TFN finals Flashcards
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Nees from bottom to top?
Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem, Self-Actualization
Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory tells which of the following motivates human
Motivated by unsatisfied needs
Friendship refers to which of the following needs?
Belongingness and love need
People are basically of the following EXCEPT
- Self-serving
What is the ultimate goal to be achieved based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
Stage of Change Theory where counter productive situations occur
Change became a part of everyday habit and a “standard operating procedure”
Involves feelings, behavior that goes along with the implementation of change
Pushes and causes change to occur:
Driving force
Pushes or hinder the change:
Restraining force
Two opposing forces evident in a pre-schooler, based on Erikson’s psychosocial development:
Initiative vs. Guilt
For parents to help preschooler achieve the developmental task at this stage on question #11 they must do the following EXCEPT
Finish difficult tasks for the child
An adolescent who fails to achieve developmental task of identity will instead develop its opposing force referred to as?
If generativity is not attained by middle aged adults, it will result to:
According to Lawerence Kohlberg, which level of moral development is described when a person is concerned with maintaining expectations and rules of the family, group, nation or society?
What is developed in middle age and older age group in moral development stage:
Social Contract Legalistic
What stage of moral development, when a 7-year-old child follows whatever his mother asks him to do because he knows that if he fails to follow, he will be grounded:
Punishment and Obedient
Which of the following term we use to describe the coordinating activity of each group to form a function?
Adult ego in Eric Berne’s theory would be a:
Rational Person
In transactional analysis, autonomy consists of all of the following EXCEPT?
An individual who left the position occupied for the past years of productive life because he/she has reached or has completed the retired years of service
Interventions or measures applied to solve a problematic situation in order to restore or maintain equilibrium and normal functioning
coping approaches
A physiological mental state of the respondents, classified as either sickly or healthy
Health status
A period between retirement and post retirement years
change of life
The interruption in the line of status enjoyed or role performed
Role discontinuity
Refers to the endurance of cells and tissues to withstand the wear and tear phenomenon of the human body
physiological age
Type of family composition described either close knit or extended family
Family constellation
Should be recognized as the fulfillment of every individual birthright and must be lived meaningfully.
It is a positive index regarding retirement positively and also in reacting to role discontinuities
Physiological age
Interventions and the quality of life of advance progressive cancer patients basic assumptions
Carmencita M. Abaquin “Prepare me”
Presence is being with another person during the times need for activities that include the following:
Therapeutic communication, active listening, sense of touch
Encourages an elicit form of relaxation for the purpose of altering patient’s level of awareness by focusing on an image or thought to facilitate inner sight which helps establish connection and relationship with God
Main focus of Laurente’s theory of Nursing practice and career
She emphasized effective communication and championed using the family as an entry point to help a patient
Recall of past experiences feelings and thoughts to facilitate adaption to present circumstances
Emphasized reminisce therapy
A mental state of fear or nervousness about what might happen mental state of fear or nervousness about what might happen
Techniques to encourage and elicit relaxation for the purpose of decreasing undesirable signs and symptoms such as pain, muscle tension and anxiety
Assisting another individual to clarify his own values about health and illness in order to facilitate effective decision making skills. develop an open mind for the acceptance of disease or deepen/enhance values
Values clarification
Person to person contact between the client and the nurses
Development in the time through mutual trust of the nurse and patient
Use of words as the powerful resource of energy for healing patients
State of being when there is no further medical treatment that can stabilize the patient. Declining condition for an extended priod of time
Terminally ill
Condition when a person feels worthless, dispirited, and endangered
Impaired self Esteem
Hopelessness to hope, helplessness to self care, powerlessness to personal control
Three key-booster systems
The client begins to identify problems to be worked on within the relationship
Identification phase
It is the last phase and all needs of the clients have met
resolution phase
The nurse and the client met for the first time
“Nursing is a therapeutic interpersonal process” definition by?
Hildegard Peplau
According to Roy’s Adaption theory, subsystem that responds through four-emotive channels (perceptual and information processing, learning, judgement, and emotion) is?
Cognator subsystem
Which type of stimuli that arises from internal and external which has unclear effect?
Best describes the nurse-patient relationship in the orientation phase
The nurse establishing a trust relationship
Florence Nightingal: Environmental theory Adaption model: ?
Sister Callista Roy
The following are regulator subsystem
change in vital signs, increase production of gastric acide, rise in blood sugar level.
Adaption model concept of a person includes?
Individual or in groups, families and communities, organizations
Physiologic adaptive mode four responses to stimuli in the environment
Oxygenation and nutrition, activity and rest.
Environmental stimuli that challenge/confront the person’s adaption
Focal stimuli
Adaptive mode that describes the relationship to others and fulfilling the need for social integrity
Role function mode
Adaption theory proposes that conditions, circumstances and influences that surround and affect the development and behavior of the person refers to
Series of interactional process wherein similarities of experiences of the nurse and the desire to understand the patient refers to?
Theory of interpersonal relations is by?
Hildegard Peplau
In interpersonal relationship theory, the nurse help patient understand the therapeutic plan, and the side effects of her medication. role portrayed by the nurse is?
Teacher role
Role is utilized by the nurse when she gives due respect over the patient’s individuality
Role of the stranger
The nurse listens and empathized with the patient as he share his concerns regarding his treatment plan. role portrayed by the nurse is?
