T4 - Systematics and Phylogeny Flashcards
The theory and practice of classifying organisms based on phylogeny
the current hypothesis for the evolutionary history of a species or group of related species
Phylogenetic trees
Show the hypotheses of the evolutionary relationships between organisms through evolutionary descent and common ancestors
What are the two ways we can infer phylogeny?
- morphological data
- molecular data
morphological data
similarities between anatomical features
molecular data
similarities in molecular structures (DNA, RNA, protein)
the divergence of two species from a common ancestor
sister taxa
two descendants from the same node/common ancestor
Basal Taxon
species that diverges early in the evolutionary history of a group, closer to common ancestor
a piece of a phylogeny with an ancestor and al its descendants; forms a nested hierarchy
phylogenetic trees based oonly on evolutionary relationships
phylogenetic trees based on evolutionary patterns AND chronological time of evolutionary change through line lengths
a part of a phylogeny that speciates into 3 descendants
2 causes of phylogenetic polytomies
- Lack of knowledge
- rapid speciatione.g. maybe quick displacement of species
Name 1 similarity about groups and 1 general difference between taxonomy and systematics.
Similarity: taxonomic rank = clades
Difference: the criteria used for grouping (similarity/difference vs. phylogeny)
Homology/homologous traits
similarity in shared ancestry between two species
Analogy/Analgous traits
similarities between species due to convergent evolution
Convergent evolution
independent evolution of similar traits in different lineages
Which is used in phylogenetic trees? Homologous or analogous traits?
Homologous ONLY
anatomical, physiological, or molecular features of organisms
Ingroup vs. Outgroup
Ingroup: group of taxa whose evolutionary relationships you want to compare/determin
Outgroup: usually used as a reference point for making phylogenetic trees (basal taxon), diverged from ingroup at an earlier time
A method of inferring phylogeny from homologous characters
a grouping that consists of only the ancestor and its descendants; clade
A group that consists of an ancestral taxon but not all of its descendants
A group that includes distantly-related taxa but not the common ancestor
Three causes of polyphyletic grouping
- incorrect taxonomic classification
- group is missing common ancestor
- more than one common ancestor
Shared, derived character
AKA synamorphy
shared by 2+ taxa and most recent common ancestor, but NOT in the ancestor preceeding the clade
shared, ancestral character
AKA symplesiomorphy
shared by 2+ taxa AND taxa in an earlier clade
Apply Occam’s razor in phylogeny
the tree with the least number of derived character changes is the most probable explanation for evolution
T/F: A phylogenetic tree is defined as ‘factual” after 10 years without changes.
FALSE. The phylogenetic tree is always a hypothesis, and can always be proven wrong.