oral cavity Flashcards
what is the oral cavity
everything from the lips to the palatoglossal fold
location of the labial artery and vein
just deep to orbicularis oris near margins
why is the soft palate mobile
to aid in swallowing (no food, but still can breath
what does the palatoglossal fold overly
palatoglossus muscle
the portion of the soft palate that hangs down in the midline
uvula(made of the uvular muscle)
what makes up the soft palate
muscles that interdigitate from either side
what lies right under the palatal mucosa
palatine glands
what muscles interdigitate in the soft palate
palatoglossus m
levator veli palatini m
palatopharyngeus m
what creates the aponeurosis of the soft palate
tensor veli palatini m tendon that hooks under the pterygoid hamulus
roll of tensor veli palatini m
provides tension to the soft palate so other muscles can move it
whats more medial, levator veli palatini or tensor veli palatini m
levator veli palatini m
palatini muscles are assocated with what plate
medial pyterygoid plate
roll of levator veli palatini m
lift the soft palate
the descending palatine a gives rise to
greater and lesser palatine aa
where does the descending palatine a travel through
palatine canal
what does the greater palatine a supply
anterior palate passing through greater palatine foramen
what does the lesser palatine a supply
posterior palate passing through the lesser palatine foramen
the ascending palatine artery branches from
facial a
the palatine a braches from
ascending pharyngeal a
what is the vascular supply of the palte
descing palatine artery (greater and lesser palatine)
ascending palatine
palatine a
venous drainage of the palate
pterygoid and pharyngeal plexuses
sensory and para and sympa innervation of the palate
nasopalatine nerve
greater palatine nerve
Lesser palatine
mandibular n (CN V3) innervates what muscle of the palate
tesnor veli palatini
Vagus n (CN X) innervates what muscle of the palate
levator veli palatini mm Palatoglossus mm palatopharyngeus mm musculus uvula Salpingopharyngeous mm (Via pharyngeal plexus)
arteries for the palatine tonsils:
Tonsilar branches of: lesser palatine artery ascending pharygneal artery ascending palatine artery facial artery dosal lingual artery
bleeding from tonsillectomy may result from
from arteries and paratonsillar veins
what nerve may be damaged during a tonsillectomy
CN IX (lies on lateral pharyngeal wall)
the epithelial change on the sublingual area
fimbriated fold
the midline fold of the tounge
what overlies the sublingual gland under the tongue
sublingual fold
the openings of the submandibular ducts
sublingual caruncles
parts of the submandibular gland
intra and extra oral compents
travel of the lingual nerve in realtion to the submandibular duct
comes in laterally
goes under the duct
comes up medially
(Crosses 2x)
what branch of trigeminal does the submandibular ganglion use
what does the Lingual N branch off
where does the LIngual N come from
between lat and medial pterygoid mm
where does the submandibular ganglion get ists pre ganglionic fibers from
what all geos to submandiular ganglion
Lingual nerve from V3
Chorda tympani CN VII also preganglionic parasympa
sympa fibers from external carotid plexus
lesion of nerve after chorda tympani and lingual nerve come together leads to
loss of taste and general sensory (ant 2/3)
parasympathetics to submandibular and sublingual glands
lesion of just corda tympani leads to
don’t loose general senation
location of submandibular ganglion
3rd molar, suspended from lingual n by 2 or more short n branches
parasympa roll of submandibular ganglion
relays parasympa fibers from chorda tympani (CN VII) to travel to submandibular and sublingual galnds
hypoglossal nerve serves
muscles of tongue
location of the hypoglossal N (CN XII)
deep to posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid mm
anterior between submandibular gland and hyoglossus m
inferior to lingual n
superior to mylohyoid m
where does the hypoglossal N end
posterior tongue to provide motor innervation
travel of the glossopharyngeal N (CN XI)
lateral to stylopharyngeus m to enter pharynx
beween superior and middle constrictor mm
cont anteriorly thru tonsillar region
roll of glossopharyngeal N (CN IX)
ends in posterior tongue to recieve sensory innervation
connections of the styloglossus m
styloid process to tongue
hyoglossus m connections
hyoid bone to tongue
genioglossus m
genoid tubercle of mandible to tongue
directions of the muscles of the tongue
superior longitudinal
extrinsic muscles of the tongue
unilateral paralysis of CN XII leads to
can’t protrcude straight
bilateral paralysis of genioglossus m leads to
tongue falls back and may occlude airway
what supplies most of the superficial structures of the oral cavity
Facial A
what supplies most of the deep structures of the oral cavity
Lingual A
3 branches of the lingual a to supply the tongue
dorsal lingual a
deep lingual a
sublingual a
venous drainage of oral cavity
drain to IJV
arteries in front of and behind the hypoglossal muscle
behind: dorsal lingual artery and vein
infront: deep lingual artery and vein, sublingual artery and vein
special sensory of tongue
Chorda tympani (CN VII): taste anterior 2/3 glossopharyngeal n (CN IX): post 1/3 Vagus( CN X): root of tongue and epiglottis
what does the Chorda tympani n (CN VII) travel with
lingual n
general sensory for tongue
Lingual N (CN V3): anterior 2/3 Glossopharyngeal N (CN IX): post 1/3 Vagus(CN X): root of tongue and epiglottis
arterior supply of oral cavity
Anterior superior alveolar a
middle superior alveolar a
posterior superior alveolar a
inferior alveolar a
what oral cavity arteries are from maxillary a
posterior superior alveolar a
inferior alveolar a
what oral cavity arteries are from infraorbital a
anterior superior alveolar a
middle superior alveolar a
venous drainage of oral cavity
pterygoid pleuxes: internal-> retromandibular-> splits to common facal then IVC or to EJV
superficial: facial vein then IVC