EQ3- Tectonics Flashcards
Multiple-hazard zone
Places where no. physical hazards combine to create increased lvl risk for country+ pop
Disaster hotspots
If country’s pop= vulnerable (wealth/ GDP, pop density etc) or suffers repeated events (often on annual basis) so never any time for an extended period recovery
Philippines (CS) as multiple-hazard zone (physical vulnerabilities)
-WRI (World Resources Inst) 3rd most risk world+ 2015 report 8/10 most at risk cities
-60% land exposed multiple hazards+ 75% pop 1/more
-main risk typhoon as SE Asia major belt 5-6 storms/yr +2%GDP cleaning up- landslides+ floods frequent (linked) due deforestation+ landscape
-across major convergent plate boundary-freq earthquakes+ volcanoes 30% pop within 22km
-7,000+ islands mostly mountainous w/coastal lowlands
-tropical monsoon climate-heavy rain
-N+E coasts face Pacific Ocean worlds most prone tsunami sea
(1 hazard can cause others)
Philippines as a multiple-hazard zone (human vulnerabilities)
-lower middle income $7,000 GDP rapidly developing (2014 World Bank)
-25% live poverty+ many poor live coastal prone flooding, sea surges+ tsunamis made worse poor buildings
-rural-urban migration rapid due industrialisation 40%-2007-> 45% 2010- dense,y populated capital Manila 2.8m squatters poor quality housing
-mainly arable land low- value crops 3/4 rice, corn+ coconut majority subsistence farming
-3 natural disasters 3 months Oct 2013, Nov 2013+ Jan 2014 floods drains resources+ ability recover
(Expensive+ complex)
Philippines Oct 2013 earthquake Bohol
-7.1 mag deadliest in 23yrs
Soc- 222dead + 976 injured, 2 countries oldest churches damaged
Econ- 73,000 structures damaged+ 14,500 totally destroyed+ roads cut off+ fav tourists cos sandy beaches
Philippines Nov 2013 Typhoon Haiyan
-4m storm surge hit coast, 1 strongest storms in history
Econ- est $5.8bn impact, 6m workers lost sources income, major rice, corn+sugar producing areas destroyed, Tacloban city airport severly damaged+ fishing communities 30,000 boats+ equipment destroyed
Soc- 7,000 killed, 1.9m homeless+ 6m displaced, outbreak diseases due poor facilities, less affected areas 2x pop from refugees
Env- 71,000 hectares farmland affected 1,000s tree uprooted-> CO^2+ loss habitat, knocked over Power Barge 103 oil spilling mangrove forest
Philippines 2015+2018 Typhoons Koppu+ Usman
-2nd deadliest hit Philippines 2018 hit Bicol SE Manila
Soc- more 60died+ 17 missing-> rise
Econ- destroyed infrastructure
Making a guess on prior info (%chance)
- More accurate than forecasting
- accurate time+ location earthquakes (knowing when+ where)
Earthquake forecasting
- only areas high risk can be identified (risk forecasting)+ areas likely severe ground shaking+ liquefaction+ ‘seismic gaps’ areas not experienced earthquake some time ‘overdue’
- Method: animals- observing strange animal antics e.g. 1975 evacuation Haicheng (city, China) 1m ppl days before 7.3 mag quake only small proportion hurt/killed
- however Haiti 300,000 deaths on fault line couldn’t be predicted
Volcano prediction
- can be predicted
- sophisticated monitoring equipment measure changes magma fill+ eruption near
- tilt+strain meters record volcanoes ‘bulging’ as magma rises+ seismometers record minor quakes indicating magma movement
- gas spectrometers analyse gas emissions can point increase likelihood eruption
- minimal death toll eruptions despite 60-80/yr as improved prediction
- Monserrat only 11 died 1997 but many false alarms 1995 as andesitic volcano (when not like basaltic predict where lava flow)
Tsunamis prediction?
