Test 5 Flashcards
by 1600’s, 2 reasons Portugal empire diminished?
L= lost most trading posts in war
C= colonies were smaller and did not grow much
top 4 crops
tobacco, sugar, coffee, cotton
top group was called___
only difference from top group was…
born in spain
a mestizo is a
mixed blood
social classes name is
casta system
4 reasons great britains colonial program was used more successful
1- religous freedom
2- long term settlement
3- rights for settlers
4- private land ownership
english colonialism goal
long term settlement
spain diminidhed their power why
L- lost many wars to European countries
I- inflation in silver and gold
C- colonization was not successful in the long term.
slavery job open to majorly men and was very deadly
sugar plantations
what percent died?
transatlantic differences
more brutal, race determined, hereditary/generational, lifelong
what killed natives
how were slaves aqquired?
europeans bough african slaves from trading posts on african coasts
royal 5th
20% gold and silver
legal rights led to natives…
A is what?
unlikely upsets
4 major legacies
spanish lanugae, class consious society, mixed race society, catholic-christian religon
what came from americas
potatoes, corn, turkey
what came to americas
disease, livesstock, grains.