San Jiao Channel Flashcards
What is the pinyin name for the SJ channel?
San Jiao Channel of Hand Shao Yang
What is the int/ext pair with SJ?
Pericardium Channel of Hand Jue Yin
What is the 6 channel pair with SJ?
Gall Bladder Channel of Foot Shao Yang
Describe the points + locations of the SJ channel.
- 23 points: ulnar ring finger -> posterior forearm b/t radius and ulna (b/t SI & LI channels) -> highest part of shoulder -> descends anteriorly to supraclavicular fossa -> neck -> circle ear -> eye
- lateral ring finger at base of nail - Jing Well Metal - febrile disease (ears & tongue)
- .5 cun proximal to margin of web b/t 4th & 5th fingers - Ying Spring Water - disperses upper jiao heat (deafness, tinitus, HA, earache)
- dorsum of hand b/t 4th and 5th metacarpals in depression proximal to metacarpal phalangeal joint - Shu Stream Wood - clear heat/benefit ears - ALL EAR DISORDERS
- dorsum of wrist b/t extensor digitorum communis & extensor digiti minimi - Yuan Source - relaxes sinews/alleviates pain - wrist/arm/shoudler
- 2 cun proximal to SJ 4 in depression b/t radius and ulna in line to olecranon - Luo Connecting & Confluent Point of Yang Linking - MAJOR POINT for Cold/Flu w/ Fever
- 3 cun proximal to SJ4 on line with olecranon b/t radius and ulna, on radial side of extensor digitorum - Jing River Fire - #1 CONSTIPATION POINT due to heat (not xu)
- level wiith SJ6, on ulnar side of extensor digitorum (radial border of ulna) - Xi Cleft - benefits ears - GO TO for hearing
- 4 cun proximal to SJ4 b/t radius and ulna
- 7Ish cun proximal to SJ4 or 5 distal from olecranon (in line b/t SJ4 and lateral epicondyle)
- when elbow is flexed, point is in depression 1 cun superior to olecranon - He Sea Earth - transforms phlegm & dissipates nodules (scrofula, cough w/ phlegm)
- 1 cun above SJ10 when elbow is flexed
- on line b/t olecranon and SJ14, 4 cun proximal to SJ10 & 6 cun distal to SJ14
- on line between olecranon and SJ14, 2/3 the distance between SJ10 & 14, on posterior border of deltoid
- on shoulder, posterior to LI15, in depression inferior and posterior to acromion when arm is abducted - similair to LI15 dispel wind/damp - alleviate shoudler pain
- midway between GB21 adn SI13 on superior angle of scapula; medial end of suprascapular fossa
- lateral neck on posterior border of SCM, below mastoid process
- behind ear lobe in depression b/t ramus of mandible and mastoid process - benefits ears, eliminates wind = deviation of mouth, loss of speach
- posterior to ear at center of mastroid process, 1/3 distance b/t SJ17&20, along ear curve
- posterior to ear in depression 2/3 distance b/t SJ17&20, along ear curve
- directly above ear apex, w/in the hairline - benefits ears, teeth, gums, clears heat (tinitus, deafness, toothache)
- depression anterior to supratragic notch, slightly superior to condoloyd process - benefits ears, clears heat (tinitus, deafness) - SJ21, SI19, GB2 order from upper to lower
- anterior and superior to SJ21, /5 cun anterior to upper border of root of ear, in slight depression on the posterior border of hairline of temple
- depression of supraorbital margin, at lateral end of eyebrow
What is the SJ luo connecting pathway?
- SJ5 on forearm
- posterior arm over shouder
- converge with PC in chest
What is the SJ divergent pathway?
- separates at head and branches to vertex
- descends to supraclavicular fossa
- across 3 jiao
- disperse in chest
What is the SJ sinew pathway?
- ulnar ring finger
- binds at wrist
- posterior arm to elbow
- joins SI sinew on neck
- angle of mandible to tongue
- ear, eye, forehead

What are the 5 SJ Shu Stream Points?
- Jing Well Metal = SJ1
- Ying Spring Water = SJ2
- Shu Stream Wood = SJ3
- Jing River Fire = SJ6
- He Sea Earth = SJ10
What are the principle functions of the KD Channel?
- SJ & GB connect at side of head = strengthen relationship
- belong to fire = many points for febrile disease
- SJ treats fever at wei & qi levels
- PC treats more at ying & xue levels
- shaoyang = pivot = treats malaria = alternating chills & fever
- benefits the ear
- clears heat from eeyes (wind heat + LV/GB hear)
- soothe HT and calm spirit
- treat HA
- harmonize 3 jiao
SJ 1
- Jing Well Metal
LOCATION: lateral ring finger at base of nail
NEEDLING: prick to bleed
- clears upper jiao heat = febrile disease
- benefits ear & tongue = tinitus, ear ache, pain in tongue
SJ 2
- Ying Spring Water
LOCATION:.5 cun proximal to margin of web b/t 4th & 5th fingers
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .3-.5 cun
- disperses upper jiao heat & benefits ears = deafness, tinitus, ear ache, HA
- calms spirit = fright, palpitations, mania
SJ 3
- Shu Stream Wood
LOCATION: on dorsum of hand, in depression just proximal to 4th & 5th metacarpo-phalangeal joints
NEEDLING: perpendicular or oblique insertion .5-1 cun
- clears heat
- benefits the ears = most important DISTAL point for all ear disorders - tinitus, deafness, earache, infection
- clears head & eyes = itching, read face
SJ 4
- Yuan Source
LOCATION: on dorsum of wrist, at leavel of wrist joint, in depression b/t tendons of extensor digitorum communis & extensor digiti minimi
NEEDLING: slightly oblique proximal insertion .3-.5 cun
- relaxes sinews & alleviates pain - carpal tunnel local point
SJ 5
- Luo Connecting & Confulent Point of Yang Linking
LOCATION: 2 cun proximal to SJ4, in depression b/t radius and ulna, on radial side of extensor digitorum communis tendons
NEEDLING: slightly oblique towards ulnar side of distal towards elbow or wrist .5-1.5 cun
- Expels wind & releases exterior = MAJOR COLD/FLU POINT with fever
- other points to expel wind & release exterior: LU7, LI4, UB 11, 12, 13
- Benefits hear & ears = all types of HA (temporal, frontal, vertexz, occipital)
SJ 6
- Jing River Fire
LOCATION: 3 cun proximal to SJ4, in depression b/t radius and ulna, on radial side of extensor digitorum communis tendons
NEEDLING: slightly oblique towards ulnar side or distal towards elbow or wrist .5-1.5 cun
- moves stool = #1 CONSTIPATION point due to heat (not xu)
- regulates qi & clears heat from 3 jiao:
- fever, swelling of eyes, tinitus - upper
- lateral costal pain - middle
- benefits voice