TEST 20 - content Flashcards
Key contributions of allies in WW2?
Great Britain: Broke Nazi code with computer, radar, air strikes on germany. churchill leadership
USSR: highest human cost, leadership of Stalin
USA: broke japanese code, dropped 2 atomic bombs in japan, top producer of war equitement, leadership of roosevelt/truman
China: highest human cost in asia, paused civil war to fight japan.
Nuremberg trials? Tokyo trials?
N: only 1 nazi admitted guilt, most recieved harsh sentences and 11 hung.
T: japanese emperr allowed to live but many were found guilty and sime were sentenced to death
WW2 was deadliest war in history, statistics on this?
Deaths: 70-85 million
USSR and China deatths: USSR had #1 death toll: 23 mil, China suffered second most, 19 mil
Holocaust deaths: 12 mil died, 6 mil jewish
7 million innocent asians killed by japnese
2 million women raped by USSR troops
Atomic bomb deaths: 129,000-226,000 innocent japanese
120,000 japanese went to internment camps
7,000 suicides in Berlin Germany-1945
50 million people uprooted from homes
Cold War?
struggle between democratic/capitalist/liberalism world vs. communist world.
3 purposes of United Nations
- forum for different countries to communicate
- foreign aid
- collective security
UN security council countries? Why?
USA, UK, China, France, USSR because they won ww2. they can veto a collective military action.
What was the marshall plan and was it worth it?
US gave money to support non-communist countries that were desperate to rebuild. Huge success.
Why was Berlin wall built?
to keep communists in and attempt to conserve communism. This wall was embarrassing to soviets and communists.
What were NATO and Warsaw pact?
Military alliance systems during Cold WarNATO = US led, Warsaw Pact = USSR led
Based on the Domino Theory, what was the US foreign policy of containment that lasted through most of the Cold War?
Started in the USA in 1940, idea to not let communism spread so it wouldnt get to nearby countries
Espionage purpose?
v competitive and intense, soviets had KGB and americans had CIA
two major functions of the CIA
-espionage: spying to gather more information and spread influence
-covert actions: secretive missions to influencve events. EX: Irn, Guatemala, Cubas Bay of Pigs, etc.
Proxy wars?
not directly between major powers, but were supported and funded by each. dominated cold war and more violence resulted.
Arms race? and MAD?
Huge military race with USA and USSR that included nulear weponss build up. Mutual Assured Destruction- theory that its suicidal to attack opponent due to retliatory attack
Status of nuclear proliferation today?
since 1968, it was accepted global policy that no other counties should have access to nuclear weapons. USA and Russia have 90% of worlds weapons
Space Race?
Competition between USA and USSR in outer space technology to prove superiority of gov system. USSR first satelite USA first person on moon
sports in cold war?
- cheating, especially in communist countries
-Boycotts a part of olympics
three worlds in the Cold War
First: democratic, wealthy, capitalist countries
Second: communist countries
Third: Poor countries, many wanting independent countries, seen as battle ground between communist and liberalism ideology.
Overall, what advantages did the KGB and CIA have over each other?
CIA= better technology
KGB= better human resources, less rules to follow
What sort of place was communist China?
Mao Zedong.
Like stalins USSR, push for industrialization and huge communes, Mao = cult of personality, Mao suits= clothing
Great Leap Forward? Successful?
Chinas strategy to industrialize and collectivize agriculture into communes. Failed horribly and famine broke out.
Cultural Revolution
A huge campaign to get rid of anything anti-communist and 4 olds
Everyone had to have Mao’s “little red book” and it replaced education.
The “Red Guard” consisted of young people trying to “make revolution” by finding people who didn’t support the idea
Many were sent to work in farms for re-education
It ended when Mao died 400,000-1 million people died.
What were two resources why the USSR and China were not closer allies.
Egos of both leaders
Ideological differences
Tiananmen Square?
Huge pro-democracy protest that failed and hundreds died, government forbids talk of it today.
Status of Communism in China today?
China is now a market economy, Chinese communist party still in power, heavy critisicm about surveillance policies, spread of power in asia, and lack of human rights
What is the status of Taiwan, Tibet, and Hong kOng today?
all controversial in china,
Taiwan: disputed since end of chinese civil war in 1949
Tibet: conquered since 1950 do not recognize Dalai Lama
Hong Kong: Handed back to china in 1997 with a plan for 50 yrs of continued capatilism and free speech, but protests effected this and china took away freedom
Post WW2 status of USA, GB?France, USSR, China, Fascism, and Colonists.
USA: won war, top power, booming economy.
GB/France: won war, not top power, colonist wanted to be independent.
USSR: won war but suffered, rivaled US, feared by democratic countries
China: won against japan, but still in civil war until 1949.
Fascism: defeated and discarded.
Colonists: independence! age of decolonization began