the ear Flashcards
what is the exernal ear
auricle, external acoustic meatus up until the tympanic membrane
the outermost pat of ear
inner raised area of the ear
traiangular shape thing that covers ear hole
the oposite triangle shape thing of the ear
the ear lobe
the ear lobule
parts of the extneral ear canal
cartilaginous, fatty, and bony portions
what makes up the tympanic membrane
the 1st pharyngeal pouch and cleft
what muscle gives tension to ear drum
tensor tympani
innervation of tensor tympani m
CN V3 (1st pharyngeal arch derivative)
what attaches to the tympanic membrane
the handle of the malleus (manubrium)
folds of the tympanic membrane
posterior and anterior mallear fold
roll of tympanic membrane
allows for tension to be placed on the membrane
part of tympanic membrane that reflects light under normal circumstances
cone of light
wear do ear infections occure
middle ear
swimmers ear is external ear
the air space within the temporal bone
tympanic cavity
roll of the tympanic cavity
serves as a relay center for sound waves
the 2 continuous regions of the tympanic cavity
tympanic cavity proper: medial to tympanic membrane
Epitympanic recess: superior to tympanic membrane
the opening to the mastoid air cells
where the tensor vellatini attaches on the auditory tube
on the anterior membranous portion of the tube
the boney roof of the middle ear
tegmen tympani
the floor of the middle ear
jugular wall
what forms the floor of the middle ear
thin plate of tympanic portion of the temporal bone
what does the jugular wall (floor of the middle ear separate)
middle ear cavity from the jugular fossa
what does the jugular fossa contain
the jugular bulb of the IJV
what does tensor tympani attach to
the manubrium of the maleus
what oscicles articulate with each other
tymapnic membrane: maleus-incus-stapes
what stablies the oscicles
what bones doe the choda tympani pass between
between the maleus and the incus
the protuberance foacing the tympanic membrane of the meidal wall of the tympanic cavity
the oval window that receives the base of the stapes
Fenestra vestibuli
the round window covered in membrane locatated inferior to the oval
what is found on the meidal wall of the tympanic cavity
promontory Fenestra vestibuli= oval window Fenestra Cochlea= round window Facial canal prominece Lateral semicirculat canal prominence tendon of the tensor tympani m
what overlyes the promontory of the meidal wall
a plexus of the tympanic nerve
what does the plexus of the tympanic that lies over the promontory contribures to autonomics that supply
the parotid gland
the anterior wall of the middle ear
carotid wall
the carotid wall of the middle ear is formed by
a thin plate of tympanic portion of the temporal bone
what does the carotid wall of th anterior middle ear seaprate
middle ear caivty from the carotid canal
what 2 openings are found on the superior aspect of the carotid wall
auditory tube
semicanal for tensor tympani
the posterior wall of the middle ear
mastoid wall
features of the mastoid wall (posterior) of the middle ear
pyramidal eminence
aditus ad antrum
the hollow projuection of bone serving as the origin of the stapedius m
pyramidal eminence
the enterance to the tympanic antrum
aditus ad antrum
what does the aditus ad antrum lead into
leads to posterior inferior into the mastoid air cells
what innervates the stapedius muscle
CN VII (pharyngeal arch 2)
what attahces to the pars tensa of the tympanic membrane
the handle of the malleus
what part of the malleus articulates with the incus
the head of the malleus
middle ear muscle
tensor tympani m
stapedius m
roll of middle ear muscle
reduce oscillations of ossicles
protect inner ear from injury during loud noises
arterial supply to the middle ear
vympanic branches of carotid arteries and its brnaches
(anterior tympanic(maxilllary/external carotid), inferior tympanic, superior tympanic, stylomastoid, and caroticotympanic aa(internal coarotid))
what does the middle ear drain to
to superior petrosal sinus or pterygoid plexus
what anastomoses in the middle ear
internal and external carotid arteries
innervation of the middle ear
CN VII (Facial nerve)
travel of CN VII (Facial nerve) to the middle ear
enters facial canal and runs posteriorly
travels in medial wall of middle ear
passes over oval window and turns inferior
passes behind the round window
continues inferior inferiorly to exit at the stylomastoid foramen
how the facial nerves enters the skull
internal acoustic meatus
the greater petrosal nerve caries what fibers
parasympa fibers to pterygopalatine ganglion
the greater petrosal nerve brnaches from
geniculate ganglion of CN VII
what does the greater petrosal nerve join
joins the deep petrosal nerve (sympa) to form the nerve of the pterygoid canal
travel of the greater petrosal nerve
from hiatus of greater petrosal nerve to pterygoid canal
from petrous temporal toaward foramen lacerum
where is the tympanic plexus of nerves found
under the mucosal linging of the promontory in the middle ear
what does the tympanic plexus of nerves supply
the mastoid air cells and auditory tube
what forms the tympanic plexus of nn
formed by tympanic branches of CN IX (parasympa) cartoticotympanic nn ( Sympa)
the lesser petrosal nerve is a branch of
tympanic plexus from CN IX as a continuation of tympanic brnach of CN IX
the lesser petrosal nerves caries what
parasympa fibers to otic ganglion to supply to parotid gland
travel of the lesser petrosal nerve
from hiatus of lesser petrosal n to foramen ovale
where is the otic gnaglion in relation to foramen ovale
below foramen ovale
para sympa ganglion to the head
where is the cochlea of the internal ear
more medial than the rest of the inner ear
roll of the semicircular canals
sense balance and position
roll of cochlea
senses hearing
the location of the oval window
behinning of cochlea (to receive stapes)
location of the round window
end of cochlea(closed by membrane)
relation of the saccule and the utricle
utricle is more dorsal
location of the cochlear nerve
inside the spiral of cochlea
travel of sound
enter oval window scala vestibuli helicotrema scala tympani round window