Psychological Effects of Ageing: Flashcards
What can social changes in older age bring about?
A sense of loss, anxiety, reduced confidence, and low self-esteem.
How can loss of job and status affect older people?
It can reduce self-esteem due to a lack of purpose but also increase leisure time for activities like travel and hobbies.
How does losing one’s home affect older people?
It affects contentment and security, leading to feelings of isolation.
What impact does reduced mobility/fitness have on older people?
It can cause cognitive decline and reduce wellbeing due to the inability to move around and perform physical tasks.
What effect does loss of independence have on older people?
It increases reliance on others, leading to a feeling of helplessness.
How does the death of a partner or friends impact older people?
It can cause grief, leading to a loss of safety, security, isolation, and loss of intimacy.
How can reduced access to social networks affect older people?
It can make it difficult to meet people and take part in social activities, which may prevent brain development and worsen depression.
What financial concerns do older people often have?
• Less opportunity to socialise.
• Less money to buy food.
• Less money for adequate heating.
• Worry and stress.
What percentage of people over 65 live alone?
How can driving or free travel help older adults?
It can help them feel part of the community and reduce feelings of loneliness and dependence.
What factors are essential for high self-esteem in older people?
Health, employment, and financial security.
What feelings can older people experience if their self-esteem is reduced?
• They may feel useless.
• They may feel financially insecure.
• They may feel unable to do things independently.
How can culture, religion, and beliefs positively impact ageing?
• Individuals feel part of a group/community, reducing isolation.
• Beliefs help older people make sense of ageing and come to terms with mortality.
• Some cultures and religions place more value on older people.