Statistics Flashcards
Why are statistics used in biology?
- Scientists typically collect data on a sample of a population to infer what is happening to the general population
What is the first step in analysis?
- graph the data and examine the distribution
- yeah typical data will show normal distribution (bell shaped curve?)
What does descriptive statistics allow?
- they allow for researchers to describe and quantify differences between data sets
- The distribution can be described by the mean, median, or mode, known as central tendencies
What is a mean?
- The average of the data set
What is a median? What happens if there are an even number of points?
- The middle number any range of data points
- if even number of points, average the two middle ones
Why is the median useful in data sets that have measurements with extreme values or abnormal distribution?
- The median is not distorted by large or small measurements
What is variability? (2)
- The measure of how far a data set diverges from the central tendency
- such as how spread out the data points are
How is variability measured?
- measured by range and standard deviation
What is the range? (2)
- The difference between the largest and smallest values
- A larger range indicate a greater spread of data
What is the relationship between range and variability?
Larger range = greater variability
Smaller range = less variability
Often used in conjunction with standard deviation
What is standard deviation?
- A measure of how spread out the data is from the mean
What does low standard deviation mean? (2)
- means the data is closer to the mean
- the IV is likely causing changes
What does high standard deviation mean? What does it mean in terms of the independent variable?
- The data is further from the mean (more spread out)
- factors other than the IV are likely causing changes
What does the numbers of standard deviation represent?
1 Standard deviation from the mean in either direction on the horizontal axis represents 68% of the data
2 is 95%
3 is 99%
What is the standard error of the mean?
- used to determine the precision and confidence in the mean value
Such as how well does the mean of the sample represent the true mean of the population
What is standard error of the mean based on?
Standard deviation (variability) and number of data points
What are standard error bars?
They’re just added to the graphs and represent the standard error of the mean
What does overlap of error bars mean?
- overlap means that the difference is not significant
- if they do not overlap, the difference may be significant
What is mode? When is it useful?
- The value that appears most often in a data set
- Only useful when describing distribution of data for the mean and median would not be appropriate
What happens if your standard deviation has a large spread? How about small? This is in terms of standard error of mean
A large spread means a large standard error of mean
A small spread has a low standard error of mean