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Catholic basics
need 7 scraments, pope is head of the church, must confess suin, fancy chapels and cathederals, preists cannot marry and must be men
why crusaders go on crusades
- adventure
- oppurtunity for conquest
- sins automatically forgiven
What did west learn from islamic civilization from the crusades
muslims dominaded the crusaders, but trade increased and they learned from te islamic world
Origin of byzantine empire what religion
Aftern western roman empire, the eastern roman empire continues until 1453, orthodox christians
What was the Byzantines relationship with Christianity, emperors role?
considerd themeselves leaders of christianity, didnt recognize pope
emperor was “equal to the Apostles, called councils to settle disputs within religion, and led relgion and country.”
East-West Schism about
split byzantine form of christianity, with catholic christianity.
Significance of fourth crusade and byzantine empire
being depseperate for money to pay Venice, crusaders sacker onstantinople and rules it for several decades. This greatly weakened empire and led to greater Islamic expansion.
After BYzantine Empire ended in ___, which civilization/leader claimed to be leader of Orthodox Christianity.
russi becma enew center, Czar was head christian
Purpose of Holy Roman Empire? and date
800s CE - 1806 CE
Emperor secular ruler, Pope spiritual leader of Christendom
3 problems from the start for the Holy Roman Empire
- power struggles from holy roman empire and the pope
- not unified, no capital
- Byzantines didnt respect agreement.