Intro into Channels & Points Flashcards
What do the 6 Channel Pairs translate to?
- TAIYIN = supreme yin
- YANGMING = greatest yang, yang brightness
- SHAOYIN = lesser (little) yin
- TAIYANG = supreme yang
- JEUYIN = absolute yin
- SHAOYANG = lesser yang
What are the times the zang/fu associate with on the circadian clock?
2HRS each zang/fu - starts with 3-5AM with LU
- LU = 3-5AM
- LI = 5-7AM
- ST = 7-9AM
- SP = 9-11AM
- HT = 11-1PM
- SI = 1-3PM
- BL = 3-5PM
- KD = 5-7PM
- PC = 7-9PM
- SJ = 9-11PM
- GB = 11-1AM
- LV = 1-3AM
What are the CONFLUENT POINTS of the 8 Extraordinary Vessels?
- E.V. don’t have points of their own so borrow from Primary Channel
What are the 5 Shu Points of LU?
JingWell Wood = LU11
YingSpring Fire = LU10
Shu Stream Earth = LU9
JingRiver Metal = LU8
Hea Sea Water = LU5
Which points treat cold/flu?
- LI4, LU7, UB11-13, SI7, SJ5
What are the 3 Xi Cleft points on the Kidney Channel?
Xi Cleft for KD = KD5
XI Cleft for Yin Motility = KD8
Xi Cleft for Yin Linking = KD9
- 8 influential points that are specific to tissue/aspect of the body that needs treatment
- zang = LV13
- fu = CV12
- qi = CV17
- blood = UB17
- sinews = GB34
- vessels = LU9
- bones = UB11
- marrow = GB39
What are the needle angles?
- perpendicular = 90 deg
- perpendicular oblique = 70 deg
- oblique = 45 deg
- transverse oblique = 20 deg
- transverse = level with skin
What are the 5 Shu Points of SJ?
San Jiao
JingWell Metal = SJ1
YingSpring Water = SJ2
Shu Stream Wood = SJ3
JingRiver Fire = SJ6
Hea Sea Earth = SJ10
What are the 5 Shu Points of SI?
Small Intestine
JingWell Metal = SI1
YingSpring Water = SI2
Shu Stream Wood = SI3
JingRiver Fire = SI5
Hea Sea Earth = SI8
What is a Jing Well Point used for?
- 1st or last point of channel
- clear heat & restore consciousness
- fullness of chest
- disorders of spirit
- treat upper portion of channel
- yin channels = wood | yang channels = metal
What are the 4 SEA POINTS?
- abundance of energy
- sea of qi/energy = CV17, UB10, ST9
- sea of blood = UB11, ST37, ST39
- sea of water & grain (nourishment) = ST30, ST36
- sea of marrow (bone) = DU15, DU16, DU19, DU20
What are the 6 Channel Pairs?
- LU (hand) + SP (foot) Taiyin (supreme yin)
- LI (hand) + ST (foot) Yangming (yin brightness)
- HT (hand) + KD (foot) Shaoyin (lesser yin)
- SI (hand) + BL (foot) Taiyang (supreme yang)
- PC (hand) + LV (foot) Jueyin (absolute yin)
- SJ (hand) + GB (foot) Shaoyang (lesser yang)
What are the 4 + 6 COMMAND POINTS?
- command attention to specific area
- abdomen = ST 36
- lumbar region + back (upper & lower) = UB40
- head & nape of neck = LU7
- face & mouth = LI4
- chest & lateral costal region
- fainting & collapse
List the jingluo from superficial to deep.
- cutaneous regions
- minute collaterals
- sinew channels
- luo-connecting channels
- divergent channgels
- extraordinary channels
- deep pathways of the primary and divergent channels
- DEEPEST (organs = zang/fu)
What are the 5 Shu Points of ST?
JingWell Metal = ST45
YingSpring Water = ST44
Shu Stream Wood = ST43
JingRiver Fire = ST41
Hea Sea Earth = ST36
What are the 5 Shu Points of KD?
JingWell Wood = KD1
YingSpring Fire = KD2
Shu Stream Earth = KD3
JingRiver Metal = KD7
Hea Sea Water = KD10
What are the 5 Shu Points of UB?
Urinary Bladder
JingWell Metal = UB67
YingSpring Water = UB66
Shu Stream Wood = UB65
JingRiver Fire = UB60
Hea Sea Earth = UB40
What are the 5 Shu Points of LI?
Large Intestine
JingWell Metal = LI1
YingSpring Water = LI2
Shu Stream Wood = LI3
JingRiver Fire = LI5
Hea Sea Earth = LI11
What are the 5 Shu Points of SP?
