Stomach Channel Flashcards
What is the pinyin name for the ST channel?
Stomach Channel of Foot Yang Ming
What is the int/ext pair with ST?
Spleen Channel of Foot Tai Yin
What is the 6 channel pair with ST?
Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yang Ming
Describe the points + locations of the ST channel.
- 45 points form S1 under eye - down mamallary line - lateral 2nd toes
- in line w pupil and infeaorbital ridge
- 1 cun below pupil
- with eyes fwd, directly below pupil + 1 cun lateral to nose
- .4cun lateral to corner of mouth
- anterior to angle of jaw at anterior border of massater
- 1 fingerbreath anterior & superior to angle of jaw at prominence of massater
- lower border if zygomatic arch below condyloid process
- corner of forehead. 4.5 lateral to midline + .5 cun into hairline - huge headache point
- level to laryngeal prominence. 1.5 lateral anterior border of SCM - lowers rebellion, hypertension
- ½ way between ST9 and ST11
- root of neck in depression between heads of SCM
- supraclavicular area - superior border of clavicle, 4 cun lateral to midline on mamilary line - descends rebellion - contra pregnancy 1st on mamilary line
- inferior border of clavicle, 4 cun lateral to midline on mamilary line
- 1st intercostal space
- 2nd incercostal space
- 3rd intercostal space
- 4th intercostal space - on nipple
- 5th intercostal space - below nipple
- 2 cun lateral to midline. 6 cun superior to umbilicus.
- 2 cun lateral to midline. 5 cun superior to umbilicus.
- 2 cun lateral to midline. 4 cun superior to umbilicus.
- 2 cun lateral to midline. 3 cun superior to umbilicus.
- 2 cun lateral to midline. 2 cun superior to umbilicus. - transform phlegm, calm spirit
- 2 cun lateral to midline. 1 cun superior to umbilicus.
- on the abdomen. 2 cun lateral to umbilicus - Front Mu of LI - all abdominal issues
- 2 cun lateral to midline. 1 cun inferior to umbilicus.
- 2 cun lateral to midline. 2 cun inferior to umbilicus.
- 2 cun lateral to midline. 3 cun inferior to umbilicus.
- 2 cun lateral to midline. 4 cun inferior to umbilicus.
- 2 cun lateral to midine, level with superior border of pubic symphysis - Sea of Water and Grain - running piglet
- Upper thigh. Lateral to sartorious. In line with ASIS. horizontal from pubic symphysis.
- Draw line from lateral patella to ASIS. 6 cun proximal to superior lateral border of patella.
- 3 cun proximal to superior lateral border of Patella (½ way between)
- 2 cun proximal to lateral border. 1 cun down. Xi Cleft for ST = acute - local knee issues
- Lateral hollow when knee is flexed. Lateral to patella ligament & immediately below patella. - Major Pt all Knee Issues
- 3 cun inferior to ST35. 1 finger breath lateral to crest of tibia - 3 Leg Miles - Command Pt. Abdomen - Sea of Water & Grain - He Sea Earth - Horary point - mother all Tonification points
- 3 cun inferior to ST36. Lateral to tibia. - lower He Sea of LI
- Midway between knee - lower border and ankle. Lateral to tibia. - distal shoulder pt
- 3 cun inferior to ST37. 1 cun below ST38 - 1 finger breath lateral to anterior crest of tibia - lower He Sea of SI
- In line with 38. 1 finger breath lateral. Luo Connecting - transforms phlegm, dampness anywhere
- On ankle. Level w lateral maleolus bt tendons of extensor hallucis and digitorum Longus - Jing River Fire
- Junction of 2nd and 3rd metatarsal. 1.5 cun distal to ST41. - Yuan Source Point
- 1 cun proximal to ST44 - Shu Stream Wood
- Bt 2nd and 3rd toes. .5 cun proximal to web. - Ying Spring Water
- Lateral border of 2nd toe. - Jing Well Metal
What is the ST luo connecting pathway?
- lateral side of lower leg at ST 40
- travels medial aspect of lower leg to connect with SP
- ascends to nape of neck and head
- terminates at throat
What is the ST divergent pathway?
- branches mid thigh
- enter abdomen
- travels to ST, SP, and HT
- ascends along espohagus to mouth, nose, eye
- eventually meets with ST primary
What are the 5 ST Shu Stream Points?
- Jing Well Metal = ST45
- Ying Spring Water = ST44
- Shu Stream Wood = ST43
- Jing River Fire = ST41
- He Sea Earth = ST36
What are the principal function of the ST Channel?
