Swine 1 - Nicole Flashcards
T/F: pigs can be raised on a variety of feeds as long as their nutritional requirements are met
T/F: the amount of feed pigs require is independent of their breed, age, sex, stage and condition
T/F: pigs are unique as they do not technically need to be fed everyday
What are common roles for pigs that vets may come into contact with
commercial, show, outdoor small holder, pet pigs, pigs in zoos
T/F: pigs can be raised on pasture alone
false, they require additional nutrients for proper growth and development
What are three examples of pig diets?
1 Complete feed
2 grain based homemade feed
3 produce-based homemade feeds
Which of the three examples of pig diets require additional supplements or premixes?
Grainbased and produce based homemade feeds
T/F: all feed for livestock is regulated by the government of Canada, and the feed act of 2024 LEGALLY requires all diets to comply
true. Lots of backyard pig owners dont know this
What does section 112 of HOA state?
“no person shall feed meat, meat by products or food that is suspected to contain meat or meat by products to swine or poultry, or permit swine or poultry to have access to meat or by products” -> BASICALLY ITS ILLEGAL TO FEED MEAT TO PIGS
why is it illegal to feed meat or meat byproducts to pigs
it leads to viral spread ( act first came into affect in the 40s because it brought FMDV to Saskatchewan after a european farm worker fed pigs european sausage
What are three examples of viruses spread by meat ingestion by pigs
Why is oatmeal finely ground for pigs?
makes it more digestible
What are the basic feed components?
-nutrients (CHO, FAT, PROTEIN)
- amino acids
Why do we have to supplement amino acids into swine feed?
we are feeding them incomplete proteins (as it is illegal to feed them animal protein), which don’t have the amino acid profiles adequate for complete nutrition
How many amino acids is a pig unable to synthesize
What are the top 3 most essential amino acids for a pig. and which is the most important of the three?
Lysine, methionine, tryptophan. The most improtant of these is lysine
Why is lysine the most essential aa for a pig
it drives muscle growth
What are the steps of feed formulation for pigs?
- set the energy needs
- set lysine aa ratio
- set other aa ratio to lysine
- add vitamins and minerals
What are the five distinct stages of the sow cycle
Gilt introduction -> mating -> gestation -> farrowing -> lactation
What factors affect gilt puberty onset
housing, movement, ligthing and hours of exposure, genetics, feed quality, boar exposure, feed intake!!!!
What are the detrimental affects of breeding a gilt that is too skinny?
-weak and low weaning weight
- poor return to estrus
-smaller subsequent litter size
What are the detrimental affects of breeding a gilt that is too fat?
-decreased appetite in lactation
-poor milk production(too much fat where mammary tissue should develop)
What are three things that may happen if you restrict feed of gilts?
- delayed puberty
- lameness (due to decreased Ca:P intake)
- reproductive issues due to low backfat reserves
What are the gilt nutritional requirements?
- crude protein of ~14% minimum
- lysine of ~0.7%
-Ca:P of ~0.95%:0.8% - total feed intake AD LIB until service
What is the gilt nutritional requirement of lysine?
~0.7%!!!!!!! Know this number
T/F: Gilts should be rationed their meals until service
FALSE. We feed them ad lib.
What are the three forms of feeding gestating sows?
Gestation stalls (transitioning away from these)
Loose sow housing
Electronic sow feeders
what is a benefit and con of loose sow housing?
sows can move around, but it is harder to manage feed
WHat is the best form of feeding gestating sows
Electronic sow feeders - can feed the individual to her needs in loose sow housing
What are the three goals of feeding the gestating sow
- meet maintenance requirments
- BCS 3-3.5
- meet the needs for fetus and placental growth
What happens if you overfeed pregnant sows/
-decreased feed consumption during lactation
-Poor udder development (from too much fat deposited there)
- reduced milk production
-excessive weight loss in lactation
- reduced herd longevity
- stillbirth
Why does overfeeding a sow lead to stillbirths?
The sows tire during parturition. The fetus will enter the birthcanal alive but be dead at birth
How can we approximate maintenance kcals for a gestating sow?
