Industrial Revelution Flashcards
Commercial Revelution
1500 to 1700; includes the Age of Exploration, the “Price Revolution” where there was inflation, the rise of capitalism, the Scientific Revolution, and the Agricultural Revolution which led to a larger market because of more food
1500 to 1700; includes the Age of Exploration, the “Price Revolution” where there was inflation, the rise of capitalism, the Scientific Revolution, and the Agricultural Revolution which led to a larger market because of more food
Commercial Revelution
means everything is being created by hand not machine; everything hand powered; includes cottage industry and putting out system
means everything is being created by hand not machine; everything hand powered; includes cottage industry and putting out system
Cottage industry/ “putting-out system”
merchants want cheap labor; merchants pay per cloth and sell at higher cost; family run; three spinners per weaver; constant dispute between villager and merchant; rural labor is difficult to control and unorganized; results- families make income and experimentation
merchants want cheap labor; merchants pay per cloth and sell at higher cost; family run; three spinners per weaver; constant dispute between villager and merchant; rural labor is difficult to control and unorganized; results- families make income and experimentation
Cottage industry/ “putting-out system”
Flying shuttle
invented by John Kay; allows weaver to throw back and forth with one hand; cuts down man power only one person needs to work loom
invented by John Kay; allows weaver to throw back and forth with one hand; cuts down man power only one person needs to work loom
Flying shuttle
Water Frame
invented by Richard Arkwright; spins several hundred spindles on one machine; thread produced, course but strong; sent back to cottage system
invented by Richard Arkwright; spins several hundred spindles on one machine; thread produced, course but strong; sent back to cottage system
Water Frame
Spinning Mule
invented by Samuel Crompton; more useful for cotton, cotton now spun in factories
invented by Samuel Crompton; more useful for cotton, cotton now spun in factories
Spinning Mule
Agricultural Revolution
created a larger market
created a larger market
Agricultural Revolution
Bank of England
allowed to give banknotes (start of paper currency); gave stable loans to businesses
allowed to give banknotes (start of paper currency); gave stable loans to businesses
Bank of England
Bubble Act
repealed; had banned joint stock companies like the South Sea Bubble; now it is once again legal to have a joint stock company
repealed; had banned joint stock companies like the South Sea Bubble; now it is once again legal to have a joint stock company
Bubble Act
Lowes Act, limited liability
allows limited liability for business owners; prevents total bankruptcy; secure businesses and allows for come back
allows limited liability for business owners; prevents total bankruptcy; secure businesses and allows for come back
Lowes Act, limited liability
Navigation Acts
Navigation Acts
Corn Acts
Corn Acts
James Watt
patents first efficient steam engine; most fundamental advance
patents first efficient steam engine; most fundamental advance
James Watt
Steam Engine
first invented by Thomas Savory and Thomas Newcomen to pump water out of the mines; later re-did by James Watt
first invented by Thomas Savory and Thomas Newcomen to pump water out of the mines; later re-did by James Watt
Steam Engine
Power Loom
invented by Edmund Cartwright; allowed loom to be powered by horses, water, and steam engine
invented by Edmund Cartwright; allowed loom to be powered by horses, water, and steam engine
Power Loom
Heavy Industry
the manufacture of machinery and materials used in production
the manufacture of machinery and materials used in production
Heavy Industry
Henry Cort
developed the puddling furnace which allowed pig iron to be refined in terms with coal
developed the puddling furnace which allowed pig iron to be refined in terms with coal
Henry Cort
Puddling Furnace
invented by Herny Cort; allowed pig iron to be refined in terms with coal
invented by Herny Cort; allowed pig iron to be refined in terms with coal
Puddling Furnace
Transportation Revolution
brought about by steam power; brought in canal system, hard surface roads, steam boat, and the railroad
brought about by steam power; brought in canal system, hard surface roads, steam boat, and the railroad
Transportation Revolution
Duke of Bridgewater
built first canal in Britain
built first canal in Britain
Duke of Bridgewater
John McAdam
pioneered construction of hard surface road
pioneered construction of hard surface road
John McAdam
Robert Fulton
built the steamboat in 1806
built the steamboat in 1806
Robert Fulton
George Stephenson
made first commercialized train/locomotive; invented The Rocket which went an exhilarating 16m/h
made first commercialized train/locomotive; invented The Rocket which went an exhilarating 16m/h
George Stephenson
Crystal Palace
sets stage for World’s Fair; showcases Britain’s economic and military power; Prince Albert’s project
sets stage for World’s Fair; showcases Britain’s economic and military power; Prince Albert’s project
Crystal Palace
Crèdit Mobilier
French bank; most famous of banks who invest in railroads; built railroads all over France and Europe
French bank; most famous of banks who invest in railroads; built railroads all over France and Europe
Crèdit Mobilier
put tariffs on ‘non member’ imports; sets up free trade zone w/ no tariffs; sets stage for later German unification
put tariffs on ‘non member’ imports; sets up free trade zone w/ no tariffs; sets stage for later German unification
‘petite bourgeoisie’
want stability and insurance
want stability and insurance
‘petite bourgeoisie’
factory workers; fastest growing social class; brutal and unsafe conditions
factory workers; fastest growing social class; brutal and unsafe conditions
Friedrich Engels
Wrote The Conditions of the Working Class in England
Wrote The Conditions of the Working Class in England
Friedrich Engels
make worse condition possible; for people who had no job to get them work; wanted people within to go get a real job
make worse condition possible; for people who had no job to get them work; wanted people within to go get a real job
based on mythical creature/being Ned Ludd; destroy machines they believe are taking their jobs (i.e. water frame)
based on mythical creature/being Ned Ludd; destroy machines they believe are taking their jobs (i.e. water frame)