EQ1- Globalisation Flashcards
The increasing integration economics around the world, particularly through the movement of goods and services and capital across borders. There are also broader cult, pol+ environ dimensions.
‘Shrinking world’
Transportation much quicker+ connected (not acc shrinking)
Role of trade
-increasingly consistently since 1950s
-$61bn 1950->$19tn 2019
-tech developments transport+commun 19th century->development TNCs
-developments transport encouraged growth trade (dependent) cheaper+ quicker (tech)
(Increasing connection fin crisis 2009 can affect others also food+fuel crisis 2022)
Role of transport
-circumnavigation world used to take yrs-months 1700s HMS Dolphin 2yrs, 1930s propeller aircraft 8 days+ 1990s jet aircraft Concorde 31hrs
-19C: railways, telegraph (telephone)+ steam ships (COAL)
-20C: jet aircraft+ containerisation (REFINEMENT OIL)
-reduce transport costs
CRUCIAL- others couldn’t happen without
- 1950s ships larger (1990 avg 4,000 largest largest 2015 Oscar 19,224)+ more efficient less fuel consumption
- standardised shape, easily transferable crane more auto-> reduced labour costs dramatically sped up trade as consumer gds cheaper (iPhone/ TV from China-UK less £1)
- faster (less queuing ports to unload) perishables from distant markets opened up Kenya cut flowers
Jet aircraft
- 1960s Boeing 747 ‘jumbo jet’ lowered cost air travel so int tourism within purchasing capabilities m/c (migration package holidays)
- reduced time hrs rather steam ships days
- steam trains invented 1802
- 1830s public railway (Liverpool+ Manchester)
Steam ships
- Replaced sailing ships+ increased speed+ cargo capacity
- Suez Canal opened 1869 cut route Br->India 6,000miles
- Panama canal but Hong Kong billionaire funding possible Nicaragua as too small
-1st long distance instant commun tech 1830s
-Trans-Atlantic telegraph cable 1860s replaced 3 week boat journey w/ instant morse code msgs (Revolutionised business)
(telephone successor core tech commun long distance)
‘Time space compression’
Perception of time+ distance changed (+barriers) as increasingly connected
-thru development ICT+ mobile communications reshaping world (mobile phones, internet, social networking, electronic banking+ fibre optics)
Role of commun
- mobile phone 1973+ smart phones 2000s
- internet 1989 (50% use now w/ broadband) change e-commerce-> online retailers extending from books, films+ music Amazon 11 global market places+ buying customers 180 countries,
- SOCIAL MEDIA (networking) Facebook registering 5m ‘likes’ a day 2015 wider commun cheaper
- fibre optics increase land+ sea more 1m km undersea cables carry world data lrg amounts info transferred within cyberspace in secs
- electronic banking revolutionised 6% Africans 2005-70% falling prices 1/3 GDP sent thru M-Pesa Kenya annually women show gd credit bills (for utilities)-> secure loans lifting out poverty (also send remittances home+ business keep in touch production, supply+ sales network)
Increased tourism since 1960s ->package holidays
Increasing each yr till 2019
Most countries ‘pick and mix’ attitude global flow embrace trade flows but resist migrant flows unless special need (Indian workers Qatar)
Econ migrants+ refugees reached almost quarter billion 2013
(Dependent transport + commun)
WTO (free trade policies)(World Trade Organisation)
- aim use trade generate econ growth poorer regions (LICs)
- advocate free trade liberalisation+ encourage all trade between countries free tariffs, quotas or restrictions trade (barriers)
- govern rules
- failed stop richest countries UK+USA subsidising own food producers harmful farmers developing countries not lvl playing field
- GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) become WTO 1994 123 countries agreed major reduction tariffs (about 40%) +agri subsidies
Bretton Woods agreement
1944 pol promoting free-market democracy instead 1 party communism, econ objective rebuilding world econ after WW2
Set up World Bank+ IMF
US dominance questionable whether HIC preventing LIC development (challenge)
World Bank (multilateral aid)
- finance econ development (aim)
- uses bank deposits by wealthiest countries provide loans for development developing countries that agree repayment+ econ growth
- e.g. gave $470m Philippines for poverty reduction programme
- also helps countries reconstruct natural disasters+ humanitarian emergencies 1st loan given Fr post war
- like IMF strict conditions loans+grants+ all pres US citizens
- Ghana borrowed for Akosombo dam linked aluminium refinery U.S. decided could get cheaper Jamaica bought own didn’t use refinery so only flooded 12% country (lil econ benefit)