EQ1- H,HR&I Flashcards
Sharia law
- doesn’t separate Nat govt from religion (secularisation) Muslim beliefs law of Islam= legal system covers wide range topics countries adapt differently
- e.g. theft= amputation R hand, non-Muslim married Muslim woman=death, women can’t speak alone man not husband/relative
- one most intrusive+ strict+ treatment women problems w/ Universal declaration of Human Rights
- some richest- UAE, poorest- Yemen
Bolivia’s development strategies
- Evo Morales- socialist model sharing wealth w/ppl (not necessarily=) derived country’s natural resources
- Bolivians lifted out poverty yet remains one poorest Latin America, 1/4 live $2 a day according World Bank
- 2009 new constitution+ 2012 ‘Law of Mother Earth’ putting nature 1st response CC (affecting mining operations main part econ)+ Andean spiritual world
- recent reduction agricultural production, increase rural-urban, pests+diseases+40% no sanitation+ avg temp predicted 4degree increase end century
Role of education
- Pivotal role econ development (skilled workforce)
- inv education regarded human capital (econ, pol, cultural+ Soc skills within country)
- increase awarenesses HR, environ conservation, pol freedom, healthy living etc
Access education not equal globally UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific+ Cultural Org) does work throughout world everyone access education as fundamental right found:
- inaccessible over 60m primary skl children worldwide
- sub-Saharan Africa (highest number) 32m primary aged children
- gender imbalance- girls= 54% non-skled pop
Factors prevent fair access education- GENDER (varied IN countries)
Girls 54% non-skled pop- cultural+ trade give privileged treatment male as workers
Factors prevent fair access education- SOCIAL CLASS (IN)
Private skls USA score 3.1pts higher ACT tests on avg as in Aus+US big difference state+ private as lrg annual fees (for elite)- smaller class sizes+ more attention each student
Factors prevent fair access education- WEALTH (BETWEEN)
Sweden 7.7% GDP education+ GDP=$538bn, compared Cambodia 1.9% GDP education+ GDP $25bn
Factors prevent fair access education- ETHNICITY (IN)
Marginalisation certain ethnic origins e.g. indigenous Canadians
Factors prevent fair access education- PHYSICAL+ MENTAL DISABILITY (IN)
Some countries disabled kept together homes+ no education
Maternal mortality
Number of deaths of females per 100,00 live births in a year while pregnant or within 42 days of pregnancy finishing
Gross national income (GNI) per capita
Total wealth created by a country including income from exports (-[taxes+debts])
GDP per capita (PPP based)
Total value gds+ services country produces in a yr divided no. ppl living country according Purchase Power Parity (considering difference costs living between countries)
Change for better usually econ which leads improvements quality life may include industrialisation but disagreements development who’s to say we are more developed own lives + experiences (Eurocentric view)
Infant mortality
Number deaths of children under 1 compared total number live births one yr in an area % or out 1,000
Variations health+ life exp developing world
- food: pop growth increased pressures food supply-> starvation+ malnutrition
- water: CC, pop growth+ econ development put pressure freshwater supplies-> water insecurity affecting health
- sanitation: Urbanisation due rural-urban migration + increase birth rates-> rapid urban expansion so sanitation systems unable keep up-> slums w/ unhealthy conditions
Variations health+ life exp developing world- EXAMPLE
- Congo higher health expenditure %GDP than many other African countries BUT lowest life exp+HDI cos GDP $800 (3rd lowest)
- altho rich natural resources-> conflict w/ neighbours, unstable governance, civil conflict from power struggles-40% 5-14 forced work rather attend skl
Developed world variations health+ life exp
- lifestyle: no. factors affect health e.g. diets some countries don’t eat healthy balanced foods-> obese+ increase risk heart disease
- deprived levels: areas due econ change-> may unable afford nourishing diet, get involved crime/ drugs/ unable afford health care
- medical care: health service may not be too universal/ too costly poorer ppl/ ineffective meeting everyone’s needs (cost+ effectiveness)
Developed world variations health+ life exp- examples
- Japan life exp 83.7yrs balanced diet under $4,000 health expenditure
- 48% gap male life exp US+EU accounted injuries firearms, drugs+ vehicle accidents
- US low life exp 79.3yrs despite 3rd highest expenditure health $9,403 as not free so poorer no insurance- limited access
- Russia $893 life exp 70.5yrs+ Switzerland highest $9,673 life exp 83yrs