TEST 15 Flashcards
What were the 4 main long-term causes of WW1?
Militarism- to glorify and prepare for war
Alliances- mutual agreement to support other country in times of war
Imperialism- when a stronger country conquers ad runs a foreign land.
Nationalism- deep devotion and superiority for country
How did militarism lead to WW1
conscription- common so militaries were huge
Jingoism- warlike foreign policy was encouraged
Arms race- common between world powers
How did alliances impact WW1
brought more countries into WW1 (allies fought central powers)
What were the sides in WW1
Central powers (germany, austria/hungary, ottoman empire)
Allied powers (france, GB, russia, USA, serbia, japan, china, italy)
What side of the war was US on and important why?
US entered war in 1917, large say in peace negotiations.
How did imperialism lead to WW1?
-Industrialized countries needed raw materials (industrial rev)
- European powers ruled many colonies and needed stronger militaries
- The comp for colonies in Africa and Asia led to empire rivarly
How did nationalism and self-determination lead to WW1
- many ethnic groups in empires wanted indepednent countries of there own
- ## Many felt their country/ethnic group was superior to foreigners
What was the Balkan Peninsula? And previous name?
previous name: powder keg of europe
It was part of the country Austria-Hungary, the Balkans housed lots of different ethnicities, many of whom wanted independent countries.
Short-term cause of WW1
- Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, her to Austria hungary throne. Assasinators thought this would scare Austria Hngary into giving up Bosnia.
Modern weapons in WW1
Machine guns, artillery, tanks, airplanes, battleships, submarines, poisonous gases, landmines, zeppelins.
Trench warfare?
Two trances, with a no-mans land in between. soldiers would basically jsut charge and try to conquer enemeys trench, running straight into enemy fire.
Overal, was the Treaty of Versaailles lenient or harsh on the losers.
HARSH! not peaceful, opposoite of congress of Vienna.
Purpose of the League of Nations?
- being a forum where countries could meet and talk about world problems
- collective security to prevent future wars by the whole world attacking any “aggressor” country
Three notable countrie not on the League of Nations when it started
Soviet Union, USA, germany
WHat was a common opinion about war after WW1 and how did it realte to the league of nations?
people quesitoned warfare in general, they didnt want to fight another war
League of nations was formed to prevent future wars, many people thought it would work
What governmnet was mostly discarded after WW1
Monarchy. (specifically absolute monarchy in the ottoman empire, russia, austria hungary, and germany)
What happened to Austria-Hungary as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?
It ended and dissolved into several smaller countries
WHat happened to Germany as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?
- It lost some borderlands and its entire overseas empire
- Forced to have only a very weak military
- Forbidden to join league of nations
- had to pay $$ reparations for the war
- Signed a docment admitting it was all germanys fault
- became republic
How did Ottoman Empire become Turkey
Lost WW1, lost all land outside “turkey” fought civil war ending in 1922
How was Turkey different than the Ottoman Empire when Mustafa Kemal took over
more secular, pro-european culture, banned the fez hat, adopted Turkish alphabet, etc.
WHat happened to the Ottoman empire because of the Treaty of Versailles?
It ended. land divided between england and france, what was left of empire renamned “turkey” after civil war
What freedom/rights did the colonists win as a result from helping their mother countries in WW1
won nothing, led to more unrest
what does communism attempt to do
- make clasless society
- abolish all private property
acording to Marxist theory, what is the final class struggle
workers vs. owners
why wasnt russia considerde to be an ideal place for communist worlwide revolution to begin
not industrialized enough. not enough workers vs. owners struggle
what are 3 reasons why communists do not like capatilism
- evil bosses motivatied by greed
- overproduction
- combinations
3 major stages of russian revolution
february revolution: Nicholas 11, tsar of russia, stepped down from power. Unsuccessful provisional government began
October revolution: Bolsheviks took over government. Lenin was leader, russia surrendered in WW1
Russian Civil War: between reds and whites, reds won and renamed country USSR
services/policies that communist government promised, and reality of it
Free Education: almost 100% literate! but communist ideology dominated
Free Health care: chronic shortages,long waits
100% housing: They did this! but some had preferences
Equality: women acheived equal status but still took “homemaker” duties
Food for all: arrwmpws bur chronic shortages and long lines became the norm
100% employment: achieved! but could not choe job and workers rights were bad
LEnin’s “dictarship of proletariat” leadership style?
argued that the communist movement and USSR needed elite leadership that had to be obeyed for everyones own good
what class of people had the highest standard of living in the USSR and why did this matter
High-ranking governmnet officials (aka: nomenklatura) Mattered because the inequality betrayed ommunist ideas about equality
What was USSR’s Comintern about? where was it most successful?
Goal was to spread communism worldwide; notably started chinese communist party
How successful was the early spread of communism?
Not successful. Eastern countries rejected, western countries alarmed and took steps to prevent it.
In communist countries like USSR, China, and north korea, how was cult of personality like religion?
Communist countries were atheist, but their leaders and communist ideology became the new “religion”
When Stalin took power, how had the idea of global revolution changed?
it was not seen as possible yet, best thing for USSR to industrialize and become ore powerful
what were stalin’s five year plans about?
Collectivize farms and industrialize USSR at any cost. Living standards went down but industrialization occurred.
how did stalin change agriculture in the USSR
became a colective enterprise. It was disastrous and milliond died in famines, especially in Ukraine (punished by Stalin)
What were the USSR’s purges of the 1930s about under stalin
peaking in the 1930’s 10s of millions were arrested and killed for being traitors or enemies of the state, many innocent :(
What was the dual purpose of the Gulag
ti work as a prison system and forced labor system
What was socialist realism art about
it falsely shows how communism worked well. The art was common across the communist world.