Pericardium Channel Flashcards
What is the pinyin name for the PC channel?
Pericardium Chanell or Hand Jue Yin
What is the int/ext pair with PC?
San Jiao Channel of Hand Shao Yang
What is the 6 channel pair with PC?
Liver Channel of Foot Jue Yin
Describe the points + locations of the PC channel.
- 9 points: starts in center of the chest -> connect to PC .> diaphgram -> 3 jiaos -> emerge at costal region 3 cun inferior to axillary fold -> down middle arm to middle finger at PC9
- 4th intercostal space, 1 cun lateral to nipple (5 cun lateral to midline) - Window of Heaven - Unbinds Chest - Cough
- 2 cun below axilary fold b/t 2 heads of biceps
- transverse cubital crease on ulnar side of biceps brachii tendon - He Sea Water - Clear Heat HIGH Fever
- flexor aspect of arm, 5 cun promimal to PC7 (on line with PC3) between tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis - Xi Cleft
- ” “ 3 cun proximal to PC7 “ “ - Jing River Metal - Main Pt. for Phlegm (disturb HT, calm spirit)
- ” “ 2 cun proximal to PC7 “ “ - Luo Connecting & Confluent of Yin Linking - Harmonize ST (N&V), Regulate HT & calm spirit
- middle of transverse crease of wrist b/t palmaris longus + flexor carpi radialis - Shu Stream Earth, Yuan Source - Strong Point SHEN Disturbance - MAIN CALM SPIRIT
- center of palm b/t 2nd + 3rd metacrapal bones @ part touching tip of middle finger when fist is made - Ying Spring Fire - Clear Heat (ying level, blood level - eccema), Revive Consciousness
- center tip of middle finger - Jing Well Wood - sunstroke, benefits tongue
What is the PC luo connecting pathway?
- PC 6 on anterior forearm -> ascends with primary -> connects with HT
What is the PC divergent pathway?
- separates at arm below the axilla
- enters the chest
- communicates with 3 jiaos
- branch ascends to throat and emerges behind ear to converge with SJ
What is the PC sinew pathway?
- tip of middle finger
- runs up arm with LU sinew
- binds at medial elbow
- up antero-middle portion of arm
- disperses at chest
- binds at diaphgram

What are the 5 PC Shu Stream Points?
- Jing Well Wood = PC9
- Ying Spring Fire = PC8
- Shu Stream Earth (also Yuan Source) = PC7
- Jing River Metal = PC5
- He Sea Water = PC3
What are the principle functions of the KD Channel?
- treat disorders of the HT zang
- disorders of the spirit
- disorders of the chest
- disorders of upper/middle jiao due to stagnation of Qi from LV
- disorders of latero costal region
- febrile disease (at level of ying & xue)
- swelling and pain of axilla
PC 1
- Window of Heaven Point
LOCATION: 4th intercostal space, 1 cun lateral to nipple (5 cun lateral to midline)
NEEDLING: transverse obliqe along intercostal; caution: pneumothorax
- unbinds chest, transforms phlegm, descends rebellion = cough, cough with phlegm
- Benefits Breasts = local point (dissapates nodules)
PC 3
- He Sea Water Point
LOCATION: transverse cubital crease, in depression immediately to ulnar side of biceps brachii muscle
NEEDLING: perpendicular .5-1 cun or prick to bleed
- CLEAR HEAT from qi, nutritive, blood level = febrile disease, agitation, restlessness
- scorch body fluids = reckless bleeding
- harmonize ST & intestines = stop vomit & diarrhoea (distal point)
PC 5
- Jing River Metal
LOCATION: on flexor aspect of forearm, 3 cun proximal to PC7, between tendons of palmaris longus & fexor carpi radialis
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1 cun or oblique proxximal insertion 1-1.5 cun
- transform phlegm (w/ ST 40 - major point for phlegm disorders) = disturb HT
- settles & calms spirt = mania, manic raving
- descends rebellious QI = N&V
- regulates mensturation = distal GYN point
PC 6
- Luo Connecting, Confluent Point of Yin Linking
LOCATION: on flexor aspect of forearm, 2 cun proximal to PC7, between tendons of palmaris longus & fexor carpi radialis
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1 cun or oblique proxximal insertion 1-1.5 cun
- MAJOR POINT: strong sensation (dequi)
- Unbinds Chest & Regulates Qi = HT pain, chest pain
- Regulates HT & calms spirit = insomina, 5 types of epilepsy, mania
- Clears heat = febrile disease
- Harmonize ST = alleviates N&V, hiccup
PC 7
- Shu Stream Earth Yuan Source Point
LOCATION: middle of transverse crease of wrist, betwen tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis (level w/ HT7)
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .3-.5 cun
- STRONG Point for Shen distrubance - clear heat from HT and calm spirit *MAIN CALM SPIRIT* = mania, epilepsy, palpitations etc
- Harmonize ST & intestines = ST pain, vomit
- Principal point for carpal tunnel
PC 8
- Ying Sprig Fire
LOCATION: b/t 2nd & 3rd metacarpals, proximal to metocarpo-phalangral joing, in depression at radial side of 3rd metacarpal bone
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5 cun
- clear heat from PC and revive consciousness = fever, coma, febrile disease
- clear heat from HT and calm spirit
- clears heat from ying level and cools blood = eczema
PC 9
- Jing Well Wood
LOCATION: center tip of middle finger
NEEDLING: prick to bleed
- clear heat from PC and revive consciousness = sunstroke, fever, etc
- clears HT and benefits tongue (last point on ch affects the begining)