LESSON 2: FIXATION (2) Flashcards
white precipitate due to prolonged storage
what can removed paraformaldehyde?
10% methanol
▪ central nervous tissues and general post-mortem tissues for histochemical examination
▪ ideal with most stains including silver impregnation
▪ duration of fixation: more than 24 hours (slow fixative)
10% Formol-Saline
▪ preservation and storage of surgical, post-mortem and research specimens
▪ best fixative for frozen sections
▪ best fixative for iron pigments and elastic fibers
10% Neutral Buffered Formalin
▪ routine post-mortem tissues
▪ for lipids, especially neutral fats and phospholipids
▪ no need for washing-out
▪ used to fix sputum
▪ for the demonstration of immunoperoxidase activity
Alcoholic Formalin
▪ made up of two formaldehyde residues linked by three carbon chains
▪ used in conjunction with osmium tetroxide
▪ Fixation time: 1⁄2 hour to 2 hours
✓ most common metallic fixative
✓ tissue photography
✓ tissues contain black precipitates of mercury (except Susa)
Mercuric Chloride
fixing small pieces of liver, spleen, connective tissues fibers and nuclei
Zenker’s Fluid
pituitary gland, bone marrow and blood containing organs
for tumor biopsies
Heidenhain’s Susa Solution
for bone marrow biopsies
B-5 Fixative
preserves carbohydrates
Chromic Acid
preserves lipids and mitochondria
Potassium Dichromate
demonstration of chromatin, mitochondria, mitotic figures, Golgi bodies, RBC and colloid-containing tissues
Regaud’s Fluid
✓ study of early degenerative processes and tissue necrosis
✓ demonstrates Rickettsia and other bacteria
Orth’s Fluid
demonstration of acid mucopolysaccharides
Lead Fixatives
Picric acid is soluble to?
fixation of embryos and pituitary biopsies
Bouin’s Solution
fixative for glycogen
Brasil’s Alcoholic Picroformol Fixative
fixation of nucleoproteins
Preserves but does not “fix” glycogen granules
95 % Ethanol
For dry and wet smears, blood and bone marrow samples
for touch preparations
Isopropyl alcohol (95%)
▪ most rapid fixative
▪ for chromosomes, lymph glands, urgent biopsies and brain tissue for the diagnosis of rabies
Carnoy’s fluid
demonstration of mucopolysaccharides and nucleoproteins
Permanently fixes fats and recommended for fixing nuclear structures
Flemming’s (chrome-osmium HAc)
For cytoplasmic structures
Flemming’s w/o acetic acid
may also be used as a weak decalcifying agent
✓ use at cold temperature (-5 to 4
✓ fixation of brain tissues for rabies diagnosis