Carbon - EQ3 - 6.9 - Kyoto Protocol & Paris Agreement Flashcards
When was the Kyoto Protocol adopted
In Kyoto on December 11th 1997
Who signed the Kyoto Protocol
- mandated that 37 industrialised nations plus the EU cut their GHG emissions
- developing nations were asked to comply voluntarily,
- & more than 100 developing countries were exempted from the agreement all together
The … backed out the Kyoto Protocol in ….. on the basis that it unfairly burndend developed nations
- US
- 2001
What was pledged in the Kyoto Protocol
- developed countries made a promise to reduce their annual hydrocarbon emissions by an average of 5.2% by the year 2012
- this represents about 29% of the worlds total greenhouse gas emissions
What did the EU, US & Canada each pledge to cut of their emissions
- EU - 8%
- US - 7%
- Canada - 6%
What was pledged to aid developing countries reduction in GHG
- effectively $100 billion was pledged to aid developing countries in selecting non-greenhouse gas emitting industrialized processes & technologies
How did the Kyoto Protocol understand the differing positions of developed & developing nations in reducing GHG emissions
- The protocol separated countries into two groups:
- Annex I - developed nations - only placed emission limitations on these
- Non-Annex I - developing countries - participated by investing in projects designed to lower emissions in their countries
How did the details of the Kyoto Proctocol curb GHG emissions
- for these projects, developing countries earned carbon credits,
- which they could trade or sell to developed countries, allowing the developed nations a higher level of maximum carbon emissions for that period
- this function helped the developed countries to continue emitting GHG vigorously
Was the Kyoto Protocol unsuccessful concerning the USA
- The USA who ratified the agreement orginally, dropped out the protocol in 2001 - harsh on industrialised nations & the USA’s economy
How did the Kyoto Protocol ‘end’
- In Doha, Qatar, on 8 December 2012, the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol was adopted for a second commitment period, starting in 2013 and lasting until 2020.
Did countries abide by the Kyoto Protocol
- many countries like the EU planned to meet or exceed their targets by 2011
- China & USA produced enough greenhouse gases to mitigate any of the progress by nations who met their targets who met their targets
Statistically, how successful was the Kyoto protocol
- there was an increase of about 40% in emissions globally 1990-2009
what potential for the Kyoto Protocol was there once it had ended
- The Doha Amendment extended the Kyoto Protocol - adding new emissions targets for participating countries
- This was short lived & the 2015 Paris Agreement effectively replaced this
What is the impact of the Kyoto Protocol today
- depite myriad plans & some actions, solutions to GHG emissions have not been implemented
When was the Paris Agreement signed
- December 2015
- & it was entered into force in November 2016
What was the aim of the Paris Agreement
- goal was to achieve a balance after 2050 between atmospheric inputs of greenhouse gases by emissions sources & removal into sinks
- aimed to hold the increase of global temperatures to well below 2 degrees above preindustrial levels & pursue efforts to limit to 1.5 degrees celcius
How many countries signed the Paris Agreement by January 2021
- 195 countries & ratified by 190
What was the objective of the December 11th 2015 UN climate conference
- to establish a binding & universal agreement designed to limit GHG emissions to level that would prevent global temperatures rising above 2 degrees
What was the USAs stance on climate change prior to the Paris Agreement
- Clean Power Plan was to set limits on existing & palnned power plant emissions
- 2014 —> announced aim to reduce emissions 26-28% below 2005 levels for by 2025
What was the Chinas stance on climate change prior to the Paris Agreement
- peaking carbon dioxide emissions around 2030
- lowering emissions per unit of GDP by 60-65% from the 2005 level
what negotiations & agreements were established froom the 2015 Paris Agreement
-developed countries
- the issue of transferring funds from developed countries to LDCs, because developed ocuntries did not want to be the only one paying the cost
- specified no new funding targets but noted that developed countries should provide financial resources to LDCs
- regular reporting of progress in achieving INDCs
what negotiations & agreements were established froom the 2015 Paris Agreement
- LDCs also have to improve their economies & reduced poverty - devloping countries to enhance their mitigation efforts
Was the Paris Agreement successful
- progress has been mixed:
- China has met its commitment in 2017
- EU offcicials announced all member states had fallen behind on reaching targets
- US progress is more unclear –> US climate policy were keeping the country from meeting its goals could be individual US cities & states keeping them on track
- however, US emissions have increased 3.4% since 2018