Islam Flashcards
Founder of islam, where from, how old, poly of mono?
Muhammed, Present day saudi arabia, 610 AD, monotheistic
Which montheism today takes their Holy book most seriously
Islam. The Quar’an, only official in arabic, literal word of god
ummah idea in Islam
idea that the community of muslims is important, religon an govenrment united in Islam
5 Pillars
Prayer: prayer towards mecca 5x a day
Fasting: ykt
Alms: donate money to poor
Pilgrimage: visit Mecca once in life
Faith: say “there is no God but Allah and Muhammd is his prophet” 3x in arabic to become Muslim
Dar-al-Islam and Dar al-Harb
idea that there is an area ruled by Islam law and there is a world that needs to be conquered by jihad
why has islam become such popular religon
promise of paradise, communication to loving Gof, discipline, easy to become, ummah encoureges in gov.
how did the great Muslim empires view Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians?
people of the book.
how did Christians and Jews view islm faith
muhammed was wrong, false path
Sunni/Shitte about?
disagreement wether leaer of muslims should be blood relative to Muhammed or not
3 choices for the conquered
convert, become POB, or die.
Jihad and 2 interpreetations
Struggle. Can mean challenge in life generally, or struggle to convert the world to Islam.
Islamic Golden Age
great science and learning in Muslim World, peak!
FOunder of Sikhism, where is it form, how old is it, poly or mono
Guru Nanak
Punjab part of india
What was Tamerlanes Empire like in the lte 13-early 14 hudnereds