Suicidal Thoughts & Behaviors Flashcards
Suicide is not a diagnosis or a disorder; it is a behavior/action.
Question: Does someone Commit Suicide or do they Die From Suicide? - think how respond to question is how care for someone/fam members or how approach subject; imp thing to think about in know self and know rxns
Suicide in its many forms has inspired everything from condemnation to romanticism—most focusing on the morality of taking one’s own life and whether it can be justified as a reasonable option.
Not a case Most people do not want to die, they just do not know how to live with their prolonged deep psychic pain. - what often hear from people; in so much pain and feel hopeless - think suicide is the answee
What about a patient whose every moment is suffering intractable pain from a terminal illness and wants to leave life with some dignity?
Thoughts on suicide from your text - Ch.23
The second leading cause of death among Americans 15 to 24 years of age - moving up in category
The fourth leading cause of death for ages 35 to 54
The eighth leading cause of death for ages 55 to 64
Epidemiological factors - Suicide is:
Often 90% of suicide completers had a diagnosable condition.
Psychiatric illness.
Severe insomnia is associated with increased risk of suicide - getting sleep is imp; when stressed and tired harder to be able to use healthy coping skills
Use of alcohol and barbiturates - drives up rate
Psychosis with command hallucinations - have command hallucinations
Affliction with a chronic, painful, or disabling illness - chronic illness
Family history of suicide - see increase in fams of indivs who attempt/die by suicide
Same sex gender individuals have a higher risk of suicide than their heterosexual counterparts.
Transgender individuals have 40-50% increase risk of suicide - sig risk
Having attempted suicide previously increases the risk of a subsequent attempt. About half of those who ultimately die of suicide have a history of a previous attempt.
Severe Loss of a loved one through death or separation - through indiv
Lack of employment or increased financial burden
Any losses that may cause depression increases risk for indiv
Risk factors
50%: Mood disorders, MDD, and bipolar disorder
25%: Alcohol and substance abuse disorders
10%: Psychoses
5%: Personality disorders
5%: Physical illness (E.g., traumatic brain injuries [TBI], epilepsy, terminal and/or painful diseases like cancer, AIDS, MS, Huntington’s, and Parkinson’s) - chronic illness that are dealing with
Often 90% of suicide completers had a diagnosable condition.
Risk of suicide increases with age, particularly among men
White men older than 80 years are at the greatest risk of all age/gender/race groups
Seen often in white older men
Mood and substance use disorders are the most common psychiatric illnesses that precede suicide. Other psychiatric disorders that account for suicidal behavior include:
Personality disorders
Anxiety disorders
Psychiatric illness.
Second leading cause for 15-24
Children or teenagers who lost a parent to suicide are three times more likely to commit suicide - sig
Childhood maltreatment
Problematic family relations
History of bullying or victimization
Family history of suicide
Socioeconomic problems
Parental psychopathologic problems
Peer problems
Legal and/or discipline problems
Risk factors-youth
Other vulnerable pop; suicide rates by veterans/active duty
Suicide studies among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans
More deaths in active duty are by suicide than combat - any death is tragic but that is surprising
Risky behavior among returning veterans:
Veterans with TBI (traumatic brain injury) more likely to commit suicide
Combat-related suicides
Results in a disproportionate rate of death from accidents or unintentional poisonings
Common behaviors consistent with PTSD
Risky behavior among returning veterans:
Demographics - overall look at these
Presenting Symptoms/Medical-Psychiatric Diagnosis
Analysis of the Suicidal Crisis
Psychiatric/Medical/Family History
Coping Strategies - have coping strategies that they can identify and are they realistic and things can use
Nursing process: Asessment
Martial status - having support sys
Socioeconomic status
Lethality and availability of method - means are considering
Family history of suicide
Note: A person may experience one or more risk factors and not be suicidal. - not mean if have sev risk factors that going to attempt/die by suicide but things to consider when doing assessment and working with indivs
Suicide is their availability/method they are choosing
Demographics - overall look at these
Suicidal Ideas or Acts
Interpersonal Support System - assess for support sys and if present
Presenting Symptoms/Medical-Psychiatric Diagnosis
Seriousness of intent
Verbal and behavioral clues - kind of these that are giving
If voices that thinking of suicide/killing self, find out plan and if have means to carry out plan
Suicidal Ideas or Acts
The precipitating stressor - look at stressors in front of them at moment
Relevant history
Life-stage issues
Analysis of the Suicidal Crisis