Liver Channel Flashcards
What is the pinyin name for the LV channel?
Liver Channel of Foot Jue Yin
What is the int/ext pair with LV?
Gall Bladder Channel of Foot Shao Yang
What is the 6 channel pair with LV?
Perricardium Channel of Hand Jue Yin
Describe the points + locations of the LV channel.
- 14 points on middle portion of inside leg: lateral big toe -> intersect SP6 -> medial thigh -> pubic region -> crosses REN2-4 -> curve around ST -> diaphgram -> neck -> posterior throat, eye, cheek
- dorsal big toe @ lateral base fo nail - Jing Well Wood MAJOR POINT GYN - excess menstural bleeding
- dorsum of foot b/t 1st and 2nd toes, .5 cun proximal to margin of web - Ying Spring Fire - clear LV fire/qi - dizziness, redness of eyes
- dorsum of foot in hollow distal to junction of 1st & 2nd metatarsals - Shu Stream Earth + Yuan Source = MAJOR point spread LV qi - GO TO STRESS (HA)- mensturation
- on ankle, anterior to medial malleolus, in depression medial to tendon of tibialis anterior - Jing River Metal - Spreads LV qi & regulates lower jiao = shan & urination issues
- 5 cun above prominence of medial malleolus, posterior to medial crest of tibia b/t tibia and gastrox - Luo Connecting = clear damp heat from lower jiao = STD, shan, itchy
- 7 cun above prominence of medial malleolus, posterior to medial crest of tibia b/t tibia and gastrox - Xi Cleft - spread LV qi, drain damp = damp painful obstruction/shan
- posterior & inferior to medial condyle of tibia, 1 cun posterior to SP9
- superior to medial end of popliteal crease, in depression anterior to semitendonosis + semiembranosis - He Sea Water - nourish blood & yin GO TO FOR YIN XU = blood stasis in uterus
- superior to medial epicondyle of femur, 4 cun superior to LV8 in cleft between vastus medialis + sartorius
- 3 cun below ST 30 (2 cun lateral to REN2) on anterior border of adductor longus
- 2 cun below ST 30 (2 cun lateral to REN2) on anterior border of adductor longus
- 1 cun inferior & 2.5 cun lateral to REN2 in crease of groin, medial to femoral vein - eliminates cold from LV & benefits lower jiao - pain of genitals/shan
- directly anterior & inferior to free end of 11th rib - Front Mu of SP, Hu Meeting of Zang = major go to for STRESS AFFECT DIGEESTION
- on mamilary line (4 cun lateral to midline) in the 6th intercostal space - Front Mu of LV = harmonize LV & ST = liver and digestive disharmony
What is the LV luo connecting pathway?
- LV5 on medial lower leg
- connects with GB channel
- ascends to genitals
What is the LV divergent pathway?
- separates from primary on dorsum of foot
- ascends to pubic region where it converges with GB primary
What are the 5 LV Shu Stream Points?
- Jing Well Wood = LV1
- Ying Spring Fire = LV2
- Shu Stream Earth (Yuan Source) = LV3
- Jing River Metal = LV4
- He Sea Water = LV8
What are the principle functions of the GB Channel?
- store blood
- spreading & mainitainign the free flow of qi
- dominating the sinews
- opening into the eyes
- mainfesting in the nails
- resolve istention & pain due to stagnation of LV qi in head, throat, chest, HT, LU, ST
- pacify interior wind & yang uprising
- cool LV fire
- pain & swelling of genitals = shan
- urination disorders
- lumbar pain
- psycho-emotional disorders
What is the LV sinew pathway?
- dorsum of big toe
- anterior aspect of medial maleolus
- medial aspect of tibia
- medial thigh to genitals
LV 1
- Jing Well Wood
LOCATION: dorsal big toe at lateral border of nail
NEEDLING: prick to bleed
- regulates LV qi & stops menstrueal bleeding
- revives consciousness & calms spirit
- regulates qi in lower jiao, treats shan disorder, alleviates pain
LV 2
- Ying Spring Fire
LOCATION: dorsum of foot b/t 1st and 2nd toes, .5 cun proximal to margin of web
NEEDLING:.5-1 cun obliquely towards heel
- clears fire - dizziness, redness, pain of eyes
- spreads LV qi
- pacify LV wind
- clears heat & stops bleeding = in uterus, GYN
LV 3
- Shu Stream Earth + Yuan Source
LOCATION: dorsum of foot, in hollow distal to the junction of 1st I have to & 2nd metatarsal bones
NEEDLING: in direction of KD1, .5-1.5 cun
- MAJOR POINT SPREAD LV QI = go to stress (systematic stagnation -> stress)
- subdue LV yang and extinguish wind = HA, dizziness, ticks & tremors
- MAJOR GYN POINT = regulate mensturation
LV 4
- Jing River Metal
LOCATION: on ankle, anterior to medial malleolus, in depression medial to tendon of tibialis anterior
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .3-.5 cun
- spreads LV qi & regulates lower jiao
- clears LV stagnant heat
- genital issues, shan
LV 5
- Luo Connecting
LOCATION: 5 cun above prominence of medial malleolus, posterior to medial crest of tibia b/t tibia and gastrox
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1 cun
- treats plumbstone qi
- clears damp heat - shan, itching genitals
LV 6
- Xi Cleft
LOCATION: 7 cun above prominence of medial malleolus, posterior to medial crest of tibia b/t tibia and gastrox
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1 cun
- spreads LV qi & regulates lower jiao
- drains damp - shan, damp painful obstruction
- regulates blood - uterine bleeding
LV 8
- He Sea Water
LOCATION: superior to medial end of popliteal crease, in depression anterior to semitendonosis + semiembranosis
NEEDLING: perpendicular or slightly posterior insertion 1-1.5 cun
- clears damp heat from lower jiao = swelling./itching genitals
- invigorates blood & benefits uterus = blood stasis, clots in uterus
LV 12
LOCATION: 1 cun inferior and 2/5 cun lateral to REN2, in crease of the groin, medial to the femoral vein
- femoral nerve - artery - vein
NEEDLING: medial, slighty oblique insertion .5-.8 cun
- eliminates cold from LV channel & benefits lower jiao - pain of genitals, shan disorder
LV 14
- Front Mu of LV
LOCATION: on mamilary line in 6th intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to midline
NEEDLING: oblique medial or lateral insertion .5-1 cun
- spreads LV & regulates qi - pain & fullness of chest
- harmonize LV & ST = epigastric distention & pain
LV 13
- Front Mu of SP + Hui Meeting Point of Zang
LOCATION: directly anterior and inferior to free end of 11th rib
NEEDLING: transverse oblique insertion .5-1 cun
- harmonize LV & SP = LV affect digestion, stress affect