JingWell Wood = SP1
YingSpring Fire = SP2
Shu Stream Earth = SP3
JingRiver Metal = SP5
Hea Sea Water = SP9
What is the Trauma Treatment?
KD6, KD16, KD27
- use for emotional trauma, PTSD, sudden loss, shock
What are the 3 yin channels of the foot?
What are the BACK SHU POINTS?
- corresponds to each of the 12 zangfu that lie along bladder channel on the back
- lie roughly at the level of zangfu
- good for yin diseases of deficiency and cold + yin zang organs
- will become tender in response to disharmony = great for diagnostics
LU = UB13
LI = UB25
ST = UB21
SP = UB20
HT = UB15
SI = UB27
UB = UB28
KD = UB23
PC = UB14
SJ = UB22
GB = UB19
LV = UB18
What are the 5 SHU POINTS?
- they are the transporting points
- all located distal to elbow or knees
- describes qi moving along these points
- Jing Well
- Ying Spring
- Shu Stream
- Jing River
- He Sea = close to elbow or knee, counterflow qi (affect the center or body ie ST/intestines), disease of fu or skin
What are the 3 yin channels of the hand?
What are the FRONT MU POINTS?
- where qi of zangfu gather on the front of the body
- ALARM point = affect organ direclty, not channel
- will become tender in response to disharmony = great for diagnostics
LU = LU1
LI = ST25
ST = CV12
SP = LV13
HT = CV14
SI = CV4
UB = CV3
KD = GB25
PC = CV17
SJ = CV5
GB = GB24
LV = LV14
What are Ying Spring Points used for?
- 2nd point proximal to Jing Well
- heat in the body (mostly from upper portion of channel)
- febrile disease
- complexion changes
- treat disease of whole channel
- strengthen yin/yang relationship between int/ext paired channels
- distribute blood & qi to head & face
- integrate areas of the body not supplied by primary channels
- explain clinical action of some commonly used accu. points
What are the Lower He Sea Points?
Stomach = ST36
Large Intestine = ST37
Small Intestine = ST39
Gall Bladder = GB34
Urinary Bladder = UB40
San Jiao = UB39
What are the 5 Shu Points of GB?
Gall Bladder
JingWell Metal = GB44
YingSpring Water = GB43
Shu Stream Wood = GB41
JingRiver Fire = GB38
Hea Sea Earth = GB34
What are He Sea Points used for?
- close to elbow or knee
- rebellious qi
- affect the center or body (ie ST/intestines)
- disease of fu
- skin
- diarrhea
- 15 channels: 1 for each primary, 1 for Ren (Conception) & Du (Govering) + Great Luo Connecting of the SP
- more superficial than primary
- connects internal & external paired organs
- access luo connecting point to address issues boiling over into next organ on qi pathway
How many points are on each of the Primary Channels, Conception + Governing Vessels?
Lung = 11 (Ant shoulder to radial thumb)
Large Intestine = 20 (radial pointer finger to side of nose)
Stomach = 45 (below eye to lateral 2nd toe)
Spleen = 21 (medial big toe to lateral ribcage)
Heart = 9 (axilla to radial pinky)
Small Intestine = 19 (ulnar pinky to tragus)
Urinary Bladder = 67 (inner canthus to lateral pinky toe)
Kidney = 27 (sole of foot to below collarbone)
Pericardium = 9 (lateral nipple to tip of middle finger)
San Jiao = 23 (ulnar ring finger to lateral eyebrow)
Gall Bladder = 44 (temple to lateral 4th toe)
Liver = 14 (lateral big toe to under breast)
Conception = 24 (perineum to lower lip)
Governing = 28 (posterior to anus to frenulum)
- each of the 12 channels has one
- wehre origional qi surfaces
- mostly for yin channels - not much with yang
- nurturing, tonify, mothering - used for stasis of deficiency
- LU9, LI4, ST42, SP3, HT7, SI4, BL64, KD3, PC6, SJ4, GB40, LIV3
- in between organs & divergent pathways
- reservoirs of qi + blood (storage) - absorb what is extra
- storehouses for Preheaven Qi and Wei
- link the 12 primary channels together
- Governing Vessel (Du) = “Sea of Yang” -links all yang channels at DU14
- Conception Vessels (Ren) = “Sea of Yin” -links all yin channels
- Penetrating (Chong) - “Sea of Blood” - GYN
- Girdling (Dai) - horizontal channel, dampness
- Yin Motility (Yin Qiao) - governs quietness - has similar action to Ren
- Yang Motility (Yang Qiao) - governs activity - has similar action to Du
- Yin Linking (Yin Wei) - governs interior - has similar action to Chong
- Yang Linking (Yang Wei) - governs exterior - has similar action to Dai
What are the 3 yang channels of the foot?
