Anxiety Disorders Flashcards
Mental health defined
How would you recognize Mental Health vs Mental Illness?
Define mental health
Mental health is defined as “a state of well being in which an individual realizes their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community” - if not able get up and not able function as would like to func - effects with relationships, jobs, careers, schools
**From the World Health Organization (2014)
Basically with illnesses people are dealing how impacting daily life, able do things want do and things normally do (get up, interact, go to school/work) - start with that with indivs to see how doing with daily life
Difference stress vs anxiety
A stressor is an external pressure that is brought to bear on the individual - everyone experiences stress; create probs with indiv
relationship between the person and the environment that is appraised by the person as taxing and/or exceeding their resources and endangering their well being.
Anxiety is the subjective emotional response to that stressor - something happening in life surrounding you and you react and often with anxiety; when get stressed one subj and emotional responses is anxiety; nobody escapes life without anxiety but hope not get point where stops dead in tracks; all mental illnesses on a spectrum; all experience anxiety but if where get to panic and cannot function but all functioning on spectrum - depression same way and schizophrenia (disasociation) and daydreaming (disasociation) vs hearing voices; some people get to where tilts and some people able manage it
Epidemiological stats
Anxiety disorders are the most common of all psychiatric illnesses - depression people seek treatment more than anything else but anxiety very common
They are more common in women than men - children from low SES with all stressors that creates have it more often; more women seek treatment than men and throws numbers off
A familial predisposition probably exists with really high anxiety - learn how react to stressors around us
A diffuse apprehension that is very vague in nature and is associated with feelings of uncertainty and helplessness; often cannot explain it
Very common in society
Extremely common in our society - depression number 1 diagnosed type mental illness; anxiety there but in spectrum not lot seek treatments
A mental and/or physical
Reaction to perceived threats.
Theory being Anxiety disorders occur when an individual lacks sufficient resources to cope with stress - little bit anxiety is good; heightens awareness but when over the top and starts getting towards severe anxiety and panic get into probs; when in past situations, ask what worked for you in past, try again or see if need do diff way because diff situation
When with someone describing anxiety/situation creating anxiety start with and ask what done in past to help when needed cope with stress - starting point not say help right now but starting point to review with them
Mild anxiety is adaptive and can provide motivation for survival and not bad; heightens awareness
Levels of anxiety
Peplau’s Four Levels of Anxiety
Peplau’s Four Levels of Anxiety (Levels of anxiety)
Mild: seldom a problem; get up and function
Moderate: perceptual field starts to diminish(es); not really able take it all in
Severe: perceptual field is so diminished that concentration centers only one detail or on many extraneous details; only deal with what is front of you
Panic: the most intense state of anxiety; where you feel like dying and real sense of doom
Adaptive responses to anxiety and interventions - Mild:
Increased alertness, sharpens the senses, sometimes enhanced learning, increased blood pressure; having this is good
To have this often will increase learning and is good - more aware senses and enhanced learning - want to keep at this level
Working with indivs experiencing this and worried get out of hand talk about how prob-solve that to keep them at this level and help them relax; help someone so stays at this level
Fairly common - all have mild anxiety; can work in favor
Interventions: (Adaptive responses to anxiety and interventions - Mild:)
things help to relax so stays here and not moves up
Use cognitive strategies, stress management and px.solving, open ended questions - listen to them (what means for them, px presents), best intervention is listening and identifying stress management
Moderate anxiety
When Perceptual field starts to diminish(es), attention span decreases, may needs help with px. solving, pupils dilate, little bit fear, purposeless activity/anxiety, palpitations, muscle tension, fidgeting
Interventions (working with indiv): Use relaxation techniques (imp identify what relaxes that indiv because individualized - engage in convo), teach coping strategies. Listening to client and know what relaxes so when have moderate anxiety can use relaxation techniques - engage in convo on what relaxes them
Note: Encourage them to be verbalization of feelings - working with someone and go down levels anxiety imp for you to stay calm; imp for you when have client who has moderate level of anxiety you calm yourself down and BE CALM - react to that in + way; talk slower and softer as talking to them hopefully to bring some anxiety down
Severe anxiety
More diff for indiv to func as highly as would likely to
Only Focus on only one detail at a time, severely limited attention span, some physical sxs. fairly commonly associated with severe anxiety - back aches, stomach aches. Interferes with daily life; No learning, behavior aimed at relieving anxiety
Interventions: Encourage physical activity to stimulate large muscle groups - take a walk (get away from the situation if can) and release energy from fight/flight/freeze - diff for people to do what want to do because this stops them from doing what they want to do
