Stars Flash Cards
What five things are stars classified by?
Color, temperature, size, composition, and brightness.
What is the chemical composition of most stars?
73% Hydrogen
25% Helium
2% Other elements by mass.
What are the stages of a high mass star?
- Nebula
- High mass protostar
- High mass star
- Supergiant
- Supernova
- Neutron star or black hole
What are the stages of a low/medium mass star?
- Nebula
- Low mass or medium mass protostar
- Low mass or medium mass star
- Red giant
- Planetary nebula
- White dwarf
- Black dwarf
What are sun spots?
Areas on the sun that are composed of cooler gas than others, taking on a dark color.
What is the photosphere?
Visible surface of the sun.
What is a solar flare?
When loops in sunspot regions connect, releasing large amounts of magnetic energy and causing the gas to erupt into space.
What is the convection zone?
The outermost layer of the interior of the sun; hotter gas rises to the surface and cool gases fall.
What is the radiation zone?
Changes energy into electromagnetic radiation; very dense.
What is VY Canis Majoris?
Red hyper giant; largest star in the universe; in our Milky Way.
What is a star?
A ball of hot gas (plasma) , which produces heat and light from nuclear reactions (fusion) within its core.