- treats disorders of int/ext paired organs
- treats disorders in region of luo connecitng channel
- treats emotional disorders
- LU7, LI6, ST40, SP4, HE5, SI7, BL58, KD4, PC6, SJ5, GB37, LV5
What are the int/ext paired channels?
- LU = antieror portion of inside arm
- LI = anterior portion of outside arm
- ST = anterior portion of outside leg
- SP = antieror portion of inside leg
- HT = poserior portion of inside arm
- SI = poserior portion of outside arm
- BL = posterior portion of outside leg
- KD = posterior portion of inside leg
- PC = middle portion of inside arm
- SJ = middle portion of outside arm
- GB = middle portion of outside leg
- LV = middle portion of inside leg
- windows or sky points
- dreams, astral, headaches, emotional disorders
- qi or blood rebelling upward
- usually located on head or neck
- regulates blood & qi going to and from head
- UB10, ST9, SJ16, LI18, LU3, PC1, CV22, DU16, SI16, SI17
What are the XI CLEFT POINTS?
- 12 on primary, 4 on extraordinary (yin/yang linking & motility)
- treatment of accute conditions and & pain
- on yin channels have aditional action of treating blood stasis
- LU6, LI7, ST34, SP8, HT6, SI6, BL63, KD5, PC4, SJ7, GB36, LV6
- Yang Motility = BL59, Yang Linking = GB35, Yin Motility = KD8, Yin Linking = KD9
What are the 5 Shu Points of HT?
JingWell Wood = HT9
YingSpring Fire = HT8
Shu Stream Earth = HT7
JingRiver Metal = HT4
Hea Sea Water = HT3
What are the points and locations near to the tragus of ear?
above = SJ21
middle = SI19
below = GB2
What are the fucntions of the jingluo?
- Jing = “channel”
- Luo = “to attach” or “net”
Functions of the Channels:
- Transport blood and qi through out the body
- Protect the body from evils (wind, cold, damp, heat, fire, dryness)
- Respond to dysfunction in the body
- Transmit qi to diseased area
What are the 5 Shu Points of LV?
JingWell Wood = LV1
YingSpring Fire = LV2
Shu Stream Earth = LV3
JingRiver Metal = LV4
Hea Sea Water = LV8
What does it mean that every point is an ASHI point?
Every point will treat local pain. Where there is pain, there is a point.
What are the 5 Shu Points of PC?
JingWell Wood = PC9
YingSpring Fire = PC8
Shu Stream Earth = PC7
JingRiver Metal = PC5
Hea Sea Water = PC3
What is the Buddhist Triangle and what is it used for?
PC6, HT7, LU 9
- Sedating effect
- Calms Shen
- Anxiety, Depression
What are Jing River Points used for?
- cough, SOB, dyspnea, asthma
- chills + fever
- diseases of sinews & bones (on yin channels)
- changes of voice
- throat
What is a Horary Point?
Point which corresponds to the same element as the channel’s element
LU = Jing River Metal LU8
LI = Jing Well Metal LI1
ST = He Sea Earth ST36
SP = Shu Stream Earth SP3
HT = Ying Spring Fire HT8
SI = Jing River Fire SI5
UB = Ying Spring Water UB66
KD = He Sea Water KD10
PC = Ying Spring Fire PC8
SJ = Jing River Fire SJ6
GB = Shu Stream Wood GB41
LV = Jing Well Wood LV1
What are the SINEW CHANNELS?
- circulate the periphery of the body
- do not penetrate zang fu
- follow the lines of major muscles & groups
- can reflect disturbances of primary channel
- no specific points
What are the 3 yang channels of the hand?
What are Shu Stream Points used for?
- point proximal to Ying Spring
- Bi Syndrome
- heaviness of body
- joint pain
- dampness
- wind
- on yin channels same as yuan source for tonification
What are important points for Cold/Flu?
LI4, LU7, SJ5, BL11-13, Du14, SI7, UB62
What is the circuit created by Du + Ren called?
microcosmic orbit
What are the points used for Hemorrhoids?
SP12, UB24, UB35, UB36, UB54, UB57, UB58, Ren1, Du1, Du4
What points are contraindicated for pregnancy?
LI4, GB21, SP6, ST12, GB60, GB67