Note: importance of having structured tasks are useful for them - helps feel like have control, point out reality - what actually going on in the environment, use short, firm, & simple statements but do it in a very supportive way; importance of being calm when working with them
NOTE: Chronic anxiety can lead to multiple physical health issues. - possibility to create multiple physical health issues for indivs - chronic back pain/headaches
Final/last level
Panic disorders/attacks
Complete inability to focus, misperception of environment is common, fear dying or going insane, (if prolonged may lead to exhaustion) - if do not get out of situation feel like going to die or going insane; lot fear embedded with panic anxiety; panic attacks fear of not knowing when will happen; always on guard; feel like going to die
Interventions: in panic or going into one: Decrease stimuli/environment (quiet place), stay with the person, use quiet voice, assist person to perform relaxation breathing (breathe with me), provide nutrition/hydration, safety, safety, safety - horrible situation - real concern with a panic attack; say name and going to breathe together and reassure them and never leave them alone and talk through it
Need your help and need stay with them and need you to remain calm
Summary 5 properties of defense mechanism - pg 138
Defense mechanisms are:
Defense mechanisms are: (Summary 5 properties of defense mechanism - pg 138)
Good and bad - need to protect us in any situation at the moment; in trouble if stuck in defense mechanisms and not face reality - become issue for people; need them
Good as long as not using for long time
Really are used to help us
Prob if get stuck in mechanism; most not on conscious basis unless understand self and self-awareness and know doing it
1.Major means of managing conflict
2. Most Relatively unconscious
3.Discrete from one another
4.Hallmarks of major psychiatric syndromes, which are reversible
5.Adaptive as well as pathologic - denial common; rationalization; get through initial shock; stay in denials if not ever recognize need deal with situation
A few defense mechanisms: how these relate to ID, EGO, SuperEGO
At the mild to moderate level, the ego calls on defense mechanisms for protection, such as:
At the mild to moderate level, the ego calls on defense mechanisms for protection, such as: (A few defense mechanisms: how these relate to ID, EGO, SuperEGO)
Compensation -
Reaction formation
Identification -
Intellectualization -
Compensation - (At the mild to moderate level, the ego calls on defense mechanisms for protection, such as: (A few defense mechanisms: how these relate to ID, EGO, SuperEGO)
cover up perceived/real weakness by emphasizing trait one considers more desirable
Rationalization (At the mild to moderate level, the ego calls on defense mechanisms for protection, such as: (A few defense mechanisms: how these relate to ID, EGO, SuperEGO)
Making rationales for reason did not do well
Excuse to justify things/shoulds in life - rationalize why not happen
Reaction formation (At the mild to moderate level, the ego calls on defense mechanisms for protection, such as: (A few defense mechanisms: how these relate to ID, EGO, SuperEGO)
Prevent unacceptable/undesirable thought/behaviors from being expressed by exaggerated/voicing the exact opp behaviors
Not honest how really feel and complete opp how really feel
Present undesirable feeling - something do not like about them and if ask about person not honest how really feeling; complete opp how feel; react in exact opp in how feel; shoulds get in way
Displacement (At the mild to moderate level, the ego calls on defense mechanisms for protection, such as: (A few defense mechanisms: how these relate to ID, EGO, SuperEGO)
Getting mad at work and kicking the dog at home
Misplace the emotion onto something else
Identification - (At the mild to moderate level, the ego calls on defense mechanisms for protection, such as: (A few defense mechanisms: how these relate to ID, EGO, SuperEGO)
attempt when try increase self worth by acquiring self-attributes and characteristics of indiv admire
Take on attributes on someone really admire - can be + - the characteristics; prob when be them and creepy for them and is bad
Regression (At the mild to moderate level, the ego calls on defense mechanisms for protection, such as: (A few defense mechanisms: how these relate to ID, EGO, SuperEGO)
Going back to earlier level of developmental behaviors that worked for you at that point; comfort measures and go back to that
Revert back to something worked for past and often developmentally; go back to comfort level; regress back developmentally
Intellectualization - (At the mild to moderate level, the ego calls on defense mechanisms for protection, such as: (A few defense mechanisms: how these relate to ID, EGO, SuperEGO)
attempt to avoid expressing actual emotions associated with stressful situations by using intellectual processes, words, logic; trying to be really smart and way push people away and use terms because felt not smart around person and not know how have real convos
Get away from the feeling and get into your head
Distances people and keeps people away somewhat
Repression (At the mild to moderate level, the ego calls on defense mechanisms for protection, such as: (A few defense mechanisms: how these relate to ID, EGO, SuperEGO)
involuntarily/unconsciously block unpleasant feelings and experiences
Used in people who have Dissociative disorders (multiple personality) repress something bad in life
On unconscious level pushing things out of membery
Denial (At the mild to moderate level, the ego calls on defense mechanisms for protection, such as: (A few defense mechanisms: how these relate to ID, EGO, SuperEGO)
Denying the reality
Sublimation (At the mild to moderate level, the ego calls on defense mechanisms for protection, such as: (A few defense mechanisms: how these relate to ID, EGO, SuperEGO)
Rechannel drives (sexual/phys impulses) that socially unacceptable and convert to something socially acceptable