- partly predicted
- earthquake induced can’t be predicted
- but seismometers can tell earthquake occurred+ locate then ocean monitoring equipment can detect open sea, info relayed coastal areas- evacuated
- prediction tsunami+ eruptions depend tech in place+ operational linked systems evacuation
- no monitoring equipment Indian Ocean 2004 so no way warning ppl distant coasts
- many developing countries monitoring not as gd cos cost tech+ more difficult reach isolated rural locations effective warnings
Hazard management cycle
Look over notes + compare park model (which is better)
Land use zoning (modify event)
- local govt planners regulate how land community used to protect ppl+property (on low-lying coasts risk tsunami etc)
- Pros:low cost, removes ppl high-risk areas
- Cons:prevents econ development some high value land (coastal tourism), requires strict, enforced planning rules
Diverting lava flows (modify event)
- channels, barriers+ water cooling used divert+/ slow lava
- Pros: diverts lava out of ‘harm’s’ way, relatively low cost
- Cons: only works low VEI basaltic lava, majority ‘killer’ volcanoes not this type, path taken lava difficult predict, terrain has to be suitable (downslope), stopping lava flowing 1 community may push another
GIS Mapping (modify event)
- by plotting pop densities, evacuation routes, areas affected most by earthquakes, airports, ports etc… aid agencies+ govts easily see map form where aid directed+ where might most difficult reach needy communities
- Pros: provides foundation for mapping+ analysis that used science+ almost every industry
- Cons: expensive software, requires enormous data inputs
Building design (modify event)
- possible design+ construct buildings withstand tectonic events (deaths=buildings in earthquakes) w/planning, govt monitoring+ control (on building standards) developed+ developing/ emerging countries
- Pros: prevent collapsing, protects ppl+ property, not all hazard-resistant design expensive+high- tech
- Cons: high cost for larger buildings, low income families can’t afford
High tech monitoring (modify vulnerability+ resilience)
- allow scientists+ others learn more about natural processes in hope eventually able predict more accurately in advance
- Pros: most cases predicting eruption possible, warnings+ evacuations save lives
- Cons: costly not all developing world volcanoes monitored, may suffer ‘cry wolf syndrome’ if predictions not accurate (wrong so ppl less likely believe next one), doesn’t prevent property damage
Crisis mapping (modify vulnerability+resilience)
- local ppl (w/mobile phones text/ Soc media) started logging where trapped under rubble, where food needed/ shelter-> these locations mapped/ numbered on map show aid/rescue workers where needed most help- helped direct resources accurately
- Pros: allows 1st respondents+ aid groups identify ppl need evacuations
- Cons: expensive software, requires enormous data inputs (same GIS mapping)
Public education (modify vulnerability+ resilience)
- helps ppl understand what do protect themselves before, during+ after hazard (practice emergency procedures, encouraging households+ workplaces create emergency preparedness kits+ education how construct earthquake proof buildings)
- Pros: pop better educated less unemployment reduced dependence public assistance programs+ greater tax revenue
- Cons: classes geared toward mid- learning lvl may cause advanced students lose interest
Community Preparedness and Adaption (modify vulnerability+ resilience)
- community preparedness: involving acc ppl living community most at risk natural hazards best way develop plans plans+ educate ppl
- adaption:moving out of harm’s way+relocating safe area
- Pros: low cost, often implemented NGO’s, can save lives thru small actions
- Cons: doesn’t prevent property damage, harder implement rural, high pop density prevents it+ disrupts ppl trad homes+ trads
Role of aid (modify loss)
- can be provided govt (of county or others), NGO’s (charities) or IGO’s (UN) how can best be spent (short/long-term aid)
- Pros: reduced death toll saving lives+ keeping ppl alive until long-term help
- Cons: high cost, difficult distribute isolated areas, emergency services limited+ poorly equipped developing countries+ (long-term) needs quickly forgotten media after initial disaster
Role of NGO’s (modify loss)
- e.g. OXFAM/ Red Cross v important where govt doesn’t have ability manage response/ recovery/ resources
- Pros: protect from personal liability, structural financial plan, corporate entity+ right acquire assets
- Cons: pay less, have world rep+ lack appropriate systems train+ develop employees
Role of insurers (modify loss)
- developed countries, govt+ insurers work together recover+ respond financial losses, developing= less insurance as ppl other financial priorities as closer absolute poverty
- Pros: allows ppl recover econ by paying reconstruction
- Cons: doesn’t save lives, few ppl developed world insurance
Role communities (modify loss)
- local ppl (especially rural developing areas) first respond+ help recovery, crucial helping search/ rescue attempts, aid can take days+ weeks so must know how to react fast
- Pros: vital Soc connection+ engagement, community belonging boosts physical+ mental health resilient communities come together+ adapt
- Cons: community disadvantages result complex interplay between characteristics residents+ effects soc+ environ context within