EQ4- Glaciation Flashcards
Lake District (UK) RELICT glacial cult
- many services benefit locals (better public transport)
- tourism provided over 16,000 jobs in Lake District National Park
- one of few places relict glaciated landscape
Lake District (UK) RELICT glacial econ
- 16m visitors every yr (cos scenery)+ well developed tourist facilities
- 2014 visitors spent £1.1bn- support local services (multiplier effect)
- dominated by farming fewer+ larger hill farms but increase small holdings e.g. Langdale
Lake District (UK) RELICT glacial environ
- money tourists bring used protect environ
- landscape has huge environ value few places relict glacial
- distinctive features e.g. U-shaped valleys, ribbon lakes+ corries
Lake District (UK) RELICT glacial physical threats
CC threatens unique+ fragile ecosystem:
- loss plants+ animal species
- more extreme weather events storms caused floods Cumbria 2009+2015
- increase in insects (midges) can infect cattle e.g. Blue tongue disease 2007
Lake District (UK) RELICT glacial human threats
- additional tourist traffic causes congestion+ pollution
- (human) increased demand housing means increase prices locals pushed out 1/5 houses National Park second/holiday homes
- walking, climbing+ camping -> footpath erosion 2000miles destroy veg+ compact soil reducing infiltration rates so exposed soil more easily washed away heavy rain+ gullies may form along channeling more water+ erosion
Sagarmartha National Park (Nepal) (ACTIVE) glacial cult
- Lrgely run Sherpa ppl home 6,000 in park many worship Himalayan mountains
- cult+ religion restrict animal hunting+ respect all living things (part success w natural resource management)
Sagarmartha National Park (Nepal) ACTIVE glacial econ
- Sherpa expert mountaineer guides= new income
- well known mountain tourism 37,000 visited 2014 boosting local econ = improved standards living, better healthcare, education+ infrastructure
- chances successful summit Mount Everest (included in park) increased better equipment over 6,000 reached 90% guided clients willing pay thousands commercial co w/ limited climbing skills
Sagarmartha National Park (Nepal) ACTIVE glacial environ
- area dramatic mountains, glaciers+ deep valleys
- unique+ fragile ecosystem home rare species e.g. snow leopard
- included Mount Everest highest 8,848m
Sagarmartha National Park (Nepal) ACTIVE glacial physical threat
CC cause 95% Himalayan glaciers= rapid retreat, Khumbu glacier base Everest retreated 5km since 1953:
- reduction size glaciers consequences farming+ HEP
- leads to flooding
- glacial outburst floods: lakes blocked moraine if glaciers melt moraine wall may collapse e.g. 1985 10-15m high surge water destroyed Namche Small Hydro Project
- also risk landslides
- avalanches 2015 killed 22 on Everest (one deadliest in area ever) from 7.8 mag quake
Sagarmartha National Park (Nepal) ACTIVE glacial human threats
- once heavily forested less 30% natural forest remains as farming, use firewood +infrastructure cause loss wildlife habitat (biodiversity) , exposure soil nutrients washed away leaving soil infertile+ exposed erosion, increase risk landslides+ disruption water cycles
- footpath erosion+ construction illegal trails - walkers destroy veg+ compact soil reduced infiltration rates exposed soils more easily washed away rain+ gullies may then form channeling more water+ erosion
- greater demand new hotels+ lodges + forest products
- affect Sherpa cult way life
Greenland (ACTIVE) glacial cult
- ice= immense scientific value layers contain trapped gases, dust, pollen+ water molecules drilling deep into these ice cores can be studied for past climates
- Inuit ppl still try maintain trad lifestyle hunting, fishing+ herding (under pressure conservationist for certain animals)
Greenland (ACTIVE) glacial econ
- meltwater= huge potential HEP- thought worlds largest capacity
- ice retreat reveals highly valuable deposits oil, gas, metals+ minerals (rubies+ gold)
- tourism- increasing no. cruise liners operating in W+S waters during peak summer season
Greenland (ACTIVE) glacial environ
- ice sheet contains 10% global (ice mass) global important role water cycle+ reportedly solely contributed 0.33m sea level rise 1993-2010
- high albedo regulating global climate via feedback cycles
- fragile biodiversity endemic plants, large mammals (polar beer, reindeer, arctic fox+ whale)+ diverse range fish+ birds important opportunities scientific research
Greenland (ACTIVE) glacial physical threats
-polar bears face uncertain future CC (+environ pollution) ice melts losing hunting grounds+ habitats
Greenland (ACTIVE) glacial human threats
- increased industrial activity e.g. oil+ gas exploration will be stresses for environ
- 2014 protests in capital Nuuk after govt decision reverse ban radioactive uranium mining could-> lrg scale mining rare earths + radioactive waste could endanger fisheries+ farmland vital for locals
- ice retreat new commercial shipping routes e.g. northwest passage (pacific+ Atlantic oceans) could open up meaning more marine pollution
- pol disputes could cause conflict e.g. Russia claimed part Arctic seabed 2007 planted titanium flag which caused conflict other arctic nations Canada+ Denmark staked own claim
Yamal Peninsula, Russia (PERIGLACIAL) cult
- Nenet knowledge enabled live sustainably in inhospitable land (harsh climate+ fragile ecosystem)
- reindeer provide transport, clothing, hides for tents, meat+ income
- Nenets+ reindeer migrate seasonally avoid extreme cold winter temps N+ prevent overgrazing
Yamal Peninsula, Russia PERIGLACIAL econ
- reindeer herding supports 10,000 nomads herd over 300,000 domesticated reindeer (80% privately owned)- herder econ driven by meat sold
- contains largest gas reserve on world 1/4 known- increasing investment and infrastructure development for lrg scale exploitation
