Symptoms of Schizophrenia Flashcards
1) hallucinations
hallucinations are a cognitive symptoms and are false perceptions that have no basis in reality. these can be; 1) auditory- hearing voices or noises which aren’t there 2) visual- seeing things that aren’t there 3) tactile- false sensations such as tingling itching 4) somatic- the perception of bodily sensations inside the body without any objectifiable cause.
2) delusions
cognitive symptoms that are a firmly held belief with no basis in reality. these can include: 1)delusions of grandeur- this is an idea that you are an important individual with extraordinary powers 2) delusions of persecution- this is the belief that others want to harm or manipulate you 3) delusions of reference - the idea that everything has personal significance 4) delusions of control - the belief that other people or animals are trying to take control of you.
3) formal thought disorders
formal thought disorders include disturbances in thought patterns. these can include 1) thought insertion- a person thinks their thoughts are not their own but are inserted by someone else. 2) disorganised thinking- someone finds it difficult to put their thinking into a logical order. 3) loose associations- these are disorganised / confused ideas that when spoken sound incoherent to the listener.
negative symptoms
negative symptoms take something away from the sufferer so they are not functioning normally. negative symptoms include; 1) a lack of motivation 2) social withdrawal 3) lack of emotion 4) inappropriate emotions. 5) behavioural disturbances- the behaviour of schizophrenics is often bizarre, disorganised and purposeless.