Kidney Channel Flashcards
What is the pinyin name for the KD channel?
Kidney Channel of Foot Shao Yin
What is the int/ext pair with KD?
Bladder Channel of Foot Tai Yang
What is the 6 channel pair with KD?
Heart Channel of Hand Shao Yang
Describe the points + locations of the KD channel.
- 27 points on the posterior portion of inside leg: begins beneath foot -> up inner thigh -> through spine to connect with KD & BL -> ascend up chest through LV, LU, HT & PC -> ends under clavicle
- 1/3 down from base of 2nd toe & heel b/t 2nd & 3rd metatarsal - Jing Well Wood POWERFUL to descend, calm spirit
- medial foot - distal and inferior to medial malleolus in depression distal and inverior to navicular tuberosity - Ying Spring Fire - clear heat
- in depression b/t medial malleolus & achilles, level with the prominence of the medial malleolus - Shu Stream Earth & Yuan Source - MAJOR for yin+yang xu - level w/ BL 60 for low back pain
- .5 cun posterior to midpoint of KD3 & KD 5 - Luo Connecting - Reinforce KD & Benefit LU (cough)
- 1 cun inferior to KD3 - Xi Cleft of KD - Regulates Chong & Ren - GYN Point
- 1 cun below prominence of MM in groove - Confulent Point of Yin Motility (yin xu) - GO TO THROAT + plum pit qi, insomnia
- 2 cun superior to KD3, anterior border of achilles tendon - Jing River Metal - mobilize KD yang fx - Regulate Water Passages = Edema Anywhere
- 2 cun superior to KD3, .5 cun anterior to KD7 - Xi Cleft of Yin Motility - GYN, clear/drain damp heat from lower jiao = STD
- 5 cun superior to KD 3, on line between KD3 - KD10, 1 cun posterior to medial border of tibia - Xi Cleft of Yin Linking - clears HT and transforms phlegm = mania/maddness
- medial popliteal crease b/t semitendinosus & semimembranosis - He Sea Water - damp heat from lower jiao, knee issues
- .5 cun lateral to midline, 5 cun below umbilicus @ superior border of pubic symphysis
- ” “ 4 cun below umbilicus
- ” “ 3 cun below umbilicus
- ” “ 2 cun below umbilicus
- ” “ 1 cun below umbilicus
- ” “ at umbilicus - regulates intestines
- ” “ 2 cun above umbilicus
- ” “ 3 cun above umbilicus - regulates lower jiao & moves blood stasis - abdominal pain postartum
- ” “ 4 cun above umbilicus
- ” “ 5 cun above umbilicus
- ” “ 6 cun above umbilicus - fortify SP, benefits breast/chest
- 5th intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to midline
- 4th intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to midline
- 3rd intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to midline
- 2nd intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to midline
- 1st intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to midline
- in depression at lower border of clavicle, 2 cun lateral to midline - unbind chest, transform phlegm
What is the KD luo connecting pathway?
- KD4 at posterior aspect of medial malleolus -> BL channel -> ascends up with KD primary to point below PC + goes back into lumbar
What is the KD divergent pathway?
- separated from KD in popliteal fossa
- intersects bladder divergent on thigh
- enters KD
- goes to root of tongue
- nape of neck
- BL primary
What is the KD sinew pathway?
- begins beneath little tow & joins SP sinew
- goes up inner thigh and binds at genitals
- internal brach goes up vertebrae to nape of neck adn converges with BL sinew
What are the principle functions of the KD Channel?
- store essence and dominate reproduction
- produce marrow, fill brain, dombinate bones, assist in production of blood
- dominate water
- control reception of qi = breathing
- opening into eart & dominate 2 lower yin (anus & urethra)
- KD are lowest zang
- root of origional yin + yang (foundation for all body)
- never suffer excess, only xu
- House of Will
- Foundation of Penetrating (Chong) and Conception (Ren) vessels
What are the 5 KD Shu Stream Points?
- Jing Well Wood = KD1
- Ying Spring Fire = KD2
- Shu Stream Earth (also Yuan Source) = KD3
- Jing River Metal = KD7
- He Sea Water = KD10
KD 1
- Jing Well Wood
LOCATION: 1/3 down from base of 2nd toe & heel b/t 2nd & 3rd metatarsal
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1 cun
- POWERFUL POINT to descend excess from the head = epilepsy, vertex headache
- Calm Spirit (moisten HT yin) = agitation, maddness
- Revives consciousness & restores yang
KD 2
- Ying Spring Fire Point
LOCATION: medial foot - distal and inferior to medial malleolus in depression distal and inferior to navicular tuberosity
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1 cun
- Fire Point on Water Channel = clears xu heat = night sweating, spontaneous sweat
- Regulates KD & lower Jiao = itchign genitals, seminal emissions
KD 3
- Shu Stream Earth + Yuan Source Point
LOCATION: in depression b/t medial malleolus & achilles, level with the prominence of the medial malleolus
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1 cun
- MAJOR POINT = level w/ BL60 = low back pain (strengthen lunbar spine)
- Nourish KD yin & clear xu heat
- Tonify KD yang = cold, labido, edema
KD 4
- Luo Connecting
LOCATION:.5 cun posterior to midpoint of KD3 & KD 5
NEEDLING: oblique perpendicular insertion directed anteriorly .5 cun
- Reinforces the KD
- Anchors the qi & benefits LU = cough, dysponea
- Strengthens will & dispels fear (shen disturbance)
KD 5
- Xi Cleft of KD
LOCATION: 1 cun inferior to KD3
NEEDLING: oblique perpendicular insertion directed away from the bone .3-.5 cun
- Regulates Ren & Chong = GYN point
- Xi Cleft on Yin = treat disorders of blood
- ammenorrhea, irregular mensturation
KD 6
- Confluent Point of Yin Motility
LOCATION: 1 cun below prominence of MM in groove
NEEDLING: oblique insertion directed superiorly .3-.5 cun
- Benefits Throat = plumbstone qi
- YIN XU ONLY (yin + yang xu = KD 3 & yang xu only =KD7)
- Calm Spirit = insomina, freight
- Regulates Lower Jiao = frequent urination, edema, etc