30 x weight of sow in kg
What are the three things calories are required for gestating sows?
Back fat gains
Fetal growth
What is the equation for the daily feed of a gestating sow?
Daily feed = maintenance + back fat gains + fetal growth
Pregnant/gestating sow nutritional requirementsq
- CP = ~13%
-lysine = ~0.6% - Ca:P = ~0.95%:0.8%
- total feed intake: ~2.7 kg/day
Which stage of a sows cycle requires ad lib feeding?
Which stage of a sows cycle requires 2.7 kg/day of total feed intake
pregnant sows
T/F younger parity animals require more lysine and more calcium than older parity
T/F: earlier in gestation requires more lysine and calcium
false. More lysine adn calcium is required later in gestation
What should you avoid in lactating sows?
diets of high fiber
What are the goals of feeding the lactating sow
- meet maintenance requirements
- avoid negative energy balance to prevent excessive weight loss
- optimize litter performance (feed high energy/high fat and avoid high fiber)
What happens if you underfeed nursing sows/
1 extensive wean to service interval
2 smaller subsequent litter size
3 high culling rate of sows
What is the general rule of thumb for feeding a lactating sow?
1.5 kg for sow + 0.5 kg per piglet on her
How can you maximize feed intake in a lactating sow
- increase protein
- feed more than once a day
- pelleted feed
- water/wet food
- temperature 18-21 C
What are the goals for feeding a boar
meet maintenance
maintain energy for work
maintain body size for sows
Why is it super improtant to maintain a proper body weight in boars?
mating is a long process, and the sow bears all of the weight. We need to make sure the boar isn’t overweight to prevent him from hurting his mate
What is a general rule of thumb for feeding boars?
2.5 kg/day
What happens if you overfeed boars
reduced libido
What happens if you underfeed boars
low energy/low mounting
reduced semen volume and sperm production
Boar nutritional requirements
CP = ~13%
Lysine = 0.6%
Ca:P = ~0.95%0.8%
Total feed intake = ad lib until mature
What type of sow diet is ok to feed boars
Dry sow diet
What are the feeding goals for gilts?
Adequate bone growth, reproductive tract growth, sound feet and legs
What are some of the roles of colostrum
- nutritional
- matures the GIT (allows for ability to absorb nutrients later on)
- uterine gland development
- thermoregulation
- immunity
T/F: the tenth piglet born will have lower immunity that the first
TRUE. This is because colostrum Ig content decreases with time after birth (though it will never reach zero)
When does lactogenesis start?
2-3 weeks prior to farrowing
T/F: IgG levels in colostrum reduce rapidly as suckling progresses
FALSE. It reduces rapidly as farrowing progresses
When is it best to receive colostrum?
within the first four hours of farrowing
Why is it critical that own mother’s milk is given to the piglet?
This is critical for successful passage of lymphocytes and immune cell absorption. (In my notes i wrote that T cells are passed only by birthmother, not nursemother but im not sure how this would work lol)
How often does letdown occur after farrowing
every 20 minutes
How long after farrowing is the piglet able to absorb immunoglobulins from colostrum?
<48 hours
T/F: the amount of colostrum is not associated with piglet survival, only whether or not the piglet receives it
False. intake matters: <400 grams in 24 hours leads to rapid increase in piglet mortality
how much IgG is contained in 100 mL of colostrum
80 g
What factors affect low colostrum intake
Low birth weight/large litter size
born late in farrowing sequence
sampling only a few teats
What is the importance of teat order?
Milk/colostrum at the cranial teats is of better quality than the caudal teats. Piglets are very faithful to the order, and the order is established within 3 days. Unused teats regress. All together this means that piglets lower in the teat order are of high concern, as they will not get enough high quality nutrition
What is higher in the anterior teat’s milk?
fat, protein
Why does piglet weight matter at farrowing?
<1.0 kg mortality increases rapidly
why does piglet colostral intake matter?
<400 g in 24 hours leads to rapid increase in mortality
Why does mom matter for piglet colostral intake?
own mothers milk transfers more immune cells than a nursemother
Why does teat location matter?
front gives much better milk than hind