Small Intestine Channel Flashcards
What is the pinyin name for the SI channel?
Small Intesting Channel of Hand Tai Yang
What is the int/ext pair with SI?
Heart Channel of Hand Shao Yin
What is the 6 channel pair with SI?
Bladder Channel of Foot Tai Yang
Describe the points + locations of the SI channel.
- 19 points begining at SI1 @ ulrar side of pinkey - up ulnar side of arm to posterior shoulder - meet DU 14 - lateral front of neck - ends at SI19 @ tragus of ear
- Ulnar pinky nail - Jing Well Metal
- Ulnar pinky distal to metacarpal/phalangeal joint - Ying Spring Water
- Proximal to joint - Shu Stream Wood + Confluent Point of GV
- Base of 5th metacarpals and triquetral - Yuan Source
- Head of ulna and triquetral - Jing River Fire
- Dorsal aspect of head of ulna, radial side of styloid process - Xi Cleft
- 5 cun prox to SI5 or 7 distal from SI8 - Luo Connecting
- Between the tip of olecranon and tip of medial epicondyle - He Sea Earth
- 1 cun superior to posterior axillary crease
- Inferior to scapular spine & superior to posterior axiallary crease - in line with SI9
- ⅓ from top between inferior border of scap and inferior angle
- in line with 11 in suprascapular fossa in depression formed when arm is raised
- Halfway between SI10 and T2
- 3 cun lateral to T1
- 2 cun lateral to C7
- In line with laryngeal prominence lateral SCM
- Between angel of mandible and anterior border of SCM
- In line with outer canthus and lower zygomatic bone
- Middle of tragus and condyloid process of mandible (open mouth)
What is the SI luo connecting pathway?
- separates at SI7 and conencts with HT chanel
- ascends along the arm and connects with shoulder at LI15
What is the SI divergent pathway?
- separates from primary channel at the shoulder
- wraps aroudn the axilla, crosses HT
- descends into SI
What are the 5 SI Shu Stream Points?
- Jing Well Metal = SI1
- Ying Spring Water = SI2
- Shu Stream Wood = SI3
- Jing River Fire = SI5
- He Sea Earth = SI8
What are the principal functions of the SI Channel?
- clearing heat from pathways of channel and reducing fevel
- assist in transofrming phlegm and clear heat from HT
- cool heat + fire & alleviate pain along course of channel = LARGELY MUSCULOSKELETAL TRATEMENT
- treating disorders of breasts
- NO POINTS are indicated for treatment of digestive system
- Jing Well Metal Point
LOCATION: at dorsal aspect of little finger at ulnar border of bases of nail
NEEDLING: perpendicular or oblique insertion directed proximally .1-.2 cun or prick to bleed
- clears heat & benefits sensory orifices = fullness below the HT, chest pain, etc
- revives consciousness
- promotes lactation & benefits breats
- Shu Stream Wood Point
- Confluent Point of Governing Vessel
LOCATION: on ulnar border of hand
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .3-.5 cun
- calms spirit and benefits the voice
- relaxes the muscles and sinews
- restless zang disorder = overthinking, worry, anxiety
- Yuan Source Point
LOCATION: on the ulnar border of the hand, in depression between base of 5th metacarpal and the triquetral bone
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .3-.5 cun
- activates channel and alleviates pain = pain in hand and 5 fingers
- clears heat & reduces swelling = opposite end, tinitus and into the ear
- clears damp head & treats jaundice
- Xi Cleft Point (Acute Conditions)
LOCATION: at head of ulna on radial side of the high point of styloid process
NEEDLING: oblique or transverse oblique .5-1 cun
- activates channel & alleviates pain
- benefits shoulder and arm = scapula, local wrist
- moderates acute conditions
- benefits the eyes = blurred vision
- Luo Connecting Point
LOCATION: on line connecting SI5 & SI8, 5 cun proximal to SI5 on anterior border of ulna
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1 cun
- clears heat and releases exterior = cold/flu (other points are LU7, LI4)
- calms the spirit = depression
- activates channel & alleviates pain
- He Sea Earth Point
LOCATION: in depression between tip of olecranon and tip of medial epicondyle of humerus
NEEDLING: oblique distal or proximal insertion .5-1 cun
- clears heat and dissipates swelling = pain in throat, toothache
- calms the spirit
- activates channel & alleviates pain = neck, elbow, shouler
LOCATION: on scapula in tender depression 1/3 distance from the midpoint of the inferior border of the scapular spine to the inferior angel of the scapula
NEEDLING: perpendicular or oblique insertion .5-1.5 cun
- activates channel and alleviates pain
- moves qi & unbinds chest
- benefits the breasts = pain, lumps - also diagnostic for isseus
- meeting point of SI, LI, SJ, and GB Channels
LOCATION: in center of suprascapular fossa, directly above SI11
NEEDLING: oblique medial insertion towards spine .5-1cun
- expells wind trapped in shoudler = pain, stiffness
LOCATION: in tender depression superior to medial border of scapular spine - midway between SI10 & T2
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .3-.5 cun or oblique lateral insertion .5-1cun
- benefits shoulder and scapula
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to lower border of spinous process of T1
NEEDLING: oblique medial insertion .5-1cun
- activates the channel and alleviates pain
- expells wind cold and benefits shoulder
LOCATION: 2 cun lateral to lower border of spinous process of C7 (DU14)
NEEDLING: oblique medial insertion towards spine .5-1 cun
- descends lungh qi = cough
- activates channel & alleviates pain = shoulder, scapula
- meeting point of SI, SJ & GB Channels
LOCATION: with mouth open at depression between middle of tragus with & condyloid process of mandible
NEEDLING: perpendicular insertion .5-1 cun
- benefits ears
- calms spirit
- triad for ear issues = SI19, SJ21, GB2