ap test 10 Flashcards
When where and what started industrial revolution
mid/late 1700’s, great britain, started with textiles
why didn’t the industrial revolution happen in china first?
they didn’t trade much with other countries, didn’t use coal, don’t have colonial empire with natural resources, and more
assembly line
manufacturing process where things are adddd gradually to make a finished product
five types of resources
land=all natural resources
entreprenuership= starting/running a buissiness
difference between scarcity and surplus
scarcity, not enough
surplus, more than enough (office analogy)
How did the rise of factories change society?
more people in cities, more people working for salary, cheaper prices for factory goods, wrath inequality.
transportation revolution?
invention of steamboat, ironclads, railroads, automobiles, and airplanes.
2 types of viral fuel in the IR?
coal (steam power) and oil (gasoline)
modern uses for oil
gas, lubrication, plastics, styrofoam, asphalt
problems with urbanization
inadequate housing, inadequate education, lack of sanitation, crowded cities, etc.
problems with labor in industrial revolution era?
long work hours, child labor, no unions, no workers rights, no hazard pay, low wages, etc
what is bargained in collective bargaining?
wages, hours, work conditions
what can unions threaten to do if the workers do not like there bargaining agreement
threaten to strike
what sorts of mass culture became popular to the public by the early 1900s in the west
magazines, newspapers, novels, movies, sports, etc
what types of social reform movements were there?
womens rights, womens sufferage, labor movement, mens sufferage, public education, abolition, prison reform.
reasons for common school movement in 1800’s?
1) Ethical for children to learn instead of work
2) Buissnesses wanted people to know basic math
3) a way to to assimilate ceratin groups
1st and 2nd wave of feminist movement
1) sufferage, property rights, education, career opourtunities
2) workplace equality abortion rights, anti-sexism
Arguments to end slavery?
- christian teachings
- back to africa movement
- Some thought institution of slavery would naturally die out
arguments to continue slavery?
- justified slavery with the bible
- racial superiority
- we dont have the right to end it– too costly.
great britains role in the abolition movement and slavery.
- fought slave ships on high deas
- ended slave trade in 1807
- government decided to pay former slave owners for their slaves