Test 3: Emotion and Motivation Flashcards
Do men and women love differently?
Just as likely to have love at first sight, passionate and companionate love, unrequited love, securely and insecurely attached, suffer with broken heart
How do men express love
How do women express love
Love is based on…
Based on culture, economic, and social rules
Goal is more likely to improve your motivation for achievement if …
- Goal is specific.
- “I will do my best”- not a good goal
- Goal is challenging.
- But not impossible
- Goal is framed in terms of getting what you want rather than avoiding what you don’t want.
Approach goals
a motivation to experience a positive outcome (experience pleasure)
Avoidance goals
a motivation to experience a negative outcome (avoid pain)
Performance goals
framed in terms of performing well for others, being judged favorable, avoiding criticism.
Mastery goals
framed in terms of increasing one’s competence and skills.
Kids praised for intelligence and ability…
- Set more performance goals
- Gave up sooner, enjoyed task less, lied to others about their performance
Kids praised for effort…
Set more learning goals
In the ___, kids believe intelligence and ability are fixed, but effort can always increase
United States
Self-fulfilling prophecy
your expectations make you behave in ways that make the expectation come true.
Bandura’s Self-Efficacy
Develops with experience of mastering new skills, overcoming obstacles, learning from occasional failure, having successful role models, receiving constructive feedback, getting encouragement
High Self-efficacy =
faster problem solving, better task performance, more persistent, healthier, motivated to work for political and social change
Glass ceiling
No chance of promotion -> men and women tend to down play the importance of achievement, fantasize about quitting, and emphasize social benefits instead of intellectual and financial benefits
Factors that increase work motivation, satisfaction, creativity (and decrease emotional burnout & stress)
- Work feels meaningful and important to employees
- Employees have control over many aspects of their work
- Tasks are varied rather than repetitive
- The company maintains clear and consistent rules
- Employees receive useful feedback about their work so they know what they have accomplished and what they need to improve
- Employees have many sources of social support, including from colleagues and supervisors.
Strongest motivator is…
incentive pay -bonuses given upon completion of goal rather than automatic raise; increases feelings of competence and accomplishment