Intellectual Development Flashcards
What are the five types of intellectual development?
• Problem-solving.
• Moral development.
• Language development.
• Memory.
• Abstract thought and creative thinking.
Why is problem-solving important?
It helps individuals work things out and make predictions about what might happen.
Why is moral development important?
It helps individuals reason and make choices about how to act towards themselves and others.
Why is moral development important?
It helps individuals reason and make choices about how to act towards themselves and others.
Why is language development important?
It is essential for organising and expressing thoughts.
Why is memory important?
It is essential for storing and recalling information.
Why is abstract thought and creative thinking important?
It helps individuals think and discuss things that can’t be observed.
Do intellectual skills develop differently at different stages of life?
What happens to intellectual development in early adulthood?
Individuals have gained knowledge, skills, and experience, and use past experiences to make judgments.
At what age are 90% of neurone (brain cell) connections in place?
By the time children are 5 years old.
Does intelligence change in later adulthood?
No, but short-term memory and thinking speed may decline.
What are the intellectual milestones from birth to 8 years?
• From birth: Can use all senses to help understand the world around them.
• At 3 years: Can ask questions, count, recognise colours, and sort objects.
• At 5 years: Can start to read, write, draw in detail, and talk about the past and future.
• At 8 years: Can think more deeply, reason, and talk about abstract ideas and plan.