Yamal Peninsula, Russia PERIGLACIAL environ
- low biodiversity but global value food webs as summer home for migratory birds
- permafrost global value lrg scale carbon sink storing immense amounts carbon+ methane if melted could contribute towards positive feedback system (methane released 21x warming power carbon dioxide) with further warming (enhanced greenhouse effect) more melting
Yamal Peninsula, Russia PERIGLACIAL physical threats
- CC threat Tundra+ Nenets
- early spring melts+ delays autumn freeze affecting reindeer+herders ability cross frozen Tundra threatening survival
- 2014 lrg sinkholes discovered researchers believe caused methane released as permafrost thaws- change carbon cycle threat global climate system+ local cult+ biodiversity
Yamal Peninsula, Russia PERIGLACIAL human threat
- early attempts exploit gas= threat
- infrastructure to exploit gas destroy pasture, forcing overgrazing Tundra+ disruption migrating routes (conflict w Nenets)
- part ‘Yamal mega project’- Gazprom co (majority state owned therfore likely) including 7 ambitious infrastructure projects (572km railway) already evicted 160 reindeer herders
- threatening Nenet trad culture plans force into modern settlement+ jobs
Glaciated landscape econ value FARMING
-fertile sands+ clays allow agri develop e.g. Mendoza province wine growing areas in Argentina
Glaciated landscape econ value MINING
glacial out wash plains provide valuable sand+ gravel in many countries e.g. UK
Russia+ Canada’s tundra environ increasingly exploited for gas+oil
Glaciated landscape econ value HEP
provide meltwater for it+ relict U-shaped valleys/ ribbon lakes easy dam- main source energy some countries w/ extensive glaciated landscapes Norway 2010 40% energy mix, in other countries potential not yet developed Greenland
Glaciated landscape econ value TOURISM
Alpine environ e.g. Swiss alps fully developed tourism infrastructure for skiing on slopes+ glaciers e.g. Zermatt Switzerland 2m visitors per yr
Glaciated landscape econ value FORESTRY
Steeper slopes unsuitable for agri can be used develop forestry e.g. S Alps NZ
Glacial and periglacial unique biodiversity (tundra)
- low energy+ fragile v short summers, low rainfall + cold winters mean v lil biomass, w low nutrient cycling due decomposition halting in winter + low runoff means pollutants stay environ long time highly vulnerable environ stress
- few plant+ animal species survive often endemic specialist adaption e.g. Arctic poppy w flower that follow sun+ snow leopard (rare species) Sagarmartha Nat park Nepal
- growing season only 3 months avg temp rise 12 degrees surface layer permafrost melts form bogs+ lakes attracting insects-> birds (migratory)
- long winters temp fall well below freezing plants which animals may rely food must survive under snow to re-emerge+ flower quickly once temp rise spring
Glacial+ periglacial landscapes important maintenance natural systems- hydrological cycle
- water stored gradually released meltwater into oceans+ rivers
- 75% freshwater store ice many parts world depend summer meltwater for water supply e.g. El Alto+ La Paz Bolivia 2.5m 40% rely on for drinking water supply
- source river water many areas for irrigation UN est 40% global pop affected changes meltwater regimes Asia
- other possible consequences e.g. increase flood risk if summer ice melt spikes cos extreme heat causes increase river discharge
Glacial + periglacial landscapes important maintenance natural systems carbon cycle
- wetlands, peat lands+ lakes cover 70% arctic important carbon sink est up to 1,400 gigatonnes methane
- store Un-decomposed organic matter + protect permafrost-up to 14% worlds
- scientists concerned CC cause neg feedback system ‘arctic amplification’:
- permafrost melted trapped CO^2 released methane increasing concentration greenhouse gases+ temp-> more melting permafrost
- melting white snow+ loss ice cover exposing dark water/bare rock creating low albedo effect less reflection suns rays-> more global warming+ further melting
- some oppositions studies permafrost thaws stored carbon remains in soil to be used by veg
Global warming impact glacial mass balance
- higher temps-> neg mass balances+ shrinking glaciers, ice caps+ ice sheets
- 95% Himalayan glaciers in rapid retreat
- Khumbu glacier base Everest (1 highest in world) retreated 5km since 1953
- melting+ retreating exponential rate Greenland+ Antarctica cos positive feedback system amplifying process- -melting white snow+ loss ice cover exposing dark water/bare rock creating low albedo effect less reflection suns rays-> more global warming+ further melting
- HOWEVER regions e.g. Scandinavia observed elements changing precipitation- more positive mass balance in maritime glaciers
Global warming disrupting the hydrological cycle (human terms biggest consequence)
- 75% freshwater store ice many parts world depend summer meltwater for water supply e.g. El Alto+ La Paz Bolivia 2.5m 40% rely on for drinking water supply
- as glacier shrink so may water supply+ other possible consequences:
- increase risk flooding if summer ice melt spikes cos extreme heat conditions increase river discharge
- low meltwater lvls failing ‘flush’ rivers clean -> higher concentrations pollution+ lower water quality- China’s semi-desert area 350m farmers affected glacial thinning Tibetan plateau supplying them
- changes sediment yield glacial meltwater streams choked excess sediment cos low flow(increase flooding)/ dramatically rising during melting+ outburst event risking lives+ property
- China+ India= emerging superpowers w/ insatiable demands water for development both ppls quality life+ econ (1/3pop)
Glaciated landscapes have economic value
Important in all parts of econ primary, secondary and tertiary