Gall Bladder Channel Flashcards
What is the pinyin name for the GB channel?
Gall Bladder Channel of Foot Shao Yang
What is the int/ext pair with GB?
Liver Channel of Foot Jue Yin
What is the 6 channel pair with GB?
San Jiao Channel of Hand Shao Yang
Describe the points + locations of the GB channel.
- 44 points on the middle portion of outside leg: begins at outer canthus -> through side of head & around ear -> over head -> supra clavicular fossa -> connects w/ LV/GB and descends through lateral torso -> encircles the genitals -> down outer leg -> pinky toe
- .5 cun lateral to outer canthus - benefits eyes, eliminates wind, clears heat
- anterior to intertragic notch, at posterior border of condoloyd - benefits ears, eliminates wind, clears heat
- anterior to ear in hollow above upper border of zygomatic arch (above ST7) - benefits ears, eliminates wind
- in temporal region, 1/4 distance b/t ST8 & GB7
- in temporal region, 1/2 distance b/t ST8 & GB7
- in temporal region, 3/4 distance b/t ST8 & GB7
- in temportal region, level with and 1 finger breadth anterior to SJ20 (tip of ear)
- 1 cun directly above apex of ear - eliminates wind, benefits head (1 sided HA), alleviates vomit - alcohol intoxication
- .5 posterior to GB8
- posterior to ear, along curved line drawn from GB9-GB12, 1/3 distance
- posterior to ear, along curved line drawn from GB9-GB12, 2/3 distance
- in depression, posterior & inferior to mastoid - eliminates wind, benefites head, alleviates pain; calm shen (disturbance at night - insomnia)
- on forehead, .5 cun into hairline, 2/3 distance b/t DU24 & ST8 (3 cun lateral to DU24)
- on forehead, 1 cun superior to middle of eyebrow, directly above pupil - eliminates wind, benefites head, alleviates pain, benefits eyes - MAJOR BELLS BALSY POINT
- on forehead, direclty above GB14, .5 cun within hairline & 1/2 way between DU24 & ST8
- above forehead, on curved line drawn b/t GB15 & GB20, 1.5 cun posterior to GB15
- on the parietal region, on curved line drawn b/t GB15 & GB20, 1.5 cun posterior to GB16
- on the parietal region, on curved line drawn b/t GB15 & GB20, 1.5 cun posterior to GB17
- on occipital region, above GB20 & level with DU17 (upper border of EOP (on line with BL10)
- in depression b/t upper SCM & trapezius, on same level with DU16 - eliminated wind (1 sided HA), clear sense organs (nasal congestion)
- on shoulder, directly above nipple, midway between DU14 (lower border of C7) and tip of acomion - GO TO NECK & SHOULDER PAIN
- midaxillary line, in 5th intercostal space, approximaltely 3 cun inferior to apex of axilla, at level with nipple
- 1 cun anterior to GB22, approximately level with the nipple (5th intercostal space)
- 7th intercostal space, directly below nipple, 4 cun lateral to midline - Front Mu GB - benefits GB, jaundice
- below lateral aspect of the ribcage, anterior and inferior to free end of 12th rib - Front Mu KD - tonify KD & regulate water passages - shan disorder, urination
- directly below LV13, anterior and inferior to free end of 11th rib, level with umbilicus - Meeting with GB & Girdling Vessel - drains damp - GYN issues
- depression anteririor to ASIS, level with REN4 (3 cun above umbilicus) - Regulates Girdling Vessel - GYN issues
- .5 cun anterior and inferior to GB27
- on lateral hip, 1/2 way between ASIS and greater trochanter - Deep Hip Pain
- postero-lateral hip, 1/3 distacne b/t the priminence fo the greater trochanter and the sacro-coccygeal hiatus (DU2) - Dispels Wind Damp - MAJOR SCIATICA
- lateral thigh, directly below greater trocanter, 7 cun superior to popliteal crease
- lateral thigh, 2 cun inferior to GB31
- lateral knee, in depression above the alteral epicondyle of the femur b/t femor and biceps femoris tendon
- below lateral knee, 1 cun anterior and inferior to head of fibula - He Sea Earth & Hui Meeting of Sinews - BENEFITS SINEWS IN WHOLE BODY; clear LV/GB damp heat - jaundice
