The Cold War and Nationalism Flashcards
1943; USSR was guaranteed to be only power to liberate Eastern Europe
Tehran Conferance
1945 Stalin pledges democratic election for Eastern Europe; Germany divided to not allow unification
Yalta Conference
Truman demanded free elections for Eastern Europe; Stalin wants a buffer zone in Eastern Europe
Potsdam Conference
made by Churchill; an ____ had descended across the continent of Europe and Russia
“Iron Curtain” SPeech
‘Federal Republic of Germany’; an independent country by 1949; federal republic; led by Konrad Adenauer
West Germany
‘German Democratic Republic’; established 1949; democratic republic of Germany; led by Walter Ulbricant
East Germany
civil war in east; turkey under pressure from USSR for Dardanelles; Britain has helped, but asks US to take over; ‘we are going to help with finical aid and assistance if they are trying to resist overthrow by communism’
Truman Doctrine
in 1947 US pledged to prevent the spread of communism; George Kennan brain child
also known as “European Recovery Program”; brain child of Secretary of State, George Marshall; 1948; ‘The US should provide aid to all European nations that need it. This move is not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos.’; 12.5 billion of US aid to Western Europe, extended to Eastern Europe and USSR, but were refused
Marshall Plan
soviets attempt to get allies out of Berlin; all roads blocked and electricity cut; high tension point in Cold War; massive US airlift of 277,000 into city carrying supplies (landed every forty five seconds); lifted 11 months later in 1949
Berlin Airlift
(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) founded as response to Berlin Crisis; collective security, membership non optional, 12 member nations; still intact today
1955; anti-NATO -people republic of china in 1949 Mao Zedong won Chinese Revolution
Warsaw Pact
was developed by US in 1952, and by USSR in 1953; more destructive than atomic bomb
Hydrogen Bomb
is a military doctrine and nuclear strategy in which a state commits itself to retaliate in much greater force in the event of an attack.
“massive retaliation”
Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania
Eastern Bloc
head of the USSR, worked to earn more land
Joseph Stalin
forced labor camps
dominated Yugoslavia but not by the Soviets (person)
Josip Broz Tito
emerges to rule USSR a few years after Stalin dies; realized reforms were needed (reduction in secret police power, closure of gulags, AG is in bad shape, sufficient shortage of consumer goods, poor living conditions) and these reforms were part of De-Stalinization
Khrushchev denounces Stalin’s crimes in closed session; secret anti-Stalin speech; most influential statement in Russia since April Thesis
Khrushchev anti-Stalin speech; denounces Stalin
20th Party Congress speech
the resources shifted from heavy industry and military to goods and AG; centralized economic planning
wrote Dr. Zhivago about an intellectual who rejects brutality of blush avid revolution in 1917 and Stalinism and is ultimately destroyed
wrote One Day in the Life Ivan Denisovich portrays in grim detail a Stalinist gulag where he had been a prisoner
1956; Nagy elected prime minister; let some demonstrations; want non communist government legalized; turned into armed rebellion and spread; hoped for US support; soviet tanks and troops took down uprising; Kadar became new prime minister
Hungarian Uprising
sought by Khrushchev with the west so he could focus on improving the Soviet economy; between US and SU
“Peaceful Coexistence”
the USSR agreed in 1955 to real independence for neutral Austria after 10 years of Allie occupation; lessen of tensions 1955 to 57
Austrian Independence
1955; in Geneva, Switzerland; USSR met with Us, Britain, and France to begin discussions on European security and disarmament; no agreement reached
Geneva Conference
First artificial satellite in space; was Russian satellite sent into orbit and brought back in 1957; major scientific achievement; began the space race
the Russian satellite Sputnik started this
“space race”
open skies, taking plane pictures over Moscow; Col. Francis Powers’ plane was shot down over Soviet airspace; pilot caught alive and sentenced to ten years in prison for espionage
U-2 Incident
goes up to seperate east and west Germany to keep allies out; checkpoint Charlie was the only way through; 1963 Kennedy tells Berliners that west is with them ‘Ich bin ein Berliner” meaning I am a Berliner
Berlin Wall
US was going to train Cuban exiles to get into Cuba to overthrow Castro; overall failyre
Bay of Pigs Invasion
in 1962 spy planes flew over Cuba and saw nuclear weapons; closest got to nuclear war; Cuba quarantined; soviets took missiles out of Cuba -nuclear test ban treaty in 1963 was signed by US, USSR, and Britain; it banned atmospheric testing in an attempt to lessen Cold War tensions; France refused to sign; china became a nuclear power in 1964 leading to tension with soviets
Cuban Missile Crisis
1964 period of stagnation and limited re-Stalinization; massive armed build up; avoid direct confrontation and more clothes to peaceful coexistence; dictatorship was collective; determined to maintain status quo; celebrated nonconformists were permanently expelled
Reform movement spread under Dubcek; Czech Republic elects president who was socialist but wanted freedoms; Soviets send troops to crush movement
“Prague Spring”
Dubcek’s quote on socialism in Czechoslovakia
“socialism with a human face”
Elected leader of Czechoslovakia
doctrine created after the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, according to which the Soviet Union and its allies had the right to intervene in any socialist country whenever they saw the need
Brezhnev Doctrine
Chancellor of West Germany; tried to improve relations with East Germany; thought up Ostopolitik
brain child of west German chancellor Willy Brandt; “Eastern Initiative”; sought a comprehensive peace settlement for Central Europe and new resolution of the “German Question”; “two German states, but one German nation”
(Strategic arms limitation treaty) signed treaty with soviet to stop making nuclear ballistic missiles and reduce number of anti ballistic missiles to 200 for each power; development of MIRV’s soon made SALT obsolete (multiple warheads and 1 missile ); between Brezhnev and Nixon
