis
origin- distal 1/2 of humerus, insertion- tuberosity of ulna
action and NS brachialis
NS- musculo-cutaneous nerve C5,6
action- main flexor at elbow joint
Origin and insertion bicep brachii
short- corocoid process, long tubercle above glenoid fossa
insertion- tuberosity of radius- bicipital aponeurosis
NS and action bicep brachii
NS- musculo-cutaneous nerve C5,6
action- flexion at shoulder elbow/ shoulder, supination of radio-ulnar joint
glenoid attachments bicep and triceps brachii
bicep brachii- long head- supraglenoid tubercle
triceps brachii long head- infraglenoid tubercle
brachioradialis origin and insertions
origin- superficial muscle, laterals side of forearm, from lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
insertion- lateral surface of radius proximal of radial styloid process
brachioradialis NS and action
NS- radial nerve C5,6
Action- flexes the elbow when forearm mid prone) works best in mid-range), returns forearm from full supination or full pronation to mid- range
tricep brachii origin and insertions
origin- long= infra-glenoid tubercle, lateral= upper part of posterior surface of humerus, medial= lower part of posterior surface of humerus
insertion- posterior surface of olecranon of ulna
NS and action tricep brachii
NS- radial nerve C6,7,8
Action- extends the elbow, long head also adducts and extends the shoulder
origin and insertions of anconeus
origin- lateral epicondyle of humerus, insertion- olecranon and upper part of ulnar shaft
NS and action of anconeus
NS- radial nerve C7,8
Action- assist extension at elbow joint
Muscles pronating forearm
pronator teres, pronator quadrates, brachioradialis
muscles supinating forearm
supinator, bicep brachii, brachioradialis
Origin and insertion pronator teres
origin- 2 heads= medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna
insertion- middle lateral surface of radius
NS and action pronator teres
NS- Median nerve C6,7
Action- pronation of forearm, assist elbow flexion
Origin and insertions pronator quadratus
fleshy quadrangular muscle
origin- distal part of anterior surface of shaft of ulna
insertion- distal part of anterior surface of shaft of radius
NS and action pronator quadratus
NS- anterior interosseous nerve C8, T1
Action- pronates forearm, stabilises bones (inferior RU junction) in weight bearing
origin and insertion of supinator
origin (2 heads)- lateral epicondyle of humerus, radial collateral and annular ligaments, supinator fossa and crest of ulna
insertion- lateral posterior anterior surface of 1/3 of proximal radius
NS and action of supinator
NS- radial nerve C5,6
Action- supinates forearm
cubital fossa- lateral border
medial aspect of the brachioradialis
cubital fossa- medial border
lateral aspect of the pronator teres
cubital fossa- superior border
line drawn between the 2 epicondyles
cubital fossa contents
deep branch of radial nerve between 2 heads or supinator, tendon of bicep brachii and brachialis, brachial artery- divides here into ulnar/ radial artery, median nerve