The Effects of Life Events: Flashcards
How can life events impact health and well-being?
Life events can cause stress, which may result in health problems such as:
• Headaches/migraines.
• Mental health problems.
• Anxiety.
• Heart conditions.
• Digestive problems.
• High blood pressure.
• Stress/sleeping difficulties.
Who developed the social adjustment rating scale?
Holmes and rahe
What did Holmes and Rahe believe?
They believed there was a correlation (relationship) between psychological illness and stressful life events.
What did Holmes and Rahe do in their study?
- Listed 43 life events that individuals may experience.
- Applied a score (unit) to each life event based on how likely it was to cause stress.
- Asked patients to indicate the life events they had experienced.
- Added up the scores from the life events to determine their total stress level.
What was the result of Holmes and Rahe’s study?
They found a correlation between the number of units (level and number of stressful events experienced) and illness.
Can both predictable and unpredictable life events cause stress?
What can extreme stress from unpredictable life events cause?
Serious mental and physical health problems.
What are examples of life events and their associated units from Holmes and Rahe’s study?
• Death of a partner: 100 units.
• Marriage: 50 units.
• Retirement: 45 units.
• Change of school: 20 units.
What are examples of life events and their associated units from Holmes and Rahe’s study?
• Death of a partner: 100 units.
• Marriage: 50 units.
• Retirement: 45 units.
• Change of school: 20 units.