Romanticism Flashcards
Social Contract; believed society an materialism corrupted human nature; believe man was a ‘noble savage’ in state of nature
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
1724-1804; bridge between enlightenment and romanticism; helps establish philosophy separate from religion
Immanuel Kant
Storm and stress; use by German romantics in 1770s and 1780a conveying emotional intensity
Sturm and drang
leading figure in German idealism; came up with dialectic
George William Friedrich Hegel
initial idea is challenge by an opposing view and results in hybrid of two ideas
produces works of poetry called lyrical ballads; most influential works of English literature; view nature as mysterious force from which the poet can learn; one of most well known poems is ‘Titern Abbey’
produces works of poetry called lyrical ballads; most influential works of English literature; view nature as mysterious force from which the poet can learn; well known poem is’The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’
romantic writer; died in Greek War
Lord Byron
‘Prometheus Unbound’; died young; had been married to the woman who wrote Frankenstein
Percy Shelley
influenced by Herder; evidence how German romanticism and nationalism tie together; preserving songs, stories, and sayings of German culture
Grimm’s Fairy Tales
considered greatest of romantic novelist; writes ‘Sorrows if the Young Werther’; Wrether personified the (tragic) romantic hero whose rejection by a girl resulted in his suicide; also wrote Faust, a retelling of old story; Faust is a guy who sells soul to gain all knowledge; made fun of enlightenment
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Misérables; likes using fantastical characters and strange settings; plays up emotion
Victor Hugo
1774-1840; mystical view of sublime power of nature; ‘Wanders Above the Mist’; ‘The Dreamer’; ‘Tree of Crows’; ‘The Cathedral’ ; ‘Abbey in the Oak Forest’
Caspar David Friedrich
1769-1863; most famous romantic painter; likes exotic, dramatic use if color; ‘Greece on the Ruins of Misslonghi’; ‘Liberty Leading the People’; ‘Massacre of Chios’
Eugene Delacroix
Natures power and terror; Painted lots of ships and land and seascapes
J.W.M. Turner
Quiet peaceful rural landscapes with humans at one with their environment; Haywaine
John Constable
comes from medieval era; gothic revival
British Houses of Parliament
Transitional figure between classical and romantic eras; first person to have Inner human emotion through music
Ludwig van Beethoven
Piano influenced by polish folk songs and dances from Poland
Frédéric Chopin
Hungarian; First great piano virtuoso
Franz Liszt
Bohemian music
Anton Dvořák
Italian opera composer; Considered one of the top two opera singer/composer; Closely associated with Italian nationalism
Giuseppe Verdi
German opera writer; Does all kinda of opera based on German myths and legends; Tied in with German nationalism
Richard Wagner
Russian composer; Does symphonies and ballets; Uses Russian folk music
Peter Tchaikovsky
example is British Houses of Parliament
Gothic revival architecture
Industrialization aided by science will bring a new wondrous age in Europe; He’s at the beginning of the industrial revolution; Talks about parasites and doers and that you should improve the conditions of the poor
Henry de Saint-Simon
Practical; Said you should have universal suffrage and take control peacefully; Wanted workshops and factories run by governments
Louis Blanc
Write what is property; Answer is it’s the profits stolen from laborer and its the source of all wealth; Considered an anarchist.
Pierre Joseph Proundhon
Wanted a planned economy and socialist communities; Had utopian societies that were mathematically planned; Believed in the emancipation of women
Charles Fourier
Wrote condition of the working class in England; said they were murders and robbers
Karl Marx
Invented Marxism and he called it scientific socialism
Friedrich Engels
1848; Marxs idea; Considered the bible of communism; Lays out his theory called dialectical materialism; Blueprint for socialist revolution
The Communist Manifesto
Economic Interoperation of history; Class struggle; Theory of surplus values; Socialism is inevitable; Violent revolution; Dictatorship of the proletariat; Creation of a classless society
Dialectical materialism