officially ended WWII by finally legitimizing soviet dictated boundaries of Poland and other Eastern Europe countries; soviets guaranteed more liberal exchanges of people and info between north and west and protection of basic human rights
Helsinki Conference
Ends detente; led to US refusal to ratify SALT II and US boycott of 1980 Olympics in Moscow; in 1984 Soviets boycott Olympics in Los Angeles; US stopped grain shipments and certain technology to USSR; only Britain stood with US
Soviet Invasion of Afganistan
is popular movement of working people who organized massive labor union; led by Lech Walesa; demands right to form free trade unions, right to strike, freedom of speech, etc; in 1981 polish government led by communist part leader general Jaruzelski imposed martial law after being warned by soviets if polish couldn’t keep order soviets would; outlawed
Polish cardinal who talked about human rights and encouraged solidarity
Pope John Paul II
Led solidarity movement
Lech Walesa
is revitalized under Ronald Reagan (US), Margeret Thatcher (UK), and Helmut Kohl (West Germany); believed soviet was dangerous threat; gave indirect support to things such as solidarity
Atlantic Alliance
became prime minister in 1979; advocates hard line military position; known for Falkland war where she sent British troops to Falkland islands to take them back from Argentineans
is pro-American and came to power with conservative Christian democrats as chancellor of west Germany in 1982; part of Atlantic alliance
took a hard line stance against the soviets during his presidency; started the Strategic Defense Initiative “Star Wars” in 1983; dramatic increase in defense spending; out spend SU militarilr
general secretary for soviet union 1985 to 1991; started perestroika which aimed to reviving the soviet economy by adopting free market practices of the West which fails; starts Glasnost which is free speech, some political liberty, and ended party censorship; started demokratiztsiya was an attack on corruption in communist party; on march 1989 was first free election; sought to reduce east west tension; withdraw troops from Afghanistan
Political reform in SU; some free speech and liberty
Economic reforms; adopt free market tactics in SU but fails
1987; treaty was signed by Gorbachev and Reagan and said intermediate range nuclear missiles from Europe banned; reduction of Cold War tension
INF Treaty
1990; cut back US weapons 10% and SU weapons 25%; between Bush and Gorbachev
START Treaty
ended communist control of EE; cost of maintaining satellite countries politically and economically too much for USSR
Revolutions of 1989
the Berlin Wall came down in November and East German gov fell; ____ in 1990; soviets opposed unified Germany but eventually let it go
German Reunification
Playwright who became first non communist leader of Czechoslovakia
in Czechoslovakia the fall of the Berlin Wall inspired reformers to break from soviet influence
Velvet Revolution
Violent revolution on 1989; lots of people killed and violent dictator,Nicolai Ceausescu , executed
high maintaining costs, middle class reform calls; economics crisis in 1970s, nationalistic resentment, and continued lag in economy
fall of soviet union
becomes president if Russia 1991 to 2000; has liberal allies declared Russia independent so Russia withdrew from Soviet Union; on December 25 1991 USSR dissolves into 15 desperate republics and goes away; Russia assumed USSR’s seat in UN Security Council
one of the biggest issues in the 1990s and early 2000s; 1991 Chechen nationalists declared independence from Russia; Yeltsin ordered a full-scale invasion 1994; 100000 Chechens does and 4000 Russians; 1997 peace agreement; second ‘war’ began when radical Islamics began campaign of terror and violence
gradually began recentralizing power by increasing power of executive branch and weakening regional gov’ts; freedom of press restricted; somewhat successful economic reforms; re-elected in 2004; 2008 ran for prime minister and served until 2012; 2012 started third term presidency
after WWII most European powers experienced the disintegration of their colonial empire after WWII; almost all colonies became independent between 1947 and 1962; reasons are modern nationalism and belief on self determination and racial equality, decline of European prestige, more concerned about European rebuilding; Indian National Congress played major part
Gandhi is for passive resistance (civil disobedience) in India; assassinated
in 1948 tried to defeat Israel but failed; triggered a successful nationalistic revolution on 1952 and ended British control; Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalizes Suez Canal and destroys last of British influence; France, Britain, and Israel attack without alerting USA or Soviet Union; almost starts another world war; nothing really happens
French vs Vietnamese for Vietnamese independence; Vietnam wins
Dien Bien Phu
French colony; French population did not want independence, but natives did; civil war broke out between French and natives; Charles de Gaulle accepted native self determination; 1962 country becomes independent and French leave; crisis ended Fourth French Republic and began Fifth French Republic
is an intergovernmental organisation of 54 independent member states.
British Commonwealth of Nations
Sub-Saharan African society; half terrorist, half guerrilla; uses bamboo guns against Britain
Mao Mao
communism is the only thing holding the country together ; in 1990 President sought Serbia dominated ___; in Crotia and Slovenia declared independence and fought Serbia successfully; Montenegro became independent in 2006 and ended ____
president of Serbia
declared independence and successfully fought Serbia
declared independence and successfully fought Serbia with Croatia
Bosnia Serbs attacked Sarajevo and began liquidating the Muslims; led to Dayton Agreement
ethnic cleansing
in 1995 divided Bosnia between Muslims and Serbs; NATO came un to occupy and enforce
Dayton Agreements
1999 Milosevic attempted to ethnically cleanse __ of ethnic Albanians; NATO bombed Serbia to stop them; Milosevic removed from power in 2000 and placed under international war crimes
Kosovo Crisis
terrorist group in Ireland
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
terrorist group in Spain
ETA, Basques
people who come from other countries to work
“guest workers”
opposes immigration and against France going into EU
Le Pen
in Austria; very radical and popular; against immigration and “guest workers”; elected leader but asked to step down by EU