- lateral lower leg, 7 cun above tip of lateral malleolus @ posterior border of fibula
- lateral lower leg, 7 cun above tip of lateral malleolus @ anterior border of fibula
- lateral lower leg, 5 cun above tip of lateral malleolus @ anterior border of fibula - Luo Connecting
- lateral lower leg, 4 cun above tip of lateral malleolus @ anterior border of fibula - Jing River Fire
- above the ankle joint, 3 cun superior to prominence of lateral malleolus b/t the posterior border of the fibula and tendons of perroneus longus and brevis - Hui Meeting Point for Marrow - benefits sinews and bones (contraction etc)
- at ankle joint, depression anterior and inferior to lateral alleolus - Yuan Source
- depression distal to junction of 4th + 5th metatarsals on lateral side of extensor digitorum longus - Shu Stream Wood + Confluent of Girdling Vessel - spread LV qi - stress (one sided HA w/ stagnation)
- b/t 4th + 5th metatarsal bones, proximal to heads on medial side of extensor digitorum longus tendon - Ying Spring Water
- b/t 4th + 5th toes, .5 cun proximal to margin of web
- dorsal 4th toe at lateral base of nail - Jing Well Metal
What is the GB luo connecting pathway?
- GB37 at lateral lower leg, 5 cun above tip of lateral malleolus
- connect with LV channel
- disperses over dorsum of foot
What is the GB divergent pathway?
- diverges from primary channel on thigh
- enters pubic hairline - converges with divergent of LV
- enters flank between lower ribs
- connects with GB & spreads upward through LV
- procedes across HT and esophagus
- emerges at lower jaw, disperses in face
- connects w/ eye and rejoins GB primary at outer canthus
What are the 5 GB Shu Stream Points?
- Jing Well Metal = GB44
- Ying Spring Water = GB43
- Shu Stream Wood = GB41
- Jing River Fire = GB38
- He Sea Earth = GB
What is the GB sinew pathway?
- 4th toe - lateral malleolus
- lateral aspect of leg & knee
- runs posteriorly - binds at sacrum
- anterior to axilla, binds at breast
- behind ear to temple
- continues to vertex
- descends from temple - across the cheek and binds at the side of nose
- binds at outer canthus
What are the principle functions of the GB Channel?
- treat disorders of the eye (esp wind heat or LV/GB heat)
- same for ear
- headaches - esp 1 sided affecting shaoyang at temple
- disorders of LV (when impared qi stagnates) -> stagnant LV/GB qi -> fire -> lead to uprising or internal wind
- treat phlegm disorders (nodules, scrofula)
- clear damp heat from GB fu manifesting as jaundice, N&V, fever, lateral-costal pain
- clear pathogens from shaoyang level (malaria)
- disorders of spirit or etheral soul (Hun) - GB rules judgement, decisiveness, courage
- Girdling Vessel passes though GB26-28; Confluent Point = GB41
- Hui Meeting Point of Sinews GB34 + Marrow GB39 = atrophy, painful obstruction
LOCATION: in the hollow on the lateral side of the orbital margin, approximately .5 cun lateral to the outer canthus
NEEDLING: transverse insertion posteriorly .2-.3 cun
- benefits eyes, eliminates wind, clears heat = eye pain, redness, deviation
LOCATION: in the hollow between the intertragic notch posteriorly and the condyloid process of the mandible anteriorly
NEEDLING: slightly posterior insertion .5-1 cun
- benefits ears, eliminates wind, clears heat = tinitus, deafness, redness, swelling, pain
LOCATION: anterior to the ear in a hollow above the upper border of the zygomatic arch, directly superior to ST7
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .3-.5 cun
- eliminates wind, benefits ears = tinitus, deafness, HA
LOCATION: on temporal region, 1 cun directly above the apex of the ear
NEEDLING: transverse insertion .5-1.5 cun
- eliminates wind, benefits the head & aeviates pain = one sided HA
- harmonizes diaphgram & ST + alleviates vomit
- good for alcohol intoxication
