Biolab finals Flashcards
Are proteins that catalyze or accelerate chemical reactions.
The molecules at the beginning of the process of acceleration and catalyzing, these are called?
It is when the enzyme converts them into different molecules
The products
Enzymes can be (?) and (?) with salts, solvents and other reagents
Denatured and precipitated
Enzymes can be Denatured and precipitated with (?), (?) and (?)
salts, solvents and other reagents
(?) can be Denatured and precipitated with salts, solvents and other reagents
Enzymes have molecular weights ranging from (?) to (?)
10,000 to 2,000,000
Many enzymes require the presence of other compounds - cofactors - before their catalytic activity can me exerted. this entire active complex is referred to as the (?)
Many enzymes require the presence of other (?) - (?) - before their catalytic activity can me exerted. this entire active complex is referred to as the holoenzyme
compounds - cofactors
Apoenzyme + cofactor = ?
(?) + (?) = Holoenzyme
Apoenzyme + cofactor
A non-protein organic substance which is dialyzable, thermostable and loosely attached to the protein part
An organic substance which is dialyzable and thermostable which is firmly attached to the protein or apoenzyme portion
Prosthetic group
The enzyme will catalyze only one reaction
Absolute specificity
The enzyme will act only on molecules that have specific functional groups, such as amino, phosphate and methyl groups.
Group Specificity
The enzyme will act on a particular type of chemical bond regardless of the rest of the molecular structure
Linkage specificity
The enzyme will act on a particular steric or optical isomer
Steriochemical specificity
Are polymers of high molecular weight with nucleotides as the repeating unit.
Nucleic acids
Are mostly conjugated with proteins to form nucleoproteins
Nucleic acids
Nucleic acids are mostly (?) with proteins to form nucleoproteins
Nucleic acids are mostly conjugated with proteins to form (?)
In most living organisms (exept for viruses), genetic information is stored in the molecule (?)
deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA
Is made and resides in the nucleus of living cells
DNA Is made and resides in the (?) of living cells
Four different nucleotide bases occur in the DNA:
Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), Thymine (T).
It gets it’s name from the sugar group in the molecule’s backbone ribose
Has a sugar phosphate backbone with nucleotide bases attached to it.
Like DNA, RNA contains the bases (?), (?) and (?)
Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Guanine (G)
RNA does not contain?
Thymine (T).
RNA does not contain Thymine (T), but instead, RNA’s fourth nucleotide is the base (?)
Uracil (U)
RNA is a (?) stranded molecule
Single stranded molecule
DNA is a (?) Stranded Molecule
Double stranded
RNA is the main genetic material used in the organisms called (?)
(?) is the main genetic material used in the organisms called viruses
RNA can move around the cells of living organisms and thus serves as a sort of (?)
Genetic messenger
DNA was first prepared from (?) and (?)
thymus or muscle tissues
(?) was first prepared from thymus or muscle tissues
RNA was first isolated from (?)
(?) was first isolated from yeast
what is the color formed in the test for nucleoproteins?
Purple color
In the test for nucleoproteins, what and how many drops were administered?
5-10 drops of 1% CuSO4 (Copper Sulfate)
What color was formed in the isolation of RNA from yeast
Brownish solution
What is the heat required in the isolation of RNA from yeast and for how long?
heat for 90 degrees celsius for 30 minutes
What color was formed in the Test for presence of phosphates
Yellow color
what percentage and amount of sulfuric acid was administered to remaining filtrate? (Test for phosphates)
20ml of 10% H2SO4 (Sulfuric Acid) to remaining filtrate
1 ml of acid hydrolysis + bial orcinol’s reagent
Yellow color
1 ml of 0.1% ribose solution + bial orcinol’s reagent
Blue-green color
0.1% glucose solution + bial orcinol’s reagent
Yellow brown color
What color was formed in the test for presence of purines
White color
In the test for presence of purines, how many ml and percentage of ammonium hydroxide were administered
3 ml of 10% NH4OH (ammonium hydroxide)
color formed in the BIURET TEST
Violet color
TEST FOR CATALASE ACTIVITY how many ml of extract?
5 ml of extract
Blue to green coloration
In the TEST FOR SPECIFICITY OF ENZYME ACTION, test tube 1. Yellowish to orange hue (indicates that the starch had already been metabolized)
(indicates that the starch had already been metabolized)
In the TEST FOR SPECIFICITY OF ENZYME ACTION, test tube 2. For the first five minutes, it has an extreme starch that contains a (?)
bluish black
Urine will containe (?) and other excess (?) from your body
Acetone, ketones
Acetone bodies: 5% ammonium sulfate solution + 5% sodium nitroprusside solution + Conc. Ammonium hydroxide. What color was formed after adding the NH4OH, and what is in the middle?
It turned yellow after adding NH4OH and the middle is a red color which shows presence of ketone
Acetone bodies:
What does the color red mean?
shows the presence of ketone
In the urine Benedict’s reagent, what color did the urine change into from yellow?
It changed to green or greenish-yellow color
In creatinine, what color did the urine change into from yellow?
It changed into orange-red
What was the result/color in the test for pathological constituents?
Blue solution
In the test for normal constituents, what color was formed?
Light blue
In the test for normal constituents, how many ml and percentage of sodium carbonate solution was administered?
2ml of 10% sodium carbonate solution
Characteristics of normal urine: The quantity averages to?
The quantity averages to 1500 to 2000ml in an adult man daily
Characteristics of normal urine: The specific gravity is?
The specific gravity is 1.010 to 1.025
Characteristics of normal urine: The odor is?
The odor is slightly aromantic
The reaction of normal urine is slightly acidic with an average of?
pH of 6.0
A liquid or product by our body that is secreted by our kidneys and then excretyed through the urethra.
The specific gravity of water is?