What are the types of hematoxylin dyes?
Phosphotungstic acid
Hematoxylin is not a natural dye
False: It is a natural dye
This classification of dye is extracted from the core/heartwood of a Mexican tree (Hematoxylin Campechianum)
Where is Hematoxylin extracted from?
Core/heartwood of a mexican tree known us Hematoxylin campechianum
For a hematoxylin dye to ripen or oxidize, it should be?
Exposed to air and sunlight or to strong oxidizing agent.
What are the types of Aluminum Hematoxylin?
Sodium iodate (Ehrlich’s)
Mercuric chloride (Harris’)
Alcoholic iodine (Cole’s)
Sodium iodate (Mayer’s)
For this dye, the tissues are subjected to acid decalcification and acidic tissues
Sodium iodate (Ehrlich’s)
For this dye it is used for routine nuclear staining, exfoliative cytology, and staining sex chromosomes.
Mercuric chloride (Harris’)
For this dye, this is used for routine purposes especially in sequence to celestine blue
Alcoholic iodine (Cole’s)
This dye is used for cytoplasmic glycogen
Sodium iodate (Mayer’s)
What are the types of Iron hematoxylin?
Ferric ammonium chloride (Weigert’s)
Ferric ammonium sulfate (Heidenhain’s)
This classification of iron hematoxylin is used for muscle fibers and connective tissues.
Ferric ammonium chloride (Weigert’s)
This classification of iron hematoxylin is used for nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions (chromatin. chromosomes, nucleoli, centromes, mitochondria) , voluntary muscle striations and myelin
Ferric ammonium sulfate (Heidenhain’s)
What is the classification of phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin?
1% aq. phosphotungstic acid
This dye is used for nuclei, fibrin, muscle striations, myofibrils, fibroglia, collagen, bone, cartilage, paraffin, celloidin and frozen section.
1% aq. phosphotungstic acid
This dye is used for demonstration of spermatogenesis
Copper hematoxylin
This dye is extracted from a female cochineal bug (coccus cacti)
Cochineal dyes
where is cochineal dye extracted?
Female cochineal bug known as coccus cacti
Cochineal dye is treated with _______ to produce ________.
This dye is a vegetable dye from lichens treated with ammonia and exposed to air
Orcein dye is from __________?
Orcein dye
For staining elastic fibers: ________.
Dark brown
Synthetic dyes are ___________ or ___________.
Coal tar dyes or aniline dyes
Synthetic dyes
Auxochromes: ___________
Dye: __________________
Produces color
Promotes color retention
Chromophore + auxochrome
Acid dyes: Picric acid
________________: Methylene blue
Neutral dyes: ____________,Giemsa,____________
Basic dyes
What are the types of oil soluble dyes?
Sudan Black B
Sudan IV (Scharlach R)
Sudan III
This oil soluble dye is the most sensitive and it stains phospholipids and neutral lipids
Sudan black B
What is the color of Sudan Black B?
This oil soluble dye is recommended for staining neutral lipids
Sudan IV (Scharlach R)
What is the color of Sudan IV ( Scharlach R)?
This oil soluble dye is the first to be introduced and it is used for fat stain for CNS tissues.
Sudan III
What is the color of Sudan III when used?
What are the other non-Lysochrome Lipid stain
Oil Red O
Osmic acid
This dye is used for neutral fats and lipofuchsin (brilliant red)
Oil Red O
This dye is used to stain lipids black
Osmic Acid