GB 12
LOCATION: in depression just posterior to the mastoid process
NEEDLING: oblique insertion .5-1 cun
- eliminates wind, benefits the head & aeviates pain = one sided HA
- calms spirit = shen disturbance at night (insomnia)
GB 14
LOCATION: on forehead, 1 cun superior to the middle of the eye brow, directly above the pupil when the eyes are looking straight ahead
NEEDLING: transverse inferior .5-.8 cun
- eliminates wind, benefits the head & alleviates pain = deviation of mouth and eye
- benefits the eyes = eye pain
GB 20
LOCATION: below the occiput, approximately midway between DU16 and GB12, in hollwo between the origins of the SCM &no trapezius
NEEDLING: slightly oblique inferior in direction of the channel 1-1.5 cun
- eliminates wind = HA, 1 sided HA (major point), dizyness, deviation
- clears the sens organs = nosebleed, rhinitus, nasal congestion
GB 21
LOCATION: midway between DU14 & the tip of the acromion, at the crest of the trapeziuz muscle
NEEDLING: posterior oblique insertion .5-1 cun
- regulates qi, activates channel, alleviates pain = MAJOR GO TO FOR SHOULDER PAIN
- benefits breasts & expedites delivery
GB 24
- Front Mu of GB
LOCATION: anterior chest wall, 7th intercostal space, directly below nipple, 4 cun lateral to midline
NEEDLING: transverse oblique insertion along intercostal space .5-1 cun
- benefits the GB & spreads LV qi = jaundice
GB 25
- Front Mu of KD
LOCATION: below the lateral aspect of the ribcage, anterior and inferior to the free end of the 12th rib
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1 cun
- tonify the KD and regulate the water passages = shan disorder, urination issues
GB 26
- Meeting Point of GB w/ Girdling Vessel
LOCATION: directly below LV13 (anterior & inferior to free end of 11th rib), level w/ umbilicus
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1 cun
- Regulates Girdling Vessel & drains damp
- Regulates mensturation & stops leucorrhea
GB 27
- Meeting Point of GB w/ Girdling Vessel
LOCATION: in depression just anterior to the ASIS, approximlately level with REN4 (3 cun below umbilicus)
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion 1-1.5 cun
- Regulates Girdling Vessel = uternine prolapse, irregular mensutration, leucorrhea GYN
GB 29
LOCATION: on lateral aspect of hip joint, at midpoint of line between ASIS and greater trochanter
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion 1-2 cun
- activates channel, alleviates pain = DEEP HIP PAIN, SCIATICA
GB 30
LOCATION: postero-lateral hip, 1/3 distacne b/t the priminence fo the greater trochanter and the sacro-coccygeal hiatus (DU2)
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion towards genitals 2-3.5 cun
- activates channel, alleviates pain = SCIATICA
- dispels wind damp = skin issues
GB 34
- He Sea Earth & Hui Meeting Point of Sinews
LOCATION: below lateral aspect of knee, in the tender depression approximately 1 cun anterior and inferior to head of fibula
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion towards genitals 2-3.5 cun
- benefits sinews and joints = contraction
- harmonizes shaoyang = malaria
GB 39
- Hui Meeting Point for Marrow
LOCATION: above the ankle joint, 3 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral maleolus, between posterior border of fibula and tendons of peroneus longus and brevis
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion 1-1.5 cun
- benefits sinews and bones = stiffness & pain
- benefits neck = neck pain
- clears GB fire = HA, dizziness
GB 41
- Shu Stream Wood + Confluent Point of Girdling Vessel
LOCATION: depression distal to the junction of the 4th + 5th metatarsal bones, on the lateral side of tendon extensor digitorum longus
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1 cun
- spreads LV qi = pain/fullness lateral costal region
- clears head & benefits eyes = 1 sided HA