Synoptics-Tectonics Flashcards
Natural hazard
Natural processes (earthquakes/volcano) that has potential cause loss of life, injury, property damage+ socio-econ disruption depending on expected magnitude/ intensity+ spatial extent (near ppl)
Serious disruption of functioning of community/ society involving widespread human, material, econ or environ losses+ impacts- exceeds ability affected community to cope w using own resources (suggest 500+ deaths)
Probability of hazard event causing harmful consequences
Geographical conditions that increase susceptibility community to hazard/ impact. Dependent on ability anticipate, cope with, resit+ recover
Ability of community resist, absorb+ recover from effects of hazard- determined by degree community has necessary resources+ capable org both prior+ during times need
Hazard x vulnerability
Complex inter-relationships risk-hazard+ vulnerability factors
- unpredictability: many not leaving ppl caught out timing/mag
- lack of alternatives: staying region cos econ, lack space/skills
- dynamic hazards: threat hazard can increase/ decrease over time human influence can affect this
- cost-benefit: benefit living hazardous location outweighing costs, perception risk may play role
- ‘Russian roulette reaction’: acceptance smt will happen whatever u do
PAR model
- resembles nutcracker w pressure either side from vulnerability (root causes, dynamic pressure+ unsafe conditions)+ natural hazard -> risk faced by ppl
- ‘release’ reduction of disaster only controlled by reduction vulnerability as only serious disaster w both as physical hazards hard change
PAR model root causes
Governance (local+ national)
- existence+ enforcement building codes+ regulations
- quality infrastructure
- existence disaster preparedness plans
- efficiency of emergency services
- quality of commun
- existence public education+ practised hazard responses
- lvl corruption
PAR model dynamic pressure
Econ+ Soc condition
-lvl of wealth (ability protect)
-without access education may less aware
-poor quality housing
-communities poor health less able cope
-lack income opportunities
Produce unsafe conditions for groups most vulnerable
PAR model unsafe conditions
Physical+ environ condition
-high pop density
-rapid urbanisation-> slums + huge demands
Dangerous location+ building w low resilience
Multiple-hazard zones
Places where no. physical hazards combine to create increase lvl risk for country+ pop
Philippines (CS) as multiple-hazard zone (physical vulnerabilities)
-WRI (World Resources Inst) 3rd most risk world+ 2015 report 8/10 most at risk cities
-60% land exposed multiple hazards+ 75% pop 1/more
-main risk typhoon SE Asia major belt 5-6 storms/yr + 2% GDP cleaning up- landslide+ floods frequent (linked) due deforestation+ landscape
-across major convergent plate boundary- freq earthquakes+ volcanoes 30% pop within 22km
-7,000+ islands mostly mountainous w coastal lowlands
-tropical monsoon climate-heavy rain
-N+E coasts face Pacific Ocean worlds most prone tsunami sea
(1 hazard can cause others)
Philippines as a multiple-hazard zone (human vulnerabilities)
-lower middle income $7,000 GDP rapidly developing (2014 World Bank)
-25% live poverty+ many poor live coastal prone flooding, sea surges+ tsunamis made worse poor buildings
-rural-urban migration rapid due industrialisation 40% 2007->45% 2010 densely populated capital many live squatter settlements
-mainly arable land low-value crops 3/4 rice, corn+ coconut majority subsistence farming
-3 natural disasters 3months Oct 2013, Nov 2013+ jan 2014 floods Fran resources+ ability recover
(Expensive+ complex )
Philippines Oct 2013 earthquake Bohol
-7.1 mag deadliest 23yrs
Soc- 222dead+ 976 injured, 2 countries oldest churches damaged
-econ-73,000 structured damaged+ 14,500 totally destroyed+ roads cut off+ fav tourists cos sandy beaches
Philippines Nov 2013 Typhoon Haiyan
-4m storm surge hit coast, 1 strongest storms history
Econ- est $5.8bn impact, 6m workers lost sources income, major rice, corn+ sugar producing area destroyed, Tacloban city airport severely damaged+ fishing communities 30,000 boats+ equipment destroyed
Soc-7,000 killed, 1.9m homeless+ 6m displaced, outbreak diseases due poor facilities, less affected areas 2x pop from refugees
Env-71,000 hectares farmland affected 1,000s trees uprooted -> CO^2 loss habitat, knocked over Power Barge 103 spilling mangrove forest