The 7 Systems & ANS Flashcards
3 main integumentary layers
specialized structures (3)
hair follicles
sebaceous glands
sweat glands
functions of integumentary system
provides protection, containment, regulates heat, and provides sensation
synthesizes and stores
vitamin D
predominant collagen fiber direction and affect healing and scarring (e.g., wound care and surgery)
tension lines
contains most of the body fat stores although fat can be stored in many areas including around internal organs
subcutaneous tissue
a connective tissue beneath the subcutaneous tissue
deep fascia
4 types of deep fascia
intermuscular septa
investing fascia
subserous fascia
divide muscle groups
intermuscular septa
surrounds individual muscles and neuromuscular bundles
investing fascia
lies between musculoskeletal walls and the serous membranes lining body cavity
subserous fascia
hold tendons in place during joint movement
the bones that form the skull, laryngeal skeleton, vertebral column, and thoracic cage
axial skeleton
comprised of the upper and lower extremities, which include the shoulder girdle and pelvis
appendicular skeleton
function of skeletal system
provides support, protection, movement and storage, and synthesizes blood cells
outer covering of bone
5 classifications of bones
6 classifications of synovial joints
ball and socket
shortening of mm
isotonic (concentric)
mm length increases
mm length remain constant
the mm that moves
prime mover (agonist)
the muscle that is relaxing or lengthening
antagonist (opposes)
act around a moveable joint to produce motion similar to or in concert with agonist muscles
synergist (compliments)
the cardiovascular system consists of
heart and blood vessels
____ contain elastic and muscular fibers involved in the cardiovascular system
thinner and contain valves to prevent back flow in the passive vascular system
the lymph system drains
surplus fluid from the extracellular spaces into the bloodstream
enlargement of lymph nodes or vessels may indicate
injury, infection or disease
brain and spinal cord
nerve fibers and cell bodies outside CNS that conduct impulses toward or away from the CNS
Bundle of nerve fibers are covered by… (3)
collection of cell bodies outside the CNS
afferent (sensory) fibers run
distal to proximal
efferent (motor) fibers run
proximal to distal
most of them exit the cranial cavity through foramina in the cranium; may include motor fibers only, sensory fibers only, or both
cranial nerves
exit the vertebral column through intervertebral foramina and contain motor (efferent/ventral root) and sensory (afferent/dorsal root) fibers
spinal (segmental) nerves
catabolic; fight or flight (energy-expending)
Sympathetic NS
homeostatic or anabolic; energy-conserving (rest and digest)
Parasympathetic NS
presynaptic and post synaptic neurons connect the
CNS to the end organ
presynaptic cell bodies of the sympathetic division are found in the
interomediolateral cell columns of gray matter in the thoracolumbar spinal cord
Presynaptic sympathetic nerve fibers terminate in the sympathetic ganglia formed of the cell bodies of the postynaptic sympathetic neurons…located in the
sympathetic trunks (paravertebral ganglia) or around the roots of the major branches of the abdominal aorta (prevertebral ganglia)
This parasympathetic division are in the gray matter of the brainstem and sacral segments of the spinal cord (e.g., craniosacral).
presynaptic cell bodies
This parasympathetic neurons of the trunk are located in or on the structure being innervated
postsynaptic cell bodies
Which system is the common source of spread of cancerous cells
lymphoid system