Tectonic Processes & Hazards - Case Studies - Volcanoes & Tusnamis Flashcards
Developed country tsunami case study?
Japan (2011) tsnuami
How many people died in the Japan (2011) earthquake/tsnuami
15, 853 deaths
How many people got injured in the Japan (2011) earthquake/tsnuami
How many people became homeless in the Japan (2011) earthquake/tsnuami
130,927 people homeless
How many buildings destroyed in the Japan (2011) earthquake/tsnuami
Economic cost of the Japan (2011) earthquake/tsnuami
US$235 billion
Signficant impact on population health from the Japan (2011) earthquake/tsunami
- Despite early warning systems, Japan failed to take into account the impact of a tsunami on a nuclear power plant
- -the plant had been built to withstand a tsunami - this caused the Fukushima event –> radiation leaks
What is the GDP per capita of Japan in 2023
- GDP per capita: US$36,990 (2023)
What was the magnitude of the Japan 2011
What planning was in place before the 2011 Japan tsunami
- A low level of corruption meant that building regulations were strictly followed
- Evacuation shelters and marked evacuation routes were planned and mapped out
- Areas vulnerable to tsunami already had a 10m high sea wall built
What was the impact on the nuclear reactor of the Japan tsuanami
- The tsunami disabled the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima Dalichi reactors, causing a significant nuclear accident. All three nuclear cores largely melted in the first three days.
- 98% of the damage was attributed to the tsunami
What was the attitude to nuclear power following the Japan tsunami
- Immediately after the Fukushima event, the government promised to reduce the country’ use of nuclear * However recently they have begun to use it again.
How did research change after the Japan tsunami
- Researchers collected extensive data on tsunami wave forces and building performance
- This facilitated improvement in tsunami mitigation strategies
Developing country tsunami case study?
Indian Ocean (2004 tsunami)
How many people died in the Indian Ocean (2004 tsunami)
289,601 deaths
How many people became homeless in the Indian Ocean (2004 tsunami)
1.7 million people homeless
Economic cost of the Indian Ocean (2004 tsunami)
US$10 billion
What was the magnitude of the Indian Ocean (2004 tsunami)
What was the planning/ preparation for the Indian Ocean (2004 tsunami)
- Many densely populated villages, towns, & resorts were on the coast.
- Buildings were not built to sustain tectonic hazards.
- There were no warning systems set up, so many had no idea that the earthquake had occurred.
What was a major environmental impact of the Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004
Freshwater supplies were contaminated by salt water
Impacts of Sri Lanka Boxing Day tsunami
what was the reach of the damage?
- Within hours of the earthquake, killer waves radiating from the epicenter slammed into the coastlines of 11 countries, damaging countries from east Africa to Thailand
Impacts of Sri Lanka Boxing Day tsunami
In Sri Lanka, more than …..% of the fishing fleet and infrastructure were destroyed.
Impacts of Sri Lanka Boxing Day tsunami
- The 2004 Indonesia earthquake caused a shift in…..
….the earth’s mass, changing the planet’s rotation
What was the long-term economic response to the Indian Ocean 2004 Tusnami
- A year later £372 million had been donated by the British public,
- but only £128 million had been spent by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)
- there were organisational issues following the collection
What was the long-term disaster preparation response to the Indian Ocean 2004 Tusnami
The Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System was set up in June 2006, as before there had been no early-warning system.
What was the VEI of the Iceland (2010 Eyjatjallajokull Volcano)
What was the voclano type of the Iceland (2010 Eyjatjallajokull Volcano)
how many deaths from the Iceland (2010 Eyjatjallajokull Volcano)
what was the cost of the Iceland (2010 Eyjatjallajokull Volcano)
GDP per capita of the Iceland (2010 Eyjatjallajokull Volcano)
What were the preparations for the Iceland (2010 Eyjatjallajokull Volcano)
- An international team to use a combination of GPS, seismic monitoring and satellite radar interferometry
- to track years of deformations and volcanic activity on and around Eyjafjallajokull, months before it errupted
what were the short term impacts of the Iceland (2010 Eyjatjallajokull Volcano)
- Homes and roads were damaged, services were disrupted, crops were destroyed by ash, and roads were washed away
- Fresh food imports stopped, and industries were affected by a lack of imported raw materials
- Flooding was caused as the glacier melted
What was the short term response to the Iceland (2010 Eyjatjallajokull Volcano)
- In the short term, the area around the volcano was evacuated
- The ash cloud brought European airspace to a standstill during the latter half of April 2010 costing billions in delays
What were the long-term responses to the Iceland (2010 Eyjatjallajokull Volcano)
- The European Union has developed an integrated structure for air traffic management
- This means following a volcanic eruption in the future, areas of air space may be closed, reducing the risk of closing all European air space
What is the developing country case study for volcanic erruptions
Nyiragongo, DRC (2002)
What was the VEI of the Nyiragongo, DRC (2002) volancanic erruption
Volcano type of the Nyiragongo, DRC (2002) volancanic erruption
How amny deaths came from the Nyiragongo, DRC (2002) volancanic erruption
How many made homeless by the Nyiragongo, DRC (2002) volancanic erruption
What is the cost of the Nyiragongo, DRC (2002) volancanic erruption
What is the GDP per capita of the Nyiragongo, DRC (2002) volancanic erruption
What is special about the Nyiragongo, DRC (2002) volancano
- It is one of the few places in the world to feature a persistent lake of lava bubbling within its summit crater
- Because of the geologic complexities of region, its lava is remarkably fluid, able to move at up to 40 miles an hour
There was ……… for the Nyiragongo, DRC (2002) volcanic erruption
little to no planning
what was the environmental impact of the Nyiragongo, DRC (2002)
- Acid rain fell due to the reaction of volcanic gases in the atmosphere, damaging farmland
What was the evacuation like for the Nyiragongo, DRC (2002) volcanic erruption
- 400,000 people were evacuated from their homes to avoid the lava.
- The evacuation plans were very limited many residents had not experienced a volcanic eruption
what was the immediate aid given after the Nyiragongo, DRC (2002) volcanic erruption
- The United Nations sent 260 tonnes of food to the affected area within a week of the eruption
How have evactuation plans changed long-tern since the Nyiragongo, DRC (2002) volcanic erruption
- Evacuation routes have also been mapped
- Officials have been retrained and provided with evacuation plans; each has a designated community to support
How have early warning signs changed long-tern since the Nyiragongo, DRC (2002) volcanic erruption
- Thirty new signs that detail the early warning signs of a volcanic eruption have been put up in high-risk areas
- Officials have been retrained and provided with evacuation plans; each has a designated community to support