Swine 2 - Tesse Flashcards
what are the major sources of carbs and protein in pigs
carbs - barley, wheat, corn, oats
protein - soybeans, field peas, canola meal, wheat - all incomplete proteins and lack key essential aa
is it legal to feed meat to pigs
what is the first limiting aa
lysine - the most important one to ensure growth
what is the difference between colostral immunity or lactogenic immunity
-everything acquired in the first 24h is colostral immunity
- after first 24h, antibodies and T cells still delivered through milk and active in gut = lactogenic immunity
the growing pig - stages of growth
nursing –> nursery –> grower –> finisher
water is known as the
forgotton nutrient
what is the most essential nutrient
what is the most consumed nutrient by the pig in terms of amounts throughout its lifetime
water quality is important for
health and productivity
water hygiene is important for
health and productivity
examples of things that would reduce water hygiene
bacteria + viruses
does water have biosecurity implications?
yes - can spread pathogens, if washing barn with water that isn’t clean = bad, etc
examples of things that affect water quality
iron, metals, etc
water sources
surface water, well water (deep well vs shallow well), municipal water
important surface water principles
- fence your surface water reservoir off
- Do not spread manure nearby the reservoir
- Do not spread manure in run-off zones of the reservoir
- Disinfect surface water before it enters the barn
- At minimum - test annually
well water principles
- never spread manure near a wellhead
- Never let standing/stagnant water accumulate near a wellhead
- slope the land around wellheads so water drains away
- Disinfect water before it enters the barn
- Test annually
how can water lines get ascending infections
pigs pick a bathroom spot, but in first week in new pen, there’s no bathroom spot, meaning lots of manure around. Piglets like to root around and explore their environment, then pigs go to the water line and bring bacteria with them
water Line principles
- remove biofilm and disinfect the cistern tanks
- Remove biofilm and disinfect the water head tanks
- Remove biofilm with every AIAO (all in all out) batch
- Should be disinfected with every AIAO batch
will disinfection systems (H2O2 or ClO2) remove biofilm???
No, but they will “maintain” the lines with minimal biofilm accumulation.
managing biofilms is best accomplished by using
detergent in the water lines
water medication or vaccination tanks - the risks are
contamination pathway
how to help prevent risks in water medication/vaccination tanks
biofilm removal, disinfection, flush after disinfection
water storage should be routinely cleaned with detergent, disinfected, and evaluated to ensure it is not
harbouring pathogens
test your water annually at minimum for
coliforms, other pathogens of concern
alkaline detergents are effective in removing
organic soils, fats, oils, proteins, starches, and carbohydrates
acid detergents remove
water scale (calcium, magnesium, iron) from mineralization
chlorine is an excellent _______ and hydrogen peroxide is an excellent ___________
disinfectant, oxidizer
continuous disinfection is important to maintain
water quality. Shock treatment disinfection is important for water tank & water line quality - flush needed
pigs will drink what % of their BW per day
how many pigs per drinker is acceptable
maximum 15
how many L per day do nursery, finisher, and sow/boars drink??
nursery - 3L
finisher - 10L
sow/boar - 18L
can viruses survive feed manufacture and transport
international shipping ports become
secondary control zones - vancouver, prince Rupert, toronto, montreal, quebec, halifax
- need to keep food in containers at these zones at 20 degrees celsius so time & temp kills the virus
recommended holding times for feed storage
20 degrees for 20 days
10 degrees for 100 days
mitigating feed risk - things that help
time, heat, irradiation, chemical
do pigs have passive immunity / lactogenic immunity at weaning
passive immunity - starting to fade
lactogenic immunity - cut off immediately when weaned
when do piglets get weaned
16-28 d
outcome of weaning
weaning stress, mixing of immunity - like daycare
nursery feeding vs weaning - what has higher fat content
sow’s milk by 4x
does lactase enzyme decrease in piglets
ya once weaned it goes away quickly
is plasma protein used to feed weaners
yes - need to ensure its dead - do not want to transfer disease
goals when feeding nursery pigs
ad lib feeding - maximize intake
for weaners under 15 kg - use more ____ based products
do you phase feed pigs in the nursery
yes - 3 phases
lactose sources, protein sources, and energy sources inclusion rates in diet per phase
lactose sources: phase 1 > phase 2»_space; phase 3
protein sources: phase 3 > phase 2»_space; 1
energy sources: phase 3 > phase 2»_space;phase 1
increasing lysine levels in the starter diets will increase
ADG up to a point but once exceeded, no additional benefits
as the pig gets older, reduction of milk based products in the diet. What replaces whey and lactose?
soybean meal and wheat - similar protein and energy content
backyard pigs - can feed ____________ then to transition what should you feed?
iron rich formula, then oats soaked in formula
grower-finisher feeding goals
focus on lean tissue growth - muscle/protein
feed is 75% of production cost
grower-finisher feeding trends
lean growth increases then plateaus
fat growth increases to market weight
grower-finisher feeding -split-sex feeding advantages & disadvantages
advantage - more uniform growth in finishing
disadvantage - costly and more work
does temperature affect growth rate and feed intake and feed to gain
yes - increasing temp decreases growth rate and feed intake & increases feed to gain
wet vs dry feeders
wet feeders provide water with feed
single vs multi-space feeders - feed efficiency
no difference in feed efficiency
ideal feeder width
10% greater than shoulder width of the biggest pig to be fed
number of pigs per feeder space
too many pigs/space = competition
dry feeders: 11-12 pigs/space
wet feeders: 15 pigs/space
what is ideal feeder gap adjustment (what % of trough should be covered in feed?)
40-60% trough coverage is ideal - pigs waste less but can eat enough
foraging pigs have a _________ _________ stomach compared to those who do not forage
2x bigger - spiral colon also gets way bigger
can pigs be raised on pasture or garden waste alone?
no - they require additional feed and nutrients for proper growth and development
- also remember piglets and iron supplementation
pigs can eat many things but that doesnt mean they should. A balanced diet is essential - diet that has ingredients rich in
carbs, fats, and protein
- fresh feed EVERYDAY
examples of ingredients in pig diets
-grains - wheat, barley, corn, oats (whole grains may have poor digestibility)
-soybeans and by-products like soymeal, peas, beans
- grain by-products form alcohol production (dried distillers grains)
-grasses and hay
if you cant grind grains, ___________ can increase bioavailability
what is complete feed
a single completely balanced ration that includes all necessary nutrients
single grain diet
a single grain like barley - MUST supplement to ensure pigs are receiving a balanced diet
mix & match feeding
usually garden scraps - remember swill feeding is ILLEGAL
- if mixing and matching, you must add a supplement (protein, carb, vitamin, and mineral) to ensure pigs are receiving a sorta balanced diet
it is ________ to feed meat products or meat by-products to pigs in Canada