EQ4- H,HR&I Flashcards
Different measures of success
- progress human development easier measure due statistical nature than progress human rights (pol sensitive)
- measuring= accountability to tax payer, where actions are effective/ can be improved further
- difficulties: disagreements, facilities in countries, long time period
Human development possible measures
-life exp (Soc)
-provision healthcare (doctors per 100,000) (Soc)
-literacy rate (%pop) (Soc)
-quality physical infrastructure (%access safe water+ sanitation) (Soc)
GDP per capita/ GNI (econ)
Human rights possible measures
- freedom speech (pol)
- gender equality (gender inequality index) (Soc)
- democratic elections (pol)
- respect for minorities (Soc)
- recognition of refugee status (Soc)
Haiti geopolitical intervention
- ODA received +78.2$ per capita= econ successful +2.2% annual growth GDP per capita
- Soc mixed success: +0.029 GII (BAD), -7 change Freedom of Press Index (GOOD)
Some govt+ IGO’s see democracy (system govt whole pop elect representative- governing body) as measure success
-can lead to econ growth+ advancement women’s rights+ wellbeing (building blocks)
-pol+ Soc stability less likely support military groups+ go war
-easier developed countries econ+ military ties w/ democratic govts
-most countries wealth, democracy+ econ freedom = better governance
(UDHR says everyone right to freedom expression[speech])
Democratic aid focuses
-supporting crucial process + institutions (free+ fair election etc)
-strengthening+ reforming govt institutions
-supporting civil society (HR, freedom speech)
(2015 over $10bn aid democracy mostly from west)
Other countries see econ growth best measure success
- often countries receiving believe best measure
- improvement econ= gain resources improve infrastructure, health, education+ environ protection
- for donor countries prosperous country often becomes beneficial trading partner
- aid for trade: aid develop skills, knowledge+ infrastructure in return increased global trade (WTO encourages)
China (CS) evidence favoured econ growth over HR
- 124th GDP 1976-> 2nd largest now
- ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
- 2016 Freedom Index 16 (low-BAD)+ Fragile States Index 76.4 2016 (high- BAD)
- ranks highly HR infringements
- Fragile States Index increased 4= more unstable
- GDP/ capita 160-141
China (CS) price econ growth
-massive environ pollution from expanding manufacturing industries+ persistent abuse HR
China (CS) impact Chinese ppl
- econ downturn as 2015 Chinese miracle showed 1st signs slowing down-> widespread protests as capitalism opened eyes freer wider world
- pro democracy demonstrations Hong Kong remembers democracy+ demands freedom speech, transparent govt+ rule law-> may influence China future
Short-term costs of military intervention IRAQ (CS)
- deaths innocent civilians+ injury
- destruction housing+ infrastructure
- need support+ shelter those displaced
- disruption livelihoods
- infringement HR+loss sovereignty
- loss econ prosperity
- refugees
Long-term costs military intervention IRAQ (CS)
- lack understanding long-term system needed restore security, foster democracy, protect HR/ grown econ
- militant groups Al-Qaeda+ ISIS took advantage continued fighting+ oppression (no stability)
- animosity Sunni+ Shia groups worsened- forming stable+ effective nat govt all groups= impossible
- pol instability allowed corruption flourish 2015 161/168 Transparency Int Corruption Perception Index
- HR= insecure 2015 HR Watch evidence govt sponsored violations attacks civilians- kidnapping + killing Sunni by Shia govt, 1,000s prison no charge+ restrictions freedom
non-military interventions IVORY COAST issues
- N (Muslim)+ S (Christian) ethnic division
- N excluded govt till 2002 armed rebellion- 2010 pres election Gbagbo (Christian) narrowly lost long term rival Outtara (Muslim)
- Gbagbo refused step down + militarised attacked rival supporters
- 1m displaced conflict UN peacekeeping 2011+ 147,000 refugees to Liberia
- battle 12 days ended Fr authorised UN air attacks+ 3,000 killed, forces surrendered + pledge support new pres
- Gbagbo arrested within 2 weeks handed over Int Criminal Court
Non- military intervention Ivory Coast impact
- 2 months after country peaceful + Normal life
- UN agencies- humanitarian aid+ speed seen success avg econ growth 9% since 2011 objective emerging econ 2020
- HR Watch report 2015 critical lil done aftermath particularly abuses HR (too often broken deep-rooted cultural differences)
Zimbabwe econ issues (lack action negatively impact progress)
-rural poverty 63% 2003->76% 2014 many seasonal plantation work
Zimbabwe social issues (lack action negatively impact progress)
- 72% live below nat poverty line
- avg life exp among world lowest 59 men+ 62 women
Zimbabwe pol issues (lack action negatively impact progress)
-2014 82% govt budget- govt salaries (CORRUPT)
-HR abuses regularly violence imprisonment pol opponents
-156/187 UNDP Human Development Index
(W tolerate as ex- colonial SENSITIVE+ other countries nearby don’t condemn)
Zimbabwe environ issues (lack action negatively impact progress)
- deforestation 1/10 recorded largest forest loss
- Tobacco farming (25% exports) accounts 15-20% yearly deforestation
- 1.5% tax on tobacco farmers help farmers re-afforest land but 2yrs later not distributed