- treat all disorders of yangming channel in head (eyes, face, nose, lips, gums, teeth)
- treat disorders of ear
- treat disorders of throat
- regulate functions of intestines
- treat disorders of upper, middle & lower jiao
- tonify qi, blood, yin & yang
- acute and chronic disorders of breast
- treat disturbance of spirit - espically mania depression
- eliminates wind
- clears heat
- descends qi (stagnant or rebellion)
- transforms phlegm & calms spirit
- harmonizes ST
- expells wind-damp = arthritis
- Meeting Point of ST with Yang Motility & Conception Vessels
LOCATION: directly below pupil between eyebal and infraorbital ridge
NEEDLING: inferior then perpendicular .5-1 cun
- benefits eyes & stops lacrimation = *fullest range of eye diseases*
- eliminiates wind & clears heat = deviation of mouth & eye
- Meeting Point of ST & LI with Yang Motility & Conception Vessels
LOCATION:.4 cun lateral to corner of mouth
NEEDLING: transverse insertion
- eliminates wind from face = deviation of mouth, trigeminal neuralgia
- activates channel & alleviates pain
- Meeting Point of ST & LI with Yang Motility & Conception Vessels
LOCATION: 1 fingerbreadth anterior and superior to angle of the jaw at the prominance of the masseter muscle
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5 cun
- eliminates wind and benefits jaw and teeth = TMJ
- activates channel and alleviates pain
- Meeting Point of ST & GB Channels
LOCATION: at lower border of zygomatic arch, in depression anterior to condyloid process of mandible
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion slightly inferiorly .5-1 cun
- benefits the ears, jaw & teeth
- activates the channel & alleviates pain
- Meeting Point of ST & GB Channels w/ Yang Linking Vessel
LOCATION: at corner of forehead 4.5 cun lateral to Du24 & .5 cun into harline
NEEDLING: transverse insertion .5-1 cun
- eliminates wind & alleviates pain = MAJOR HEADACHE POINT FOR SPLITTING HEADACHE
- benefits the eyes = vision issues, pain, tearing
- Meeting Point of ST & GB Channels
- Point of WIndow of Heaven
- Point of Sea of Qi
LOCATION: level with tip of & 1.5 cun lateral to laryngeal prominence, in depression between anterior border of SCM & lateral border of thyroid cartilage
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1 cun, caution carotid artery
- regulates qi & blood
- lowers rebellion = hyper & hypotension
- benefits throat & neck
- alleviates pain
LOCATION: posterior to superior border of clavicle at it’s midpoint, 4 cun lateral to midline on mamilary line
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .3-.5 cun along posterior border of clavicle
- descends LU qi = cough
- clears heat from chest
- activate channel & alleviate pain
LOCATION: directly below nipple in 5th intercoastal space
NEEDLING: transverse oblique insertion .5-1 cun
- benefits the breasts and reduces swelling
- unbinds the chest & alleviates cough & wheezing
LOCATION: on abdomen 2 cun lateral to midline, 4 cun superior to umbilicus
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion 1-1.5 cun
- regulates qi and alleviates pain
- harmonizes middle jio and transforms stagnation = distention and pain in abdomen - stuck food
- raises qi & stops diarrhea
- Front Mu of Large Intestine (Alarm Point)
LOCATION: on abdomen, 2 cun lateral to umbilicus
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion 1-1.5 cun
- regulates the intestines, ST & SP
- regulates qi & blood + eliminates stagnation = benign tumors
- resolves dampness & damp heat = edema, swelling
- Meeting Point of ST w/ Penetrating Vessel
- Point of Sea of Water and Grain
LOCATION: on lower abdomen, 2 cun lateral to midline level with superior border of pubic symphysis
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1.5 cun
- regulates qi in lower jiao = KD, UB, elimination issues
- regulates Penetrating vessuel = gyn issues
- subdues running piglet qi = butterflies in stomach with anxiety
LOCATION: on the knee, in hollow formed when knee is flexed, immediately below patella and lateral to patellar ligament
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion towards BL40 1-2 cun
- dispells wind damp & reduces swelling
- activates channel & alleviates pain = MAJOR POINT FOR ALL KNEE ISSUES
- Three Leg Miles
- He Sea Earth Point
- Command Point for Abdomen
- Point of Sea of Water and Grain
- Horary Point
LOCATION: below knee, 3 cun inferior to ST35, 1 fingerbredth lateral to anterior crest of tibia
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1.5 cun
- harmonizes ST = all abdominal disorders
- fortifies SP & resolves dampness = T&T
- tonifies qi and nourishes blood and yin
- clears fire & calms spirit
- activates channel & alleviates pain
- revives yang and restores consciousness
- Lower He Sea of LI
- Point of Sea of Blood
LOCATION: below knee, 3 cun inferior to ST36
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion 1-1.5 cun
- regultes intenstines and transforms stagnaation
- clears damp heat & alleviates diarrhea
- regualtes ST & SP
LOCATION: on lower leg, midway between the tibio-femoral joint line and the prominence of the lateral maleolus, 1 fingerbreadth lateral to anterior crest of tibia
NEEDLING: perpendicular or oblique insertion 1-1.5 cun
- expells wind damp & aleviates pain = painful obstrution, swelling
- benefits the shoulder = distal point
- Lower He Sea point of SI
- Point of Sea of Blood
LOCATION: on lower leg, 3 cun inferior to ST 37 (1 cun inferior to ST38)
NEEDLING: perpendicular or oblique insertion 1-1.5 cun
- moves SI qi and transforms stagnation = pain
- regulates and harmonizes the intestines & clears damp heat = diarrohea, dysentery
- activates channel & alleviates pain
- Luo Connecting Point of ST
LOCATION: on lower leg, midway between the tibio-femoral joint line and the prominence of the lateral maleolus, 2 fingerbreadths lateral to anterior crest of tibia
NEEDLING: perpendicular or oblique insertion 1-1.5 cun
- transforms phlegm and dampness = ANYWHERE IN BODY
- benefits the chest
- clears phlegm from LU and alleviates cough and wheezing
- clears phlegm form HT & calms spirit
- activates channel & alleviates pain
- Jing River Fire Point
LOCATION: on ankle, level with prominence of lateral maleolus,in depression between tendons of extensor hallicus longus and digitorum longus
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5 cun
- clears heat from ST channel & fu = more towards head, redness & swelling
- calms the spirit
- activates the channel & alleviates pain
- Ying Spring Water Point
LOCATION: on dorsum of foot b/w 2nd & 3rd toes, .5 cun proximal to margin of web
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5 cun
- clears heat from ST channel & alleviates pain = toothache
- calms the spirit
- harmonizes intestines and cears damp-heat = borborygmus & diarrohea
- Jing Well Metal Point
LOCATION: on dorsal aspect of 2nd toe, lateral border of bases of nail
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion directed proximally .1-.2 cun or prick to bleed
- clears heat from ST channel = face swelling
- calms spirit
- restores consciousness