Counselling role
The most therapeutic phase in interpersonal relationship theory is?
Exploitation phase
Theory defines nursing as science and practice that expands adaptive abilities and enhances person and environment transformation
Roy’s adaption model
Concepts related to Roy’s adaption model
Focal stimuli, cognator subsystem, role function
Characteristic of a theory
Logical in nature
Building blocks of theories
Component of a theory which explains the relationship among concepts
Aspect of reality can be consciously sensed or experience
Major concepts in nursing theories
Person, Nursing, Health, Environment
Most unique characteristic of nursing as a profession
Examples of abstract concepts
Justice, Love, War
“Is the theory clearly stated?” statement refers to theory analysis for?
Trainin a client on how to inject himself is an example of?
Authorative knowledge
When the nurse says “It’s always been practiced this way” the nurse sources of knowledge is?
“Diabetes is a hereditary” the statement made is an example of?
Scientific knowledge
Proposed that a nurse passes through five levels of proficiency
Patricia Benner
Newly hired nurse is trying to internalize procedures taught in the training session. She lacks confidence to perform some skills without supervision. her level of proficiency is?
The goal of nursing is: To assist an individual, family or community to prevent or cope with the experiences of illness and suffering
Joyce Travelbee
Author of the self-care deficit theory
Dorothy Orem
When the nurse provides bed bath and hair shampoo to a paralyzed patient, she is used to meet the self-care requisite of the client
Wholly compensatory system
Best described the lines of resistance in systems model
Protection factors activated when stressors have penetrated the normal lines of defense
Provides a distinct frame of reference, comprehensive and each addresses the metaparadigm concepts of person, environment, health, and nursing
Nursing conceptual models
Precise and answer specific nursing practice questions and situations that are within the perspective of the model or theory from which they were derived
Middle-range theories
Stage in nursing theory development limited to collection of epidemiologic data is
silent knowledge
The point in nursing theory development, emphasizing the theories be based on epirical studies, theoretical literature, client’s reports of clinical experience and feelings is?
constructed knowledge
Patterns of models used to show a clear relationship among existing theoretical works in nursing
Nursing paradigm
Global concepts that identify the phenomena of central interest to nursing, the propositions and relationships of concepts
Nursing metaparadigm
A newly hired nurse lacks to perform skills without supervision
A newly hired nurse demonstrates marginally acceptable performance and has enough experience of real-life situations, her level of proficiency is?
Advanced beginner
The nurse demonstrates skills of proficiency percieves situations as wholes, rather than in terms of aspects.
Proficient nurse
Climate change, progressive flooding, increased rate of COVID infection are realities that are observable as?
Theories whose subject matters are some other theories or theories about other theories
Metaparadigm that applies principles of knowledge, skills, technology, collaborations, professional judgement and communications
Concerned with the wholeness of human beings health, being aware of it’s continuous interactions with their environments metaparadigm reflected from
Person, environment and health
Theories that gives direction to research and practice, creates new ideas and distinguishes the focus to nursing to other professions
Derivable consequences
Theories are broadly conceptualized, non-specific, and comprised of abstract concepts, requiring further specifications through research before they can be fully tested are
Grand theories
Nightingale’s theory, emphasized frequent skin assessment to maintain good skin integrity. This environmental concept refers to?
Personal cleanliness
Watson’s theory, provides the values that determined how one should behave and what goals should strive. this describes the nursing metaparadigm as?
Hypothesis that relates to the health metaparadigm as unity and harmony within the mind, body and soul
Watson’s hypothesis
Concerned with the food eaten by the patient. this is observed when she regularly checks the diet of the patient. Incluenced by?
Nightingale’s theory
Formation of a humanistic altuistic system of values, is one of?
Watson’s 10 carative factors
Anything can be manipulated in the best possible condition for nature to act, is one of the metaparadigms of Nightingale which refers to?
The nurse listens as a client verbalized how she feels with upcoming surgery. she said “she is glad about the operation but she is afraid of the outcome of the procedure.” This is one of the carative factors of?
Expressing positive and negative feelings and emotions
The role of nursing is to facilitate “The body’s reparative processes” by manipulating client’s environment related to?
Florence Nightingale’s theory
“Suffering that occurs as a result of a lack of caratative care” is a violation of human dignity: based on?
Erickson’s theory
Chattering hopes and advices, is one of the factors of health based on?
Nightingale’s theory
“Love & Playing” is one of the caring elements based on?
Katie Erickson’s theory
In the dimensions of health, “Genetic makeup and developmental level” refers to?
Physical dimension
Build strong communication networks among family, friends and peers refers to?
Emotional dimension
Living in harmony with the environment and other people in the community refers to?
Socio-cultural dimensions of health
In the Nightingale’s theory, she emphasized frequent skin assessment to maintain good skin integrity, this refers to?
Personal cleanliness
The patient has strong faith & so prayerful. she believes that her husband will recover from his sickness, she is described as?
Spiritual being
Henderson is also known as “First truly international nurse”, “Modern day mother of nursing”, “First lady of nursing”, and “?”
20th century Florence Nightingale
Phenomenon that might penetrate both the